عنوان ژورنال
Iranian Journal of Medical Physics
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت
- ناشر :دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد
شماره Special Issue-12th. Iranian Congress of Medical Physics تاریخ انتشار 2018-12-01
- Multifunctional MIL-S─CUR@FC nanoparticles: a targeted theranostic agent for magnetic resonance imaging and tumor targeted delivery of curcumin
- Public exposure to natural radiation sources (Ramsar Case Study)
- Patient absorbed dose comparison in CT and Stereoradiography (EOS) imaging during lower limb torsion evaluation using in-vivo and in-vitro dosimetry methods
- Comparison of entrance skin dose in the hip region in the imaging of the lower extremity by CT scan and EOS
- Effect of BTS on the quality of sleep and life of nearby residents
- Designing and developing an in-house CCD based optical CT scanner for gel dosimetry
- Radiation dose of Pediatrics in a general hospital in comparison to a pediatrics hospital
- Fricke Gel Dose Indicators Applicable for Blood Irradiators
- Calculating Contra-Lateral Breast’s Absorption Dose in Different Radiotherapy Methods of Large Breasts Cancer
- Calculation the accumulated dose in the heart and its effect on other human organs by using experimental mouse data and the MCNPX code for FDG
- Development of a Phase Space Generator software for Medical Linear Accelerator Applications
- Multifunctional GQDs-Coated Fe/Bi Nanohybrids for CT/MR Dual Imaging and in vitro Photothermal Therapy
- Non-invasive quantification of liver fat content by different Gradient Echo MRI sequences in patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
- Experimental evaluation of thermal stability of PS- MWCNT nanocomposite as a real-time dosimeter
- EPID in vivo Dosimetry
- Calculating weighting factors for mixing megavoltage photon beams to achieve desirable dose distribution in Radiotherapy
- Skin in vivo Dosimetry in Radiotherapy
- The Relationship between the Different Prostate Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Techniques and Patient’s Anatomical Parameters
- Dosimetric comparison of conventional and field-in-field techniques in early stage breast cancer radiotherapy
- Radioiodination of a natural toxin (ICD-85) for fighting cancer
- A Specific Patient Quality Assurance (PSQA) procedure for a Co-60 source based High Dose Rate Brachytherapy
- Respiratory motion correction in prostate cancer positron emission tomography: A study on patients and phantom simulation
- Localization of electron virtual SSD in a Siemens-Primus linear accelerator: Comparison of measurements with Monte Carlo simulation
- Evaluation of dose distribution and dose gradient in brachytherapy cylindrical applicators using a dedicated Phantom for Iridium-192 and Cobalt-60 HDR sources
- Automatic Segmentation of the Gross Tumor Volume in Prostate Carcinoma Using Fuzzy Clustering in Gallium-68 PSMA PET/CT Scan
- A local study on diagnostic reference levels estimation for children computed tomography
- Evaluating variation of Hot Spot Location in order to radiobiological calculation of Organ at Risk in High-dose- rate Brachytherapy of Cervical Cancer
- Assessment of Diffusion Anisotropy of White Matter in Areas of the Brain with crossing fibers: A simulation study
- Assessment of two different dose distribution algorithms (Clarkson and Superposition) in PCRT3D treatment planning system for Esophagus Cancer by using 3DCRT technique
- A Microdosimetry model of kidney for nephrotoxicity due to internal radiation therapy
- Generating the synthetic CT (sCT) and synthetic MR (sMR: sT1w/sT2w) images of the brain using atlas based method
- Evaluation of Thyroid Gland Irradiation in Women with Breast Cancer during Radiotherapy with different Radiation Energies at Supraclavicular Region
- Optimization of the brain tumor MR images classification accuracy using the optimal threshold, PCA and training ANFIS with different repetitions
- Comparison and evaluation of dosimetric and radiobiological parameters in two different treatment plans in stomach cancer by use of 3D CRT
- Evaluation of methods of co-segmentation on PET/CT images of lung tumor: simulation study
- Optimum neutron energy simulation in treatment of head and neck cancer at different depths in the BNCT method
- Comparison between MRS and DWI in MRI of breast cancer
- Measurement of the correlation coefficients between extracted features from CT and MR images
- The Role of Dephasing in the Assessment of DMRI through Langevin Equation Approach
- Verification of MRI MAGAT polymer gel dosimetry in clinical radiotherapy applications
- Measurement of the Adsorbed Radiation Dose to Eyelens During CT Scan and Radiotherapy of Nasopharynx Cancer
- Measuring the Nitroglycerine-Induced Vasodilation in Carotid Arteries
- Use of Apoptotic Biomarkers to Predict Response to Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients
- Breast Radiation Protection in Coronary Angiography
- Residual DNA double strand breaks correlates with excess acute toxicity from radiotherapy
- Verification of delivered dose to the Lips carcinoma tumors with HDR brachytherapy sources: 192Ir and 60CO in an exclusive plexiglass Phantom.
