عنوان ژورنال
International Journal of Engineering
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- ناشر :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
شماره 2 تاریخ انتشار 2019-02-01
- Influence of Different Culture Selection Methods on Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production at Short-term Biomass Enrichment
- Fabrication of Nanoporous Functionalized Hydroxyapatite as High Performance Adsorbent for Acid Blue 25 Dye Removal
- Prediction of Solubility of β-Carotene as a Component in a Multicomponent System in High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide
- Textural and Structural Characterizations of Mesoporous Chitosan Beads for Immobilization of Alpha-Amylase: Diffusivity and Sustainability of Biocatalyst
- Experimental Study for Protection of Piers Against Local Scour Using Slots
- Enhancing Performance of Infill Masonry With Skin reinforcement Subjected To Cyclic Load
- Further Study of Adsorption of Crude Oils onto Acetylated Corn Silk and its Kinetics and Equilibrium Isotherm
- Finite Time Terminal Synergetic Controller for Nonlinear Helicopter Model
- Islanding Detection Method of Distributed Generation Based on Wavenet
- Adaptive Image Dehazing via Improving Dark Channel Prior
- Novel Unified Control Method of Induction and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
- Designing a Robust Control Scheme for Robotic Systems with an Adaptive Observer
- Voltage Regulation of a Negative Output Luo Converter Using a PD-PI Type Sliding Mode Current Controller
- Performance Analysis of a Novel Three-phase Axial Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Generator with Overlapping Concentrated Winding
- Truck Scheduling in a Cross-Docking Terminal by Using Novel Robust Heuristics
- Metallurgical and Mechanical Behavior of AISI 316- AISI 304 during Friction Welding Process
- A Coupled Rigid-viscoplastic Numerical Modeling for Evaluating Effects of Shoulder Geometry on Friction Stir-welded Aluminum Alloys
- Window Air Conditioner with Orthodox Refrigerants
- Mechanical Strength Improvement of Mud Motor’s Elastomer by Nano Clay and Prediction the Working Life via Strain Energy
- A New Cost Model for Estimation of Open Pit Copper Mine Capital Expenditure
- Stress Concentration Factors in Spherical Vessels with Single Oblique Nozzle
- Investigation of Melting by Molecular Dynamics Simulation
- Tests to Determine the Joint Stiffness and Resisting Moment Capacity of Joints in Timber-Framed Houses
- Computer Simulation of Ammonia Cold Shot Converter
- Robot Motion Vision Part II: Implementation
- Stress Analysis of the Human Ligamentous Lumber Spine-From Computer-Assisted Tomography to Finite Element Analysis
- Genomic Ancestry Inference of Admixed Population by Identifying Approximate Boundaries of Ancestry Change
- An Experimental Study to Predict a New Formula for Calculating the Deflection in Wide Concrete Beams Reinforced with Shear Steel Plates
- Probabilistic Damage Analysis of Isolated Steel Tub Girder Bridge Excited by Near and Far Fault Ground Motions
- Performance of Prefabricated Foam Concrete as Infilled Wall Under Cyclic Lateral Loading
- Enhancing Fault Detection in Image Analysis: A Combined Wavelet-Fourier Technique for Advancing Manufacturing Quality Control
- Adaptive Polynomial Coding of Multi-base Hybrid Compression
- Image Restoration by Projection onto Convex Sets with Particle Swarm Parameter Optimization
- Improving Seismic Vulnerability of Irregular Reinforced Concrete Moment-Resisting Frames using Shear Walls
- Construction of Underground and Multi-story Car Parks in High-density Urban Areas
- Numerical Study of Shunting Effect in Three-steel Sheets Resistance Spot Welding
- A Novel 19-Level Boost Type Switched-capacitor Inverter with Two DC Sources and Reduced Semiconductor Devices
- Seismic Response of Building Structures with Sliding Non-structural Elements
- Generating and Focusing the Ultrasound Waves Using Elastomer-based Capacitive Micro-Speakers
- Tensile and Flexural Analysis of a Hybrid Bamboo/Jute Fiber-reinforced Composite with Polyester Matrix as a Sustainable Green Material for Wind Turbine Blades
