عنوان ژورنال
International Journal of Engineering
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- ناشر :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
شماره 10 تاریخ انتشار 2018-10-01
- Fabrication of (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene/Poly Ethylene Glycol) Nanofiltration Membrane: the Effect of PEG Concentration and Operating Conditions on Membrane Performance
- Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System Prediction of Zn Metal Ions Adsorption by γ-Fe2o3/Polyrhodanine Nanocomposite in a Fixed Bed Column
- An Effective Method for Utility Preserving Social Network Graph Anonymization Based on Mathematical Modeling
- Study and Analysis of A Simple Self Cascode Regulated Cascode Amplifier
- Detecting Fake Websites Using Swarm Intelligence Mechanism in Human Learning
- A Hierarchy Topology Design Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
- A Secure Routing Algorithm for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
- A New High Frequency Grid Impedance Estimation Technique for the Frequency Range of 2 to150 kHz
- FPGA-based of Thermogram Enhancement Algorithm for Non-destructive Thermal Characterization
- A New Structure for Direct Measurement of Temperature Based on Negative Temperature Coefficient Thermistor and Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System
- Improvement Performances of Active and Reactive Power Control Applied to DFIG for Variable Speed Wind Turbine Using Sliding Mode Control and FOC
- Iterative Weighted Non-smooth Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Face Recognition
- Investigation on Equivalent Trans-utilization Mode and Benefit of Wind Energy
- A Collaborative Stochastic Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Design for Tire Industry
- Integrated Order Batching and Distribution Scheduling in a Single-block Order Picking Warehouse Considering S-Shape Routing Policy
- A Lagrangian Relaxation-based Algorithm to Solve a Home Health Care Routing Problem
- Characteristics of PANi/rGO Nanocomposite as Protective Coating and Catalyst in Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Counter Electrode Deposited on AISI 1086 Steel Substrate
- Assessment of Particle-size and Temperature Effect of Nanofluid on Heat Transfer Adopting Lattice Boltzmann Model
- Experimental Investigation of Surface Roughness and Kerf Width During Machining of Blanking Die Material on Wire Electric Discharge Machine
- Analytical Investigation of Tire-Road Contact Characteristics for Wheelchair Robots Safely Running
- Probability Approach for Prediction of Pitting Corrosion Fatigue Life of Custom 450 Steel
- Investigation of Different Validation Parameters of Micro Gas Turbine for Range Extender Electric Truck
- Improvement of Efficiency of Coal-Fired Steam Power Plant by Reducing Heat Rejection Temperature at Condenser Using Kalina Cycle
- Numerical Simulation of Fiber-reinforced Concrete under Cyclic Loading using Extended Finite Element Method and Concrete Damaged Plasticity
- Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Beams Subjected to Pure Torsion
- A Parametric Study on Improved Reduced Beam Section Connections with Post-tensioning to Enhance Seismic Resilience
- A New Approach for Seismic Damage Detection Based on Results of Pushover Analysis and Modal Based Damage Index
- Measuring and Benchmarking the Quality Culture Maturity of Construction Companies in Indonesia
- Challenges and Prospects of Widespread Adoption of Pozzolans for Building Construction: A Statistical Assessment
- Evaluation of Steel Fiber Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Made of Recycled Materials
- A Fault Tolerant Operation of 3-Phase, 5-Level CHBMLI under Open Circuit Fault Conditions
- Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Frozen Soils Using Response Surface Method: An Optimization Approach
- The Comparison of Punching Shear Capacity in Solid and Void Two-Way Slabs on Soil Substrate in Relation to Spring Stiffness Changes
- New Steel Divergent Braced Frame Systems for Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Frames
- In-depth Investigation of Project Planning and Control Software Package Application in the Construction Industry of Iran
- A Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Design Problem in Copper Industry
- Influence of Geological and Technological Parameters on Effectiveness of Hydrochloric Acid Treatment of Carbonate Reservoirs
- Experimental Investigation of Spur Gear Tooth Crack Location and Depth Detection using Short-time Averaging Method and Statistical Indicators
- Investigation of Vibration Modes of Double-lap Adhesive Joints: Effect of Slot
- Projectiles Optimization: A Novel Metaheuristic Algorithm for Global Optimization