- Synergetic Effects of the Combination of Gold Nanoparticles and Ultrasound Wave on HeLa Cells
- Unfolding X-ray spectrum in the diagnostic range using the Monte Carlo Code MCNP5
- Radiation- induced cognitive impairments
- Tinnitus Identification based on Brain Network Analysis of EEG Functional Connectivity
- Dosimetric pitfalls in the application of shielding disk in breast intraoperative electron radiation therapy
- The study of dose gamma rays of 192Ir source on DNA single strand break (SSB) and DNA double strand break (DSB) in soft tissue phantom
- Evaluation of the use of gold nanoparticle as contrast agent in electrical impedance imaging
- Dosimetric Evaluation of Dose calculation algorithms of Monaco Treatment Planning System in the heterogeneities area
- Effect of the combination of 6 MeV radiotherapy with hyperthermia and gold nanoparticles on the MCF-7 breast cancer cells
- Investigated the effect of near inferared laser on Folliculogenesis cycle and compared with Colomiphene effects in vivo condition in rat’s ovary
- Radiosensitization of breast cancer cells using AS1411 aptamer-conjugated gold nanoparticles
- Improvement ability of EIT for Thermal monitoring during Thermal Therapy by gold nanoparticles
- A prospective radiobiological study of acute esophagitis and swallowing dysfunction in head-and-neck radiotherapy
- Comparison of I-131, I-123 Absorbed Dose and Tc-99m in Thyroid Scanning Using MCNP Code in ORNL-MIRD Phantom
- Hadron Therapy in Iran: Patient Indication Estimation and Challenges Ahead
- Organ dose in kidney imaging with contrast media
- Measuring midline dose without build-up cap for patients with brain tumor undergoing 15MV external radiotherapy by using EBT3 Gafchromic film
- Assessment of The Relation Between Energy Of Primary Protons And Undesired Neutron Dose During Proton Therapy By Monte Carlo Method
- Evaluation of the simultaneous presence of aluminum chloride and 50 Hz magnetic field on the antioxidant capacity of blood hemoglobin and plasma in rat’s protective role of Myrtus plant
- Pulsed electromagnetic field at frequency and intensity resembling potassium ion cyclotron resonance selectively impairs breast cancer cell through apoptosis
- The Correlation between Cell Phone over Use and Aggression
- A feasibility study on the use of MV-CBCT images for urgent palliative treatment planning
- An easy method to create the better representative of patients with various body morphologies
- Radiation protection properties of Myrtus communis against oxidation caused by whole-body exposure of mice
- Measuring the Skyshine from Linear accelerator in Rajaee Oncology Hospital
- Image quality assessment in digital radiography systems- A Pehamed FLUORAD A+D phantom study
- The modeling of induced current density in eyes from static magnetic fields produce by MR scanner
- A study on the prevalence of hearing loss after head and neckradiotherapy with three-dimensionalconformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT)
- Calculating Reaction Rate of Positron Emitters During Proton Therapy Which Are Used In Online PET Scan by Monte Carlo Method
- Investigation of acoustic properties of silica coated gold nanoparticle as contrast agent for Ultrasonography
- Dose Reduction Methods in Chest Computed Tomography
- Measure and calculation the specific absorption rate due to 900MHz waves in the brain, skin, fat and bone tissues
- Investigation the potential of Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) to treat the lung cancer
- New Physical Approaches combined with nanoparticles in Leishmania major Treatment
- A study on the accuracy of motion tracking of thoracic tumors at radiotherapy with external surrogates
- Dual frequency ultrasound-enhanced tissue plasminogen activator thrombolysis in an in vitro human clot model
- Study of the therapeutic effect of fullerene nanoemulsion on wrinkle repair of C57BL6 mouse animal model with high frequency imaging
- Increased Absorption Dose with the Presence of Gold Nano particles in a Normoxic Polymer Gel: Method Monte Carlo
- Thyroid dose and dose reduction method from CT scan of head and neck
- The Comparison of the shares of stopping power in a soft tissue-equivalent material
- Radiothermotherapy for glioblastoma multiforme: A preliminary study
- Effect of the radiation field of view and angle in unconventional angiography on patient doses: a Monte Carlo simulation study using a voxelized phantom
- Quantification the dosimetric parameters of asymmetric physical wedged-6MV photon beam
- Hypopituitarism in adult patients with non-pituitary brain cancer following radiation therapy
- Combined Effects of 528 Hz Sound and X-ray in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes
- Paediatric Dose AssessmentToward Establishment of National Diagnostic Reference Levels for Digital Radiography Examinations in Iran
- Assessment of patients’ entrance skin and effective dose in a mathematical human phantom for the most common interventional radiological examinations
- Design and Fabrication Process of CT number Linearity and Homogeneity Phantom CT Scan
- Diagnosis of patients with Parkinson's disease using quantitative susceptibility mapping
- The Effect of FEW Scatter Correction Method in In-111 Imaging
- Construction of an Equivalent Chest Homogeneous Phantom for Evaluation of Image Quality in Pediatric Radiography
- Design and Fabrication Process of MTF Phantom CT Scan
- Evaluation of the accuracy of calculated dose with the EPL and ETAR algorithms using thorax CIRS phantom.
- Improvement of dose delivery with loading of tumor with gold nanoparticles in orthovoltage radiotherapy
- Blood Brain Barrier Disruption by Focused Ultrasound and Microbubbles: A Numerical Study on Mechanical Effects
- The effect of Ag NPs co-exposure with UVC irradiation on TK6 cells viability
- Calculation of wedged dose distributions using an analytical method
- Dose GRID increase the unwanted photoneutron dose to the patients in GRID therapy?
- Transcranial near-infrared phtobiomodulation causes anti-depressive and anti- anxiety effects in mice model of depression
- Design, Construction and Evaluation of an Anthropomorphic Head Phantom for Assessment of Image Distortion in Stereotactic Radiosurgery Planning Systems
- Dose distribution of protons and flux of secondary particles in breast proton therapy.
