عنوان ژورنال
International Journal of Engineering
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- ناشر :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
شماره 11 تاریخ انتشار 2016-11-01
- Preparation, Physiochemical and Kinetic Investigations of V2O5/SiO2 Catalyst for the Sulfuric Acid Production
- Amine Based CO2 Absorption in Membrane Contactor Using Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone-modified Polysulfone Flat Sheet Membrane: Experimental Study and Mass Transfer Resistance Analysis
- A Comparative Study of Extreme Learning Machines and Support Vector Machines in Prediction of Sediment Transport in Open Channels
- A Fire Ignition Model and Its Application for Estimating Loss due to Damage of the Urban Gas Network in an Earthquake
- On Coherent Structures of Turbulent Open-channel Flow Above a Rough Bed
- Secured Route Optimization and Micro-mobility with Enhanced Handover Scheme in Mobile IPv6 Networks
- Preventing Key Performance Indicators Violations Based on Proactive Runtime Adaptation in Service Oriented Environment
- Web Service Choreography Verification Using Z Formal Specification
- Traffic Signal Prediction Using Elman Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization
- Tuning of Extended Kalman Filter using Self-adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm for Sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive
- Observer Based Fuzzy Terminal Sliding Mode Controller Design for a Class of Fractional Order Chaotic Nonlinear Systems
- Decolorization of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution Using Ultrasonic / Fenton Like Process (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Removal of Fe2+ from Aqueous Solution Using Manganese Oxide Coated Zeolite and Iron Oxide Coated Zeolite
- Trucks Scheduling in a Multi-product Cross Docking System with Multiple Temporary Storages and Multiple Dock Doors
- Corrosion Failure Study in an Oil Cooler Heat Exchanger in Marine Diesel Engine
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Validation of Hydraulic Performance of a Vertical Suspended API Pump (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Multi Objective Optimization on Insulated Residential Roof with Solar Water Heating System Using Grey Relation Analysis (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Effect of Material Wet on Silo Obstruction Solution by Impact (TECHNICAL NOTE)