- A Multilayer Motion Direction Based Model for Tracking Vehicles at Intersections
- A Multi-objective Sustainable Medicine Supply Chain Network Design Using a Novel Hybrid Multi-objective Metaheuristic Algorithm
- Seamless Transition in Grid-connected Microgrid System using Proportional Resonant Controller
- Co-TiO2 Nanoparticles as the Reinforcement for Fe Soft Magnetic Composites with Enhanced Mechanical and Magnetic Properties via Pulse Electrodeposition
- Numerical Investigation of Nonlinear Oscillations and Compression-Only Behavior of a Coated Microbubble Near an Elastic Wall
- An Adaptively-damped Compressible-liquid Model for Non-cavitating Hydraulic Surges
- Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Model Development for Roller-compacted Concrete Compressive Strength Estimation
- A Novel Excellence Model of the ICT Industry: Case Study on Telecommunications Backbone Network of Iran
- Improving Thermal and Mechanical Property of Lightweight Concrete Using N-Butyl Stearate/Expanded Clay Aggregate with Alccofine1203
- Vertical and Lateral Displacement Response of Foundation to Earthquake Loading
- A Fast Processing Discontinuous Control Strategy for Vienna Rectifier
- Control of a Single Stage Boost Inverter Based on Dynamic Sliding Mode Control with Power Decoupling
- Heat Transfer Performance Analysis and Optimization of Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cooler with Different Structural Characteristics
- A Proposed Approach for Separation between Short Circuit Fault, Magnetic Saturation Phenomenon and Supply Unbalance in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
- The Effect of Rapid Deformation Process to Improve Creep and Tensile Resistance of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Plates
- Influence of Fiber on Shear Behavior of Concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperature
- Numerical Investigation of Hazardous Gas Dispersion Over Obstacles and Residential Areas
- Effect of Porous Medium Positioning on Heat Transfer of Micro-channel with Jet
- Experimental Modeling and Evaluation Sediment Scouring in Riverbeds around Downstream in Flip Buckets
- Micro-structural Deformation Field Analysis of Aluminum Foam using Finite Element Method and Digital Image Correlation
- Effect of Novel Swirl Distributor Plate on Hydrodynamics of Fluidized Bed Gasifier
- NiO-Ni-Al2O3(γ) Nanocatalyst by Pulse Electrocodeposition Over Ni Open-cell Foam for Methane Reforming
- Electricity Supply Model of Conventional Residential Buildings in Tehran with Priority on Renewable Energy Using Adaptive Fuzzy-neural Inference System
- Controller Design of Hybrid-Time Delay-Petri Nets Based on Lyapunov Theory by Adding Control Places
- Prediction of Hardness of Copper-based Nanocomposites Fabricated by Ball-milling using Artificial Neural Network
- Effect of Mg Addition on Morphology, Roughness and Adhesion of Cr Chromized Layer Produced by Pack Cementation
- Effects of Micro and Nano Sized SiC Powder on the Rheological Properties of Al Based Feedstocks for Low Pressure Injection Molding
- Reliability Optimization for Complicated Systems with a Choice of Redundancy Strategies (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Symmetrical, Low-Power, and High-Speed 1-Bit Full Adder Cells Using 32nm Carbon Nanotube Field-effect Transistors Technology (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Zinc Adsorption Properties of Alginate-SBA-15 Nanocomposite
- Reliability Measures Measurement under Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Technique
- Vibration Suppression of Fuel Sloshing using Subband Adaptive Filtering (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Heat Transfer Study of Perforated Fin under Forced Convection
- Analysis and Experimentation of Soft Switched Interleaved Boost Converter for Photovoltaic Applications
- Deterministic Measurement of Reliability and Performance Using Explicit Colored Petri Net in Business Process Execution Language and Eflow
- Complementary Periodic Structures for Miniaturization of Planar Antennas
- Quasi Random Deployment Strategy for Reliable Communication Backbones in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Fusion of Panchromatic and Multispectral Images Using Non Subsampled Contourlet Transform and FFT Based Spectral Histogram (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Room Temperature Synthesis of N-doped Urchin-like Rutile TiO2 Nanostructure With Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity Under Sunlight
- Numerical Comparison of Turbulent Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics of SiO2/Water Nanofluid within Helically Corrugated Tubes and Plain Tube
- Aeolian Vibrations of Transmission Line Conductors with More than One Damper