- Gamma Radiation Measurement due to Natural Radioactivity in Hot Water Spring of Behbahan
- The Effect of Panoramic Radiography on the Diagnosis of Lesions in Dentistry and Its Effect on Cumulative Dose
- The Evaluation of Radio-sensitivity Effect of Hydroxyapatite Nanopartical on MCF-7 and Fibroblast Cell Line
- Effect of gold nanoparticles on dose enhancement of 6 Mv X-rayin MAGIC_f polymer gel dosimeter
- Assessment of compliance levels of effective doses in pediatric CT
- Iron-gold (Fe2O3@Au) core-shell nano-theranostic for magnetically targeted photothermal therapy under magnetic resonance imaging guidance
- Laser safety importance in clinical laser applications
- stimate bowtie filter shape in PET/CT scan with TLD
- Enhancing and verification of dose in external radiation therapy using Gd nanoparticles as a theranostic agent: A Monte Carlo simulation study
- Analysis of the theory of thermal damage in biological tissues caused by Laser beam
- Photon Dosimetry Quality Audit of Radiotherapy Centers in Iran: SSDL's On-Site Visit Program During 2007-2017
- Cytotoxicity of 5-ALA-conjugated bismuth oxidenanoparticles on KB cell line
- A New Method for Estimating of Patient Effective Dose in Computed Tomography Based on Body Mass Index: Performance of the Method in Abdomen-Pelvic Examination
- Quantum mechanical proton range in human body
- Dosimetric and Radiobiological Evaluation of Multiparametric MRI-guided Dose Painting in radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer
- Magnetic hyperthermia and MRI relaxometry with dendrimer coated iron oxide nanoparticles
- Effect of magnetic fluid hyperthermia with dendrimer coated iron oxide nanoparticles on breast cancer in BALB/c mice
- Effect of dispersion state of the magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the thermal distribution in Hyperthermia
- Assessment of environmental high-doses using Raman spectroscopy of gamma irradiated MWCNT-OH Nanopowder utilized in radiation accidents
- Evaluation of X-Ray Absorption by Ointment Containing Bismuth Oxide Nanoparticles in Radiology Staff
- Evaluation of radiation protection principles and 10-day rule observance for women prone to pregnancy at imaging centers of S emnan University of medical sciences
- Development and Characterization of Synthetic Tissue- Equivalent Material for CT Imaging Applications
- Fabrication of New 3D Phantom for Measuring Geometric Distortion in Magnetic Resonance Imaging System
- Magnetic Graphene Oxide Nanocarrier as a drug delivery vehicle for MRI monitored magnetic targeting of rat brain tumors
- Formulation of temozolomide by folic acid-conjugated tri-block copolymer nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery
- Evaluation of Full scatter convolution algorithm based Treatment Planning System performance in the presence of inhomogeneities using three-dimensional film dosimetry
- Using Zirconium Borohydride as Neutron Shield in LINAC head
- Neutron Contamination Unexpected Dose in Varian LINAC
- Small field size dose-profile measurements: A comparison between Eclipse™ treatment planning system with NIPAM polymer gel dosimeter dose measurement
- Reduction of photon contamination in electron therapy of cancer with magnetic fields
- Evaluation of dosimetry a performance parameter for a homemade farmer-type ionization chamber according to IEC60731
- Radiolabeling and Biodistribution of new dual modality nanoparticle probe in Nuclear Medicine
- Review and Performance Comparison of Lead-Free Shields and Lead Shields, In Terms of Biological Effects in Nuclear Medicine by the Comet Method
- Determination of geometric accuracy of radiotherapy fields by port film and DRR using Matlab Graphical User Interface
- Commissioning the First Mobile Dedicated Accelerator for Intraoperative Electron Radiotherapy in Iran
- Statistical Review of Theses in Iran Public Universities in Medical Imaging Field
- Expression of phosphorylated histone H2AX in blood lymphocytes of patients undergoing angiographic procedures following exposure to X‐rays
- Influence of Compensator Thickness and Field Size on Buildup factor of a Brass Compensator for Intensity- Modulated Radiation Therapy
- Mega Voltage Cone Beam Computed Tomography (MV- CBCT) using a Standard Medical Linear Accelerator and EPID: A feasibility study.
- Fast System Matrix Calculation in CT Iterative Reconstruction
- Estimation of the thyroid secondary cancer risk on the patient of standard breast external beam radiotherapy
- Optical Imaging of the Motor Cortex in the Brain in Order to Determine the Direction of the Hand Movements Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
- Consideration of accurate dose distribution for Contura balloon catheter in breast brachytherapy with MCNP5 simulation
- A study on dosimetry accuracy of Strut-Adjust Volume Implant (SAVI) brachytherapy
- Monte Carlo investigation on precise dosimetry of HDR breast brachytherapy with Accuboost
- Optimization of an ultra-high-resolution rectangular pixelated parallel-hole collimator with a CZT pixelated semiconductor detector for HiRe-SPECT system
- Compare the organs at risk in breast-conserving three- dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) based on patient's breast size
- Total skin electron therapy (TSET): Monte Carlo Simulation and implementation
- The effect of incorporating the quantitative analysis besides visual assessments of 18F-FDG brain PET images for the localization of epileptogenic zones
- Capacitive Hyperthermia as an Alternative to Brachytherapy in Treatment of Human Prostate Cancer Cell
- The evaluation of slant hole collimator in myocardial perfusion SPECT: a simulation study
- Evaluation of Accuracy and Quality assurance of external beam therapy with photons
- Radiosensitization effect of ZnO nanoparticles in lung cancer cells at clinically relevant megavoltage energy
- Total Antioxidant Capacity level in Radiation Workers and other Staffs of Hospital in Sistan and Baluchestan Province
- Assessment of diagnostic value of DWI technique in the evaluation of liver fibrosis
- The effect of two different polymeric-coated magnetite nano-graphene oxide as 5-fluorouracil carrier and radiofrequency hyperthermia on colon cancer in vitro
- Investigation of physical penumbra definition in IMRT applications
- Synergistic effects of Radiofrequency Hyperthermia temperature rate with magnetic Graphene oxide nanoparticles drug targeting on CT26 colon cancer cell line
- Developing a mobile application for usual calculations of radiotherapy physics