- Identification of Wind Turbine using Fractional Order Dynamic Neural Network and Optimization Algorithm
- Neuro-fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller Based on a Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator
- Corrosion Behavior of TiN/CrN Nanoscale Multi-layered Coating in Ringer's Solution
- Feature Selection for Small Sample Sets with High Dimensional Data Using Heuristic Hybrid Approach
- Novel Phase-frequency Detector based on Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Nanotechnology
- Speech Emotion Recognition Using Scalogram Based Deep Structure
- Radar Absorption Performance of Fe3O4/AC/PANI Nanocomposites Prepared from Natural Iron Sand
- An Effective Model for SMS Spam Detection Using Content-based Features and Averaged Neural Network
- The Object Detection Efficiency in Synthetic Aperture Radar Systems
- Waste Engine Oil Remediation Using Low Cost Natural Clay Absorbent Material
- An Experimental Investigation of Enclosure’s Effect on Noise Reduction in Portable Generators (Technical Note)
- A New Approach Generating Robust and Stable Schedules in m-Machine Flow Shop Scheduling Problems: A Case Study
- Optimization of Quantum Cellular Automata Circuits by Genetic Algorithm
- Investigation on Forming of Titanium Bipolar Plates Using Micro-stamping Process
- Application of Decoupled Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method to Solve Eigenvalue Helmholtz Problems (Research Note)
- Modelling Departure Time, Destination and Travel Mode Choices by Using Generalized Nested Logit Model: Discretionary Trips
- Using Sliding Mode Controller and Eligibility Traces for Controlling the Blood Glucose in Diabetic Patients at the Presence of Fault
- Numerical Study of Flow Field in New Design Dynamic Cyclone Separators
- Nonlinear Control for Positive Output Super Lift Luo Converter in Stand Alone Photovoltaic System
- Design and Analysis of a Power Quality Improvement System for Photovoltaic Generation Based on LCL-Type Grid Connected Inverter
- Fuzzy Logic Control of Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller in an Autonomous Hybrid Power Generation System by Extended Kalman Filter for Battery State of Charge Estimation
- Potential Applications of Ginger Rhizomes as a Green Biomaterial: A Review
- Fabrication of Pebax/4A Zeolite Nanocomposite Membrane to Enhance CO2 Selectivity Compared to Pure O2, N2, and CH4 Gases
- Optical Efficiency of Linear Fresnel Reflectors in Fixed, Variable and Optimal Distance between Mirrors: Theoretical and Experimental Studies
- Performances of Amphiphilic Glucomannan Produced by Combination Methods of Ultrasonication, Deacetylation, and Carboxymethylation Heterogeneously
- Effect of SiO2 Concentration and Time on Stability of TiO2 Zeolite Nanocomposite Membrane in Light Gas Dehumidification
- A Novel Design and Simulation of a Nano Prosthetic Artificial Heart Valves
- The Ensemble of Unsupervised Incremental Learning Algorithm for Time Series Data
- A Distributed Cooperative Secondary Control Scheme for Obtaining Power and Voltage References of Distributed Generations in Islanded DC Microgrids
- Modified Second Order Generalized Integrator-frequency Locked Loop Grid Synchronization for Single Phase Grid tied System Tuning and Experimentation Assessment
- Effect of Current Density on Magnetic and Hardness Properties of Ni-Cu Alloy Coated on Al via Electrodeposition
- Reoxidation Rate of Sponge Iron Pellets, Briquettes and Iron Powder Compressed to Various Compressions in Air
- Resurgent Cauldrons and Their mineralization between Narigan, Esfordi, Kushk, and Seh Chahoon, Central Iran
- Simulation of Low Reynolds Number Isotropic Turbulence Including the Passive Scalar
- Connectivity as a Measure of Power System Integrity
- Flow and Pressure Distributions in Short Heat Exchanger Cores with Abrupt Entrance and Exit
- A Microcomputer-Based Simulator for Digital Control Systems
- Longitudinal Conduction in Cross Flow Heat Exchanger with Condensation
- Chained Vector Simplex
- Estimation of LOS Rates for Target Tracking Problems using EKF and UKF Algorithms- a Comparative Study
- Size Effect on Free Transverse Vibration of Cracked Nano-beams using Couple Stress Theory