- Verification of an Evolutionary-based Wavelet Neural Network Model for Nonlinear Function Approximation
- Evaluating the Effects of Ceramic Layer and Thermal Dam on Optimizing the Temperature Gradient of a Gasoline Engine Piston (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A Non-linear Static Equivalent Model for Multi-layer Annular/Circular Graphene Sheet Based on Non-local Elasticity Theory Considering Third Order Shear Deformation Theory in Thermal Environment
- Application of Discrete 3-level Nested Logit Model in Travel Demand Forecasting as an Alternative to Traditional 4-Step Model
- Evaluation of the Impacting Factors on Sustainable Mining Development, Using the Grey-Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Approach
- Suppliers Selection in Consideration of Risks by a Neural Network
- Thermal Analysis of Friction Stir Welding with a Complex Curved Welding Seam (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Mesoporous WO3/TiO2 Nanocomposites Photocatalyst for Rapid Degradation of Methylene Blue in Aqueous Medium
- Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Considering Irregularities (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Implementation of Optimal Load Balancing Strategy for Hybrid Energy Management System in DC/AC Microgrid with PV and Battery Storage
- Dynamic Analysis of Suspension Footbridges Using an Actual Pedestrian Load Model Compared with EUR23984 EN Requirements
- Effect of Dual Releasing of β-glycerophosphate and Dexamethasone from Ti Nanostructured Surface for Using in Orthopedic Applications
- Heat Transfer Coefficients Investigation for TiO2 Based Nanofluids
- A New Mathematical Model for a Multi-product Supply Chain Network with a Preventive Maintenance Policy
- Direct Displacement Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Elevated Water Tanks Frame Staging
- A Mathematical Model and Grouping Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Integrated Quay Crane and Yard Truck Scheduling Problem with Non-crossing Constraint
- Predicting the Coefficients of Antoine Equation Using the Artificial Neural Network (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Sand Particle Concentration on Long Radius Elbow Erosion for Liquid-Solid Flow
- Extraction of Molybdenum (VI) and Vanadium (V) from Nitrate Solutions Using Coupling of Acid and Solvating Extractants (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Adsorption Performance of Low-cost Java Plum Leaves and Guava Fruits as Natural Adsorbents for Removal of Free Fatty Acids from Coconut Oil
- Experimental and Numerical Modeling of the Effect of Groundwater Table Lowering on Bearing Capacity of Shallow Square Footings
- Buckling Behavior of Semi-scale Steel Tank with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Ring Subjected to Lateral Uniform Pressure Loading
- Fall Detection using Deep Learning Algorithms and Analysis of Wearable Sensor Data by Presenting a New Sampling Method
- Comparative Investigation of Half-mode SIW Cavity and Microstrip Hybrid Antenna Using Different Patch Shapes
- Prediction of Deformation of Circular Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loading Using GMDH-type Neural Network
- Employing Internal Flexible Wall as Mass Absorber in Tanks Subjected to Harmonic Excitations
- Designing a Meta-Heuristic Algorithm Based on a Simple Seeking Logic
- Synthesis and Characteristics of Mesoporous Sol-gels for Lipase Immobilization
- Dynamic Response of Submerged Vertical Cylinder with Lumped Mass under Seismic Excitation
- A Procedure for Preparation of Semi-activated Carbon Fiber without any Treatment under High Temperature
- Multi-objective Economic-statistical Design of Cumulative Count of Conforming Control Chart
- Adsorption of Phenolic Compounds onto the Activated Carbon Synthesized from Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge: Equilibrium Isotherm, Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Mechanism Studies
- Multi Attribute Analysis of a Novel Compact UWB Antenna with Via-fed Elements for Dual Band Notch Function (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Assessment of Goodness of Fit Methods in Determining the Best Regional Probability Distribution of Rainfall Data
- Review Heat Exchanger: Research Development of Self-rotating Inserts in Heat Exchanger Tubes
- Design and Implementation of Digital Demodulator for Frequency Modulated CW Radar (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Surface Activation of NiTi Alloy by Using Electrochemical Process for Biomimetic Deposition of Hydroxyapatite Coating (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A Fuzzy Rule-based Expert System for the Prognosis of the Risk of Development of the Breast Cancer
- A Novel Hybrid Approach to Analyze Cost of Quality: Balanced Scorecard and Fuzzy Logic