- Comparing experimental assessment of the peripheral dose outside the applicator in electron beams of ELEKTA with Treatment planning system
- The plastic tray effect on the spectrum of photoneutrons prudused by 18 MV medical linac using the Monte Carlo method
- Computerize classification of Benign and malignant thyroid nodules by ultrasound imaging
- Evaluation of combination effects of radiotherapy, hyperthermia and curcumin on glioma spheroids
- Investigation of lung normal tissue doses in lung tumors radiation therapy using both gated and conventional radiotherapy
- Estimation of Mean Estimation of Mean Glandular Dose in Mammography Examination in some of Radiology Centers in Tehran city
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Prostate Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Using PRIMO Software: A Feasibility Study
- Gamma-ray shielding properties for silicate glasses containing Bi2O3, PbO, and BaO
- Dosimetry of Nano-Radio-Ytterbium Therapy by MIRD and MCNP methods for humans’ organs
- Texture analysis of the ovarian lesions by CT scan images
- Evaluation of Three-dimensional Treatment Planning System (TPS) performance in dose calculation of virtual wedged fields using film dosimetry
- Assessment of adaptive response of gamma radiation in the operating room personnel exposed to anesthetic gases by measuring the expression of Ku 80, Ligase1 and P53 genes
- Study of the Effect of Gamma Radiation on Plasma Levels of Copper and Manganese in Nuclear Medicine Staff
- Development of Prototype Iranian male pelvic phantom for internal dosimetry
- Automated Tumor Segmentation Based on Hidden Markov Classifier using Singular Value Decomposition Feature Extraction in Brain MR images
- The Impact of Hyperthermia in Radiosensitivity of Human Cervical Carcinoma Cell Line HeLa
- Radiation-induced bystander effect following hypo- fraction technique of grid therapy by use of sensitive molecular markers
- An artificial neural network to predict solar UV radiation in Tabriz
- Estimated ultraviolet exposure levels for a sufficient vitamin D status in northwestern Iran
- Ground Based Measurements of Solar UV Index in Tabriz
- Assessment of polymer composite reinforced with nanomaterial against ionizing radiation
- Prediction of solar ultraviolet intensity by using Fuzzy Logic in the north-west of Iran
- Comparison of three and four-field radiotherapy technique and the effect of laryngeal shield on vocal and spinal cord radiation dose in radiotherapy of non- laryngeal head and neck tumors
- Frequency of Congenital Renal Anomalies by Tc99m- DMSA Renal Scan in Children Referred to Birjand Nuclear Medicine Center
- Assessment of radiation dose distribution of different radioisotopes used to treatment of bone metastasis and pain relief patients in a bone model of foot
- The effect of cell phone radiation on blood and cancer Risk
- Core/Shell structured nanoparticles for imaging and therapy
- Mobile Phone Radiation exposure effects on Bax and Bcl-2 Genes Expression in hippocampal formation of mice brain
- Comparing of different normal tissue complication probability models for plan evaluation of radical radiotherapy for esophageal cancer
- Activation of Radioadaptive Response via Injected Serum of Irradiated Rats with Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation
- A free user friendly program for evaluation of radiotherapy plans based on different dose response models
- Assessment of Awareness, Performance, and Attitudes of Radiographers Toward Radiological Protective Principles in jahrom
- Iterative Approach for Automatic Beam Angle Selection in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Planning
- Consider potential of gold nanoparticles with proton therapy compared with KV and MEV X-ray therapy.
- The influence of neutron contamination on pacemaker in photon beam radiotherapy by LINAC using the Monte Carlo method
- Image-guided prostate radiotherapy: analysis of inter- fractional setup errors
- Radio-protective effects of Hesperidin against gamma radio-radio-protective effects of Hesperidin against gamma radiation induced histopathological changes in the liver of Sprague Dawely rats
- In vivo dosimetry of intraoral stent using TLD during external photon beam radiotherapy of oral cavity
- Comparison of three different techniques in parotid gland tumors using three dimensional conformal radiation therapy
- On Presentation of Optimal Treatment Plan in Radiotherapy of Parotid Cancer: A Comparison of Nine Techniques in Three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy
- Investigating The Role of Helium Bag On Electron Contamination Removal Using Beam NRC
- Clinical Medical Physicist Training Program at Reza Radiotherapy and Oncology Centre (RROC)
- Evaluation of a systemic change of Superficial X-ray tube characteristics
- Monte Carlo calculation of shielding parameters for fast neutrons in newly developed heavy concretes
- A study on needed or unneeded ReDosimetry and Recomissioning of a linac with Add on MLC by Comparing Dosimetric Data
- Comparison the treatment time of cobalt and iridium sources in HDR brachytherapy
- Camera based EPID dosimetric verification of radiation treatments
- Comparison of ScintSim1 and Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation codes for optical photon transport in thick segmented scintillator arrays
- Exploring the Possibility of Estimating Degree of Glioma Tumors by Measuring Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
- Automatic Classification of Benign And Malignant Liver Tumors In Ultrasound Images
- Usefulness of nanoparticles to making shield and protection of sensitive organs in chest CT scan test
- Evaluation of deformable image registration in HDR gynecological brachytherapy
- Evaluation of the gray level in CBCT systems and its relationship with HU in CT Scanners
- Comparison of two different methods for CTDIw calculation in CBCT systems
- The effect of Rectal Retractor, a rectal protector on rectal dose in radical prostate radiotherapy
- Treatment couch positioning uncertainties using an EPID-based method
- Analytical investigation of the practical range and deflection of megavoltage electron beam in the water phantom with the presence of magnetic field
- A New Theranostic System Based on Gd2O3 NPs coated Polycyclodextrin Functionalized Glucose for Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MMRI).
- Does short-term exposure to Wi-Fi waves affect the cognitive functions of the mind?