- Simulation Study: The Role of Area to Volume Ratio and Key Parameters in Cylindrical Micro Combustors
- Effect of Activated Flux on Properties of SS 304 Using TIG Welding
- A New Balancing and Ranking Method based on Hesitant Fuzzy Sets for Solving Decision-making Problems under Uncertainty
- Numerical Study on Improvement of Hydrofoil Performance using Vortex Generators (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Dynamic Behavior Analysis of a Planar Four-bar Linkage with Multiple Clearances Joint
- A Novel Objective Function for Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination
- A Simple Method for Modeling Open Cracked Beam
- An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Effects of Excess Air Ratio and Waste Gate Opening Pressure Threshold on Nox Emission and Performance in a Turbocharged CNG SI Engine
- The Effect of Base Position on Maximum Allowable Load of Dual Arm Robots
- Applications of Impedance Plane and Magnetic Differential Permeability in Microstructural Characterization of AISI D2 Tool Steel
- Estimating the Time of a Step Change in Gamma Regression Profiles Using MLE Approach
- Investigation of Thermoelastic Damping in the Longitudinal Vibration of a Micro Beam
- Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance by Distributed Algorithm based on Reinforcement Learning (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Approximate Incremental Dynamic Analysis Using Reduction of Ground Motion Records
- Application of Thau Observer for Fault Detection of Micro Parallel Plate Capacitor Subjected to Nonlinear Electrostatic Force
- Vibration Characteristics of Heavy Load Rackwith Split-hom together Structure (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Simulation of Strap-On Boosters Separation in the Atmosphere
- Frictional Strain Hardening-softening in Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Arching Effect
- A Multi-objective Cash-in-transit Pollution-location-routing Problem Based on Urban Traffic Conditions
- A New Approach for Knowledge Based Systems Reduction using Rough Sets Theory (RESEARCH NOTE)
- The Development and Validation of New Equations for Prediction of the Performance of Tangential Cyclones
- Availability Analysis For Heterogeneous Nucleation In A Uniform Electric Field
- Maximum Entropy Analysis for G/G/1 Queuing System (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Freezing of Pure Aluminum
- A New Approach for Determination of Break Points for Protection Co-Ordination
- Parleda: a Library for Parallel Processing in Computational Geometry Applications
- Evaluation of Forming Severity and Thickness Variation in Deep Drawing Process
- Effective Features of the Concentrated Loading Curves (Woven Fabric Objective Measurement)
- Sizing of a Packed Bed Storage for Solar Air Heating Systems (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Abnormal Plastic Behavior of Fine Grain Mp35n Alloy During Room Temperature Tensile Testing
- Fundamental Steady state Solution for the Transversely Isotropic Half Space
- Treatability Evaluation of Municipal Wastewater and Anaerobically-Treated Industrial Effluent in a Rotating Biological Contactor
- A Numerical Investigation on the Unstable Flow in a Single Stage of an Axial Compressor
- A Scale-up Design Procedure for Rotating Biological Contactors
- Wave Equations in Transversely Isotropic Media in Terms of Potential Functions (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Slope Stability Analysis Using A Non-linear Optimization Technique (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Computational Study of Radiative and Convective Heat Transfer in a Cylindrical Combustion Chamber
- Numerical Simulation of the Wake Flow Behind an Ellipse using Random Vortex Method (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Neutrosophic Fuzzy Programming Method to Solve a Multi-depot Vehicle Routing Model under Uncertainty during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Bi-objective Cold Supply Chain for Perishable Products Considering Quality Aspects: A Case Study in Iran Dairy Sector