- Comparison of Purity and Properties of Hydroxyl Carbonate Apatite Extracted from Natural Thigh Bone by Different Physio-chemical Methods
- Studying Performance of Dubinin-astakhov and Dubinin-raduchkevic Equations to Evaluate Nanopore Volume and Pore Size of MCM-41 Particles (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Performance Evaluation of Onboard Wi-Fi Module Antennas in Terms of Orientation and Position for IoT Applications
- Improved Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Estimation using Crow Search Algorithm Based Particle Filter
- Empowering Face Recognition Methods using a GAN-based Single Image Super-Resolution Network
- Quadrotor Control for Tracking Moving Target, and Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance Based on Potential Field Method
- Effect of intensity measures on the response of a 3D-structure under different ground motion duration
- Any-time randomized kinodynamic path planning algorithm in dynamic environments with application to quadrotor
- Experimental and Finite Element Analysis of Single Stage Single Point Incremental Forming
- Soil Shrinkage Characterization of Low Plasticity Soil Using Digital Image Analysis Process
- Evaluating the effect of Buckling-Restrained Braces in Steel Buildings against Progressive failure using Different Simulation Strategies
- Sensitivity Analysis of Behavior of Simple Trapezoidal Steel Plates to Introduce a New Yielding Damper
- Seismic Analysis of Double Deck Floating Roofs of Siraf Storage Tanks with Condensate, Light and Heavy Crude Oils
- The application of analytical methods in the investigation effects of Magnetic parameter and Brownian motion on the fluid flow between two equal plates
- Semi-Augmented Reality, a Novel Approach to Improve Customer Safety in the Pre-sale Process of Under Construction Buildings
- Analysis on Effect of Fullerene Soot on the Chemical and Physical Properties of Cement Mixtures
- Robust Design of Reinforced Concrete Moment-Resisting Frames
- Empirical Mode Decomposition based Adaptive Filtering for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Channel Estimation
- Wavelet Neural Network with Random Wavelet Function Parameters
- Variational Iteration Method for Free Vibration Analysis of a Timoshenko Beam under Various Boundary Conditions
- Investigation of Radiative Cooling Using a Photonic Composite Material for Water Harvesting
- A New Empirical Model to Increase the Accuracy of Software Cost Estimation (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A Bi-objective Stochastic Optimization Model for Humanitarian Relief Chain by Using Evolutionary Algorithms
- A Novel Intrusion Detection Systems based on Genetic Algorithms-suggested Features by the Means of Different Permutations of Labels’ Orders
- Mathematical Investigation of Soil Temperature Variation for Geothermal Applications
- Investigation of the Heat Treatment Effect on Microstructures and Phases of Inconel 713C Superalloy
- The Transient Dynamics of a Beam Mounted on Spring Supports and Equipped with the Nonlinear Energy Sink
- Preparation and Characterization of an Antifouling Polyethersulfone Nanofiltration Membrane Blended with Graphene Oxide/Ag Nanoparticles
- Soft Soil Seismic Design Spectra Including Soil-structure Interaction
- Population Balance Equation Modeling of Crude Oil Demulsification Considering Demulsifier: Modification of Collision Frequency Function Based on Thermodynamic Model
- The Effect of Caspian Sea Water on Corrosion Resistance and Compressive Strength of Reinforced Concrete Containing Different SiO2 Pozzolan
- Single Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Dark Channel Prior and Inverse Image
- Improved Adaptive Median Filter Algorithm for Removing Impulse Noise from Grayscale Images
- Effect of Blade Design Parameters on Air Flow through an Axial Fan
- The Influence of Short Values of Hydraulic and Sludge Retention Time on Performance of a Membrane Bioreactor Treating Sunflower Oil Refinery Wastewater
- Reconstitution of Sand Specimens Using a Rainer System
- An Architecture for Security and Protection of Big Data
- Techno-economic Optimization of a Stand-alone Photovoltaic-battery Renewable Energy System for Low Load Factor Situation- a Comparison between Optimization Algorithms
- Designing a High Resistant, High-torque Downhole Drilling Motor (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Thermal Performance of Jet Impingement with Spent Flow Management
- Effect of Different Welding Parameters on the Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Stainless Steel 304H Welded Joints
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of PA6/NBR nanocomposites fabricated by friction stir processing