- Mathematical model creation for Reducing damages in basketball players
- Assessment of a cluster of gold nanoparticles effect on cell absorbed dose using the Geant4 toolkit
- Proof of Symmetric Dose Distribution in Mammosite Applicator in Breast Brachytherapy with MCNP Simulation
- Gold nanoparticle-induced sonosensitization enhances the antitumor activity of ultrasound in colon tumor-bearing mice
- Absorbed dose to peripheral organs during different methods of dental radiology using radiation estimation models
- Radiation Oncology Medical Physics Workload calculation: A Change in Current Workload
- Rabbit internal dosimetry for iodine-131 using GATE Monte Carlo simulation code: a preclinical trial
- Evaluating the efficacy of various therapeutic modalities in advanced esophageal cancer
- Measurement and comparison of head scatter factor for 9MV photon beam using the build-up cap and a columnar mini-phantom
- Evaluation of Occupational Radiation Dose in One Year for Operators Working in CT Scan Centers
- Artifact reduction techniques in Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) imaging modality
- Comparison between artificial neural network and radiobiological modeling for prediction of thyroid gland complications of after radiotherapy
- Kinetics of cell death triggered photothermally using folate-conjugated gold nanoparticles and various laser irradiation conditions in cancer cells
- Tumour radiobiology beyond fractionation
- Modulating effects of melatonin, vitamin C and saffron alone or in combination on radiation induced cell lethality; an in vitro study with Hela cells
- Machine learning based Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) Signals Recognition
- Comparison of dosimetric radiotherapy of whole left- breast cancer using conventional tangential wedge-based techniques (CTT) and three intensity modulation techniques (IMRT)
- Estimation of spinal loads using a detailed finite element model of the L4-L5 lumbar segment derived by medical imaging kinematics; a feasibility study
- Investigation of the dose enhancement effect due to gold nanoparticles at 18 MV radiotherapy using MAGIC-f and Monte Carlo methods Thoraco-Lumbar spinal cord fMRI in 3T Magnetic field
- Graphene Quantum Dots-Coated Bismuth Nanoparticles for X-ray CT Imaging-Guided Photothermal therapy of Cancer Cells
- Effects of low electromagnetic waves on thymus size, testis and body weight and therapeutic role of vitamin C in mice
- Design and Fabrication of a Four-Dimensional Respiratory Phantom for Studying Tumor Movement in Radiotherapy with Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- The Role of radiobiological parameters on Tumor control probability (TCP) in prostate cancer
- Effects of Arbutin on Radiation-Induced Micronuclei in Mice Bone Marrow Cells and Its Definite Dose Reduction Factor
- Evaluation of the effect of dental filling material on IMRT treatment planning in patient with nasopharyngeal cancer
- Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as a safe & Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as a safe & non-destructive method for monitoring of fruit & vegetable in postharvest period
- New electrical device for field coincidence quality control test in linear accelerators
- Evaluation of glandular dose in mammography in the presence of breast cyst using Monte Carlo simulation
- Statistical Analysis of Instantaneous Effect of Polarized He-Ne Laser Radiation on the Elastic Modulus of Soft Biological Tissue
- Proton Therapy of eye using MCNPX code
- Compare the organs at risk in breast-conserving three- dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) based on patient\'s breast size
- Optimization of a SPECT system for imaging of 90Y in liver using Monte Carlo method
- An Approach in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning: A Fast, GPU-Based Monte Carlo Method
- Carbon Nanotubes as Near Infrared Radiation (NIR) Molecules for Cancer treatment
- Optimization of tangential fields arrangement in the breast cancer 3D conformal radiation therapy
- Cabazitaxel antiproliferative mechanism of action in U87MG human glioblastoma cells: a promising cell-cycle phase-specific radiosensitizer
- Determination of Diagnostic Reference Level in routine Computed radiography examination in north of Iran
- Independent assessment of source transit time for the BEBIG SagiNova® high dose rate brachytherapy afterloader
- Conventional Voxel in Tomographic Reconstruction Based upon Plane-Integral Projections – Use It or Lose It?
- Evaluation the function of Sanandaj Tohid radiotherapy center in the treatment of glioma tumors using MRI during 2009-2016
- Effect of Physiological noise on Thoraco-Lumbar spinal cord fMRI in 3T Magnetic field
- Optimized co-registration method of Spinal cord MR Neuroimaging data analysis and application for generating multi-parameter maps
- Evaluation of Sensory Pathways in Spinal Cord by Comparison of fMRI Methodologies
- Small field size dose-profile measurements using MAGIC- f polymer gel dosimeter and EBT3 film dosimeter
- Study of cancer cells response row K562 to Low-Dose- Beta irradiation and determination of absorbed dose using Monte Carlo method
- Calculation of air gaps between bolus and skin on the dose received from the skin
- Calculation the phantom scatter factor for the linear accelerators device
- Detection of Glioblastoma Multiforme Tumor in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Based on Support Vector Machine
- Validation of treatment planning system using simulation PRIMO code.
- Investigation of dosimetric characteristic of NIPAM polymer gel using x-ray CT
- Brain Activity Map Extraction from Multiple Sclerosis Patients Using Resting-State fMRI Data Based on Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations and Regional Homogeneity Analysis
- Brain Activity Map Extraction of Neuromyelitis Optica Patients Using Resting-State fMRI Data Based on Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations and Regional Homogeneity Analysis
- The effect of exposed to radiofrequencry emitted from jammer on the spatial memory
- Quality assurance prusedore in high dose rate bracythrapy
- Epileptic seizure detection based on The Limited Penetrable visibility graph algorithm and graph properties
- Investigation of Freedom-Degrees impact on Modulation of Radiation
- Microdosimetry study of a multicellular model with mono-energetic electrons using Geant4-DNA simulation toolkit
- Evaluation of Organ Specific peripheral dose for Gamma knife 4C based on Monte Carlo
- A quantitative investigation on lung tumor site on its motion tracking in radiotherapy with external surrogates
- Commissioning and early experience with a new generation low-energy linear accelerator in zahedan
- Study of radio protective effect of Thymus vulgaris essential oil against ionizing radiation on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)
- Quality enhancement of Pelvis electronic portal images in order to improve treatment accuracy
- Investigating antimicrobial effect of Zataria extracts produced by ultrasound on salmonella typhimurium
- Dosimetric Parameters Estimation of I-125 Brachytherapy Source in fat phantom using GATE8.0 code
- A study on the esophageal cancer radiotherapy effects on the patient’s lung health
- cardiac damage in left breast cancer patients
- Evaluation of Testis functioning during Pelvic Radiotherin the presence of testis lead shield
- The role of relative cerebral blood volume obtained from Perfusion Weighted Imaging-MRI in glioma tumor grading before surgery
- Evaluation of incidence of intestinal complications during radiation therapy in two supine and prone positions in patients with rectal cancer
- Role of Apparent diffusion coefficient value in Diffusion Weighted imaging of MRI to assessment of radiotherapy efficiency in the patient with glioma tumor during treatment
- Respiratory motion effect on tumor and normal tissue doses in patients with lung cancer, treated with Intensity Modulation Radiation Therapy and Three Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy.