- Truck Scheduling in a Cross-Docking Terminal by Using Novel Robust Heuristics
- Enhancing Performance of Infill Masonry With Skin reinforcement Subjected To Cyclic Load
- Further Study of Adsorption of Crude Oils onto Acetylated Corn Silk and its Kinetics and Equilibrium Isotherm
- Islanding Detection Method of Distributed Generation Based on Wavenet
- Metallurgical and Mechanical Behavior of AISI 316- AISI 304 during Friction Welding Process
- Voltage Regulation of a Negative Output Luo Converter Using a PD-PI Type Sliding Mode Current Controller
- Window Air Conditioner with Orthodox Refrigerants
- Influence of Different Culture Selection Methods on Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production at Short-term Biomass Enrichment
- Finite Time Terminal Synergetic Controller for Nonlinear Helicopter Model
- Analysis of Aeolian Vibrations of Transmission Line Conductors and Extraction of Damper Optimal Placement with a Comprehensive Methodology
- Performance Analysis of a Novel Three-phase Axial Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Generator with Overlapping Concentrated Winding
- Designing a Robust Control Scheme for Robotic Systems with an Adaptive Observer
- Mechanical Strength Improvement of Mud Motor’s Elastomer by Nano Clay and Prediction the Working Life via Strain Energy
- A Coupled Rigid-viscoplastic Numerical Modeling for Evaluating Effects of Shoulder Geometry on Friction Stir-welded Aluminum Alloys
- Adaptive Image Dehazing via Improving Dark Channel Prior
- Prediction of Solubility of β-Carotene as a Component in a Multicomponent System in High-Pressure Carbon Dioxide
- Fabrication of Nanoporous Functionalized Hydroxyapatite as High Performance Adsorbent for Acid Blue 25 Dye Removal
- Experimental Study for Protection of Piers Against Local Scour Using Slots
- Textural and Structural Characterizations of Mesoporous Chitosan Beads for Immobilization of Alpha-Amylase: Diffusivity and Sustainability of Biocatalyst
- Novel Unified Control Method of Induction and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
- A New Cost Model for Estimation of Open Pit Copper Mine Capital Expenditure
- Implementation of Chatbot that Predicts an Illness Dynamically using Machine Learning Techniques
- Behavior of Compacted Lime-soil Columns
- Entropy Generation of Double Diffusive Natural Convection in a Three Dimensional Differentially Heated Enclosure
- Modeling of TiO2-water Nanofluid Effect on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop
- Investigation of Correlations between Seismic Parameters and Damage Indices for Earthquakes of Iran Region (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Structural and Functional Analysis of an Industrial, Flexible, and Demountable Wall Panel System (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A comparison on Lipase Production from Soybean meal and Sugarcane Bagasse in Solid State Fermentation using Rhizopus oryzae
- Evaluation of Static and Dynamic Methods for Determining the Bearing Capacity of the Driven Pipe Piles (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Influence of Nano-silica and Polypropylene Fibers on Bond Strength of Reinforcement and Structural Lightweight Concrete (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Experimental Investigation of Force Convection Heat Transfer in a Car Radiator Filled with SiO2-Water Nanofluid
- Analytical and Experimental Investigation of I Beam-to-CFT Column Connections under Monotonic Loading (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Modification of Polyaniline/Polystyrene and Polyaniline/Metal Oxide Structure by Surfactant
- Preparation and Characterization of Polyaniline/Sb2O3 Nanocomposite and its Application to Removal of Pb(ІІ) from Aqueous Media
- Comparison of using Different Modeling Techniques on the Prediction of the Nonlinear Behavior of R/C Shear Walls
- Effect of Total Solid Content to Biogas Production Rate from Vinasse (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Convective Heat Transfer of Oil Based Nanofluid Flow Inside a Circular Tube
- Influence of Glycerol and Clay Contents on Biodegradability of Corn Starch Nanocomposites
- Leaching Kinetics of Stibnite in Sodium Hydroxide