- Modified Damage Index Calculation Method for Frame-Shear Wall Building Considering Multiple Demand Parameters
- Mass Production and Growth Mechanism of Carbon Nanotubes in Optimized Mechanothermal Method
- Physical Modelling of a Strip Footing on a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Wall Containing Tire Shred Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
- Influence of Various Design Parameters on Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Concrete: A Parametric study by Taguchi Method
- FE analysis of single-lap adhesive joints with tapered adherends
- Comparative Study on Structural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Straight Beam and Beams with out of Plane Parts
- A New High Frequency Grid Impedance Estimation Technique for the Frequency Range of 2 to150 kHz
- Investigation on Equivalent Trans-utilization Mode and Benefit of Wind Energy
- Assessment of Particle-size and Temperature Effect of Nanofluid on Heat Transfer Adopting Lattice Boltzmann Model
- Fabrication of (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene/Poly Ethylene Glycol) Nanofiltration Membrane: the Effect of PEG Concentration and Operating Conditions on Membrane Performance
- Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System Prediction of Zn Metal Ions Adsorption by γ-Fe2o3/Polyrhodanine Nanocomposite in a Fixed Bed Column
- Detecting Fake Websites Using Swarm Intelligence Mechanism in Human Learning
- Improvement of Efficiency of Coal-Fired Steam Power Plant by Reducing Heat Rejection Temperature at Condenser Using Kalina Cycle
- Investigation of Barium Sulfate Precipitation and Prevention Using Different Scale Inhibitors under Reservoir Conditions
- An Effective Method for Utility Preserving Social Network Graph Anonymization Based on Mathematical Modeling
- Probability Approach for Prediction of Pitting Corrosion Fatigue Life of Custom 450 Steel
- A Lagrangian Relaxation-based Algorithm to Solve a Home Health Care Routing Problem
- A New Structure for Direct Measurement of Temperature Based on Negative Temperature Coefficient Thermistor and Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System
- Investigation of Different Validation Parameters of Micro Gas Turbine for Range Extender Electric Truck
- A Secure Routing Algorithm for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
- Analytical Investigation of Tire-Road Contact Characteristics for Wheelchair Robots Safely Running
- Study and Analysis of A Simple Self Cascode Regulated Cascode Amplifier
- Characteristics of PANi/rGO Nanocomposite as Protective Coating and Catalyst in Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Counter Electrode Deposited on AISI 1086 Steel Substrate
- Improvement Performances of Active and Reactive Power Control Applied to DFIG for Variable Speed Wind Turbine Using Sliding Mode Control and FOC
- A Hierarchy Topology Design Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Iterative Weighted Non-smooth Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Face Recognition
- Integrated Order Batching and Distribution Scheduling in a Single-block Order Picking Warehouse Considering S-Shape Routing Policy
- FPGA-based of Thermogram Enhancement Algorithm for Non-destructive Thermal Characterization
- Experimental Investigation of Surface Roughness and Kerf Width During Machining of Blanking Die Material on Wire Electric Discharge Machine
- A Collaborative Stochastic Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Design for Tire Industry
- Plastic Properties and Collapse Investigation of Fine-grained Soil Rehabilitated with Styrene Butadiene Rubber: A Case Study in Kerman, Iran
- Numerical Evaluation of Two-dimensional Multi-layer Cover System to Regulate Acid Mine Drainage of Tailing Dams
- Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Al-Cu-Fe Quasi-crystalline Coated Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
- Glutaraldehyde: Introducing Optimum Condition for Cross-linking the Chitosan/Gelatin Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering
- Effect of Graphite Addition on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Oxidation Resistance of HfB2-SiC Composites Prepared by the SPS Method
- Use of Waste Materials for Sustainable Development of Rigid Pavement
- A 65 nm CMOS Feedforward Transimpedance Amplifier for Optical Fibers Communications
- New Framework Based on a Multi-criteria Decision-making Model of Technology Transfer in the Auto-battery Manufacturing Industry under Uncertainty
- Design of Open Pit Mines using 3D Model in Two-element Deposits under Price Uncertainty
- Investigating the Effect of Soil Layering on Soil-structure Interaction under Seismic Load
- Effects of Xanthan Gum and Lime on Physical Properties and Mechanical Behavior of Organic Soil