- Gold nanoparticles as a radio-sensitizer of colon cancer cells at high megavoltage energies: An In-Vitro study
- Investigation of neutron flux by thermoluminescence dosimeters in the neutron-gamma mixed field
- The importance of the optimal volume in the treatment of locally recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma; brachytherapy or stereotactic radiotherapy?
- Prediction of the response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation by spectral powers of prefrontal regions of brain.
- Gold nanoparticles can induce more apoptosis and double strand breaks on HT-29 cells irradiated by 18 MV photons
- Evaluation of the effective dose during PBFT for brain cancer: A Monte Carlo Study
- Fabrication of anthropomorphic phantoms for use in total body photon irradiation and total skin electron irradiation studies
- Determination of the flux of a neutron radioisotope source through gold activation method
- Title Design of light element analysis system in BNCT and every NCT
- Alterations in Hippocampal Functional Connectivity in patients with Mesial Temporal Sclerosis
- Assessment of secondary neutron dose due to dental restorations in head and neck radiation therapy
- Wavelet Transformation
- Calculation of absorbed dose rate in the lungs, ribs and skin by the mammosite applicator in breast cancer brachytherapy with MCNP
- Advanced quantitative MRI radiomics features for recurrence prediction in glioblastoma multiform patients
- Evaluation of the efficacy of hysterosalpingography test for the removal of fallopian tube obstruction and infertility treatment in women in Sistan and Baluchestan province
- Comparative Study between Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) and Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for Radiation Treatment Verifications
- Assessment the effect of CT localizer parameter on radiation dose and image quality of GE CT spiral images, A phantom study
- Evaluation of Patients’ effective dose in nuclear medicine department of Isfahan in order to define a local reference level
- Estimating the radiation dose of non-radiation workers from nuclear medicine patients
- Effect of replacing cochlea contour with inner ear contour on cochlea dose-volume calculations in conventional 2 dimensional and conformal 3 dimensional radiotherapy of brain
- A statistical model for prediction of radiation induced sensorineural hearing loss in radiotherapy of brain
- Mechanical performance of three-dimensional bio- nanocomposite scaffolds designed with digital light processing for biomedical applications
- The microscopic dose enhancement factor measurment of bismuth nanoparticles in external radiation therapy using MRI polymer gel dosimetery
- Designing Optimal Bias Voltage for Radiotherapy Diamond Dosimeter
- Evaluation of radiation protection principles observance in radiology departments of Semnan University of medical sciences
- Determination of an Effective Wedge Angle by Combination of Two Arbitrary Universal Wedge Fields in Radiation Therapy of Cancer Patients with Megavoltage Photon Beams.
- Discrepancies in dose distributions due to age- dependent bone electron density in pediatric MRI-only treatment planning: A Monte Carlo study
- Comprehensive TLD dosimetry of physicians and patients during interventional angiography procedures to estimate the risk of radiation deterministic effect
- The effect of CT contrast agents on treatment planning and dose calculation in radiation therapy of pelvis cancers
- Evaluation of dose distribution of 12C ion beam in radiotherapy by FLUKA as a Monte Carlo simulation Code
- Prostate cancer radiomics: A study on IMRT response prediction based on MR image features and machine learning approaches
- Evaluating the doismetric characteristics of some beta- emitter radionuclides for skin lesions irradiation
- Radiomics modelling of IMRT induced acute rectal toxicity using clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features
- Investigate Change Cardiac Perfusion Pattern Following By Hypo-fractionated and Conventional Radiation Therapy Schedule in Patients with Left-Sided Breast Cancer
- Comparison of two radiation techniques in breast boost delivery
- Evaluation of CorePlanTM treatment planning system for 6 and 15 MV photon irradiation
- Comparison of radiotherapy techniques to reduce hematologic toxicity in whole pelvic radiation therapy
- Microdosimetry: experimental methods and medical applications
- Determination of therapeutic standard field for cancer patients including the medical megavoltage accelerator jaws movement.
- Histogram analysis- a useful tool for tissue characterization in brain CT
- An iterative method to estimate x-ray attenuation coefficients in computed tomography
- The role of dose fractionation in the level of Radiation- Induced Bystander Effect in QU-DB Cells
- Determination of internal absorbed dose from radiation of 111In-Rituximab in body
- The effect of gold nanoparticles on dose enhancement factor of human intestinal colon cancer HT-29 cells
- Investigating the synergistic effects of gold nanoparticles and electroporation in sensitization of human intestinal colon cancer HT-29 cells to 6MV photon beam
- Measurement of Entrance Skin Dose and Effective Dose in The most Common Diagnostic radiology Examinations in Jiroft, Iran
- Evaluation of effect of gold nanorods and spherical gold nanoparticles of different sizes on X-ray attenuation in computed tomography
- Evaluation of multifunctional targeted gold nanoparticles on X-ray attenuation in nasopharyngeal cancer cells by X- ray imaging
- Evaluation putty metal as internal shield for patient protection of electron therapy by Monte Carlo study
- Radiolabeling the Peptides extracted from Scorpion venom (ICD-85) with 99mTc as treatment and imaging agent for cancer
- Evaluating the performance of a 3D PLA buildup bolus in breast intraoperative radiotherapy.