- Effect of Organic Substrate on Promoting Solventogenesis in Ethanologenic Acetogene Clostridium ljungdahlii ATCC5538
- Conglomerate Energy Efficient Elgamal Encryption Based Data Aggregation Cryptosystems in Wireless Sensor Network
- Experimental Study on Surface Integrity of Ti6Al4V by Broaching
- Unreliable Server Mx/G/1 Queue with Loss-delay, Balking and Second Optional Service
- A Strain Range Dependent Cyclic Plasticity Model
- Constrained Model Predictive Control of Low-power Industrial Gas Turbine
- Free Vibration Analysis of Nonuniform Microbeams Based on Modified Couple Stress Theory: an Analytical Solution
- A Time Dependent Pollution Routing Problem in Multi-graph
- A Novel Image Structural Similarity Index Considering Image Content Detectability Using Maximally Stable Extremal Region Descriptor
- Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Partially Metal Foam inside the Absorber of Parabolic Trough Solar Collector
- Improvement of Navigation Accuracy using Tightly Coupled Kalman Filter
- Critical Path Method for Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Preemption
- Determining the Sample size for Estimation of the CCC-R Control Chart Parameters Based on Estimation Costs
- Nanotechnology and Neuroscience Convergence: A Novel Tool for Neurotransmitters Monitoring
- Monitoring Financial Processes with ARMA-GARCH Model Based on Shewhart Control Chart (Case Study: Tehran Stock Exchange)
- Solving a New Multi-objective Unrelated Parallel Machines Scheduling Problem by Hybrid Teaching-learning Based Optimization
- An Investigation on the Effects of Gas Pressure Drop in Heat Exchangers on Dynamics of a Free Piston Stirling Engine
- High Fuzzy Utility Based Frequent Patterns Mining Approach for Mobile Web Services Sequences
- Improving Linearity of CMOS Variable-gain Amplifier Using Third-order Intermodulation Cancellation Mechanism and Intermodulation Distortion Sinking Techniques
- Shear Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs Made with High-strength Concrete: A Numerical Study of the Effect of Size, Location, and Shape of the Opening (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Performance Evaluation of Magnetorheological Damper Valve Configurations Using Finite Element Method
- Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Evolution of Ta/TaNx Double Layer Thin Films Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering
- Comparative Analysis of Image Denoising Methods Based on Wavelet Transform and Threshold Functions
- The Influence of DC-Link Voltage on Commutation Torque Ripple of Brushless DC Motors with Two-Segment Pulse-width Modulation Control Method
- Intelligent Traffic Management System for Prioritizing Emergency Vehicles in a Smart City (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Stability and Robust Performance Analysis of Fractional Order Controller over Conventional Controller Design
- Modelling of Conventional and Severe Shot Peening Influence on Properties of High Carbon Steel via Artificial Neural Network
- Comparative Research on Optimal Damping Matching of Seat System for an off-Highway Dump Truck
- Highly Sensitive Amperometric Sensor Based on Gold Nanoparticles Polyaniline Electrochemically Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite for Detection of Nitric Oxide
- A Simple General-purpose I-V Model for All Operating Modes of Deep Submicron MOSFETs
- Automotive Vendor\'s Performance Evaluation and Improvement Plan Presentation by Using a Data Envelopment Analysis
- Optimal Policy of Condition-Based Maintenance Considering Probabilistic Logistic Times and the Environmental Contamination Issues
- A Simplified Modal Pushover Analysis-based Method for Incremental Dynamic Analysis of Regular RC Moment-resisting Frames
- Optimum Ensemble Classification for Fully Polarimetric SAR Data Using Global-Local Classification Approach
- Evaluation of Project Critical Success Factors for Key Construction Players and Objectives
- Design, Optimization and FEM Analysis of a Surface-Mounted Permanent-magnet Brushless DC Motor
- A Multi-objective Hierarchical Location-allocation Model for the Healthcare