- The effect of melatonin on Superoxide dismutase and Glutathione peroxidase activity, and Malondialdehyde levels in the targeted and the non-targeted lung and heart tissues after irradiation in xenograft mice colon cancer
- A method for range calculation of proton in liquid water: Validation study using Monte Carlo method and NIST data
- Monte Carlo calculation of proton ranges in water phantom for therapeutic energies
- Statistical uncertainty estimation in the calculation of the proton range in water phantom.
- Study the effect of source to diaphragm distance (SDD) on beam penumbra width of Gamma Knife machine model 4C using Monte Carlo simulation
- Investigating Indoor Radon Concentration Using CR-39 Detector; a Case Study of Gachin Dwellings in Hormozgan
- Assessment of a 2D EPID-based Dosimetry Algorithm for Pre-treatment and In-vivo Midplane Dose Verification
- Interpretation of In-air Output Ratio of Wedged Fields in Different Measurement Conditions
- Dose-volume Analysis of Heart and Lung during 3D Planning of Tangential Breast Cancer Irradiation
- Effect of Material and Wall Thickness Buildup Caps on the Head ScatterFactor Measurements in Irregular Fields Shielded by Cerrobend
- Rn- 222 Concentration and Gamma Dose Rate Measurements in the Vicinity of Hot Springs in Kerman Province, Southeastern, Iran.
- Application of Artificial Neural Networks in a Two-step Classification for Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Diagnosis by Blood Lamella Images
- Effective Source-Surface Distance in Various Field Sizes and Electron Beam Energies and its Effect on Cutout Factor in a Elekta Precise Linear Accelerator
- AS1411 Aptamer Conjugated Gold Nanoclusters as a Targeted Radiosensitizer for Megavoltage Radiation Therapy of 4T1 Breast Cancer Cells
- Comparison between two different methods used for IMRT plans QA of Prostate cancer
- Measurement Of Scatter Factors For Small Photon Fields Using Gaf chromic EBT2 Film
- The effect of high energy photon beam in dose- volume parameters and integral dose of normal structures in Head and neck IMRT
- An investigation of the effect of hyperthermia using iron and magnetic nanoparticles in cancer treatment
- dimensional film dosimetry with GAFCHROMIC films for quality assurance and dosimetric verification of 3D conformal radiotherapy in the presence of heterogeneities
- Investigating of relationship between the parameters related to the treatment planning and the biological parameters in radiation induced pneumonitis in breast cancer patients
- DNA Damages on Blood Cells After Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- The comparison between 6 MV Primus LINAC simulation output using EGSnrc and commissioning data
- Image Optimization and reduction of radiation dose in CT of the paranasal sinuses
- Strategy of computed tomography image optimization in cervical vertebra and neck soft tissue in emergency patients
- Assessment of Effect Technical Directional Bremsstrahlung Splitting (DBS) on Spectra and Parameters of Simulation with Monte carlo Method BEAMnrc Code (Study Monte Carlo)
- Synthesized Gd2O3 nanoparticles as contrast agent
- Brain metabolites Associated with Common Clinical Symptoms of multiple sclerosis patients Using MagneticResonance Imaging
- Evaluation of 226Ra activity concentration in market consuming food staples of Ramsar, Iran
- An investigation into the photothermal effects of multi- functional gold coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles in the presence of external magnetic field and NIR laser irradiation on model of melanoma cancer cell line B16F10 in C57BL/6 mice
- Linearity response characterization of Polystyrene/ Graphene oxide nanocomposite as real-time dosimeter for therapeutic purposes
- Low intensity ultrasound mechanical index as a parameter affecting of ability of proliferation and collagene type 1 expression of cells
- The Feasibility of Thyroid Treatment with 99mTc Radiopharmaceuticals and Stable Iodine as Contrast Agent Using MCNP Simulation Code
- Benchmarking of Monte Carlo model of 6 Mv photon beam produced by Siemens Oncor® linear accelerator: determination of initial electron beam parameters in comparison with measurement
- Estimate bowtie filter shape in PET/CT scan with TLD
- Physical characteristics of electron beam from conventional and beam shaper IOERT applicator: A comparison study
- In-vitro study of Radioprotection Effects of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles in Exposure to MRC-5 Fibroblastic Cell lines with 6MV Photon Beams Using MTT Assay
- Optimization of condition for Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles dispersion as radioprotective agent in deionized water
- Calculation of Neutron Dose Ratio of Heart, Lung and Liver due to breast cancer Proton Therapy using MCNPX code
- Design of Small Animal Computed Tomography Imaging for in vitro and in vivo Studies
- Determination of Dosimetric characteristics of a New 192Ir-PDR Brachytherapy Source According to AAPM TG- 43 Protocol using Monte Carlo simulation technique
- Assessment of patient entrance skin dose (ESD) and effective dose (ED) for the most common interventional radiological exams at Mazandaran hospital
- Assessment and Comparison of Homogeneity and Conformity Indexes in Step-and-Shoot, Compensator-Based Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D CRT) in Prostate Cancer
- Investigating the effects of different kernels used for CT image reconstruction on dose distributions in treatment planning of kidney cancer radiotherapy
- The evaluation of change in attenuation coefficient of cerrobend block used for radiation protection of healthy tissues in megavoltage photon radiation therapy after multiple melting
- Energy and field size dependence of a silicon diode designed for small-field dosimetry
- Evaluation of gene expression of MLH1 and MSH2 between inhabitants of High Background Radiation Areas in Ramsar, Iran
- Comparing different techniques of Post Axillary field in Breast Cancer Treatment
- Breast dose in conventional and digital mamography
- Intermittent low dose irradiation enhances the effectiveness of radio-therapy for human breast adenocarcinoma cell line MDA–MB–231
- Primary efforts to optimize image quality in chest direct digital radiography of pediatric patient (for the age group 0 to 1 and 1 to 5 years) with survey some effective parameters in image quality and patient dose
- Effect of Hyperthermia on self-renewality of prostate cancer stem cells
- Effect of Radiation on self-renewality of prostate cancer stem cells.
- Comparison of Absorbed Dose in Thyroid and Lens as Organs at Risk Between in vivo Dosimetry and 3-D Treatment Planning Calculation in Head and Neck Radiotherapy by Linac Beam
- Enhancement of radio sensitization by gold-silica shell- core nanoparticle in MCF7 breast cancer cells
- Relative brightness due to temperature changes with ultrasound image analysis during Radiofrequency ablation
- Change of Hemoglobin Concentration with nano particles can predict breast cancer using near infrared source?
- In vivo evaluation of the combination effect of near- infrared laser and PLGA polymer containing 5- fluorouracil – loaded Nano-graphene oxide
- Impact of region of interest size and location in Gafchromic film dosimetry
- Exploratory analysis of using supervised machine learning in [18F] FDG PET/CT images to predict treatment response in patients with metastatic and recurrent Brest tumors
- In vitro study of radiosensitization of PLGA-SPION nanoparticles loaded with Gemcitabine
- Pseudo-CT Generation from Magnetic Resonance Imaging by fuzzy look up table algorithm
- Recent Advances in PET-MR Hybrid contrast agent
- (SPION-PLGA) ±PEG nanoparticles loaded with Gemcitabine as a multifunctional nanoparticle for therapeutic and diagnostic applications
- Study of multifunctional PLGA-SPION nanoparticles loaded with Gemcitabine as radiosensitizer
- The Investigation of Absorbed Dose in Gastroesophageal Reflax Imaging Procedure in Children and Neonates
- Determination of the Effect of Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy by using dual frequency in the presence of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Encapsulated Porphyrin in the Treatment of Adenocarcinoma
- Measure the concentration of radon in fresh milk and compare it with radon values in samples of pasteurized milk
- Feasibility of using Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit in volumetric studies to accurate diagnosing of vascular emboli by Extended NURBS-based Cardiac-Torso phantom
- Effective dose assessment in body organs after injection of 131I-MIBG
- Pretreatment quality control of single isocenter half- beam treatment planning technique using an amorphous silicon electronic portal-imaging device (EPID)
- Investigating the effects of glaucomatous (POAG) damage on the mVEP parameters
- Comparison of forward intensity modulated radiation therapy and two field tangential wedged beam techniques in radiotherapy of breast cancer: dosimetric and radiobiologic study
- Comparison between field-in-field technique and the use of conventional wedges for treatment planning of esophageal cancer
- The Bystander Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation and Silver Nanoparticles on the H2AX gene expression in TK6 Cells
- Advantages and disadvantages of removed flattening filter Linac: A Monte Carlo study on full quantitative dosimetric data of 18 MV-Varian Linac
- Metal Artifact Reduction of Dental Fillings in Head and Neck CT Images
- Evaluation of the Observance of Radiation Protection Principles in Dentistry Centers in Kermanshah province (West Iran)
- Integrating fMRI data into 3D conventional radiotherapy treatmentplanning of brain tumors
- Optimization of Bremsstrahlung imaging in Yttrium internal radiation therapy
- Positional changes in parotid glands during head and neck radiation therapy
- In vivo dose verification using using an amorphous silicon flat panel-type imager (a-Si EPIDs)
- The dosimetry assessment of Varian Linear Accelerators of 6, 15 and 20 MV by Monte Carlo Method
- Comparison of different TBI techniques in terms of dose homogeneity
- Evaluation of organs at risk dose in the left breast IOERT procedures whit and without shielding disc using monte carlo simulation
- The protective effects of melatonin on blood cells of rectal cancer patients following radiation therapy; a randomized controlled trial
- Evaluation of Iridium_192 radioisotope dosimeter calculations for vascular Brachiotherapy
- Investigation of dose distribution 252Cf Isotron brachytherapy source based on TG-43U1 protocol by Monte Carlo method
- Design and manufacturing a CTDI pediatric phantom for CT dosimetry using TLD, ion chambers, and gel dosimetry
- Designed free-lead composite shields for diagnostic medicine radiation fields by using MCNPX code
- Investigation of dose distribution 252Cf Isotron brachytherapy source based on TG-43U1 protocol by Monte Carlo method.
- Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) modeling and validation of quantitative analysis of normal tissue effects in the clinic (QUANTEC) guideline using quality of life questionnaire for parotid gland during head and neck radiotherapy
- Review of mechanisms and recent advances in cancer photo thermal therapy
- The Effect of Folic Acid-Conjugated Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in The Radiosensitization of Human Cervical Carcinoma Cell Line at Clinical Electron energies (6MeV)
- Chest-wall irradiation by kilovoltage x-rays: Observed local control rate versus predicted radiobiological tumor control probability
- Evaluation of the Bystander effect caused ultrasound waves on the MCF-7 cell line
- Evaluation of a fast method of EPID-based dosimetry for IMRT and Comparison with 3D EPID-based dosimetry system using conventional two- and three-dimensional detectors for VMAT
- Assessment of out-of-field dose calculation algorithm by commercial treatment planning systems in IMRT and 3DCRT
- Beam characteristic of P.E collimators Add-on multileaf collimator
دوره 16
دوره 15
- شماره Special Issue-12th. Iranian Congress of Medical Physics2018-12-01
- شماره 42018-10-01
- شماره 32018-07-01
- شماره 22018-04-01
- شماره 12018-01-01
دوره 11
- شماره 42014-12-01
- شماره Issue 2,32014-08-01
- شماره 12014-03-01
دوره 6
- شماره Issue 3,42009-12-01
- شماره 22009-06-01
- شماره 12009-03-01
دوره 5
- شماره Issue 3,42008-12-01
- شماره Issue 1,22008-06-01
دوره 4
- شماره Issue 3,42007-12-01
- شماره Issue 1,22007-06-01
دوره 3
- شماره 12006-03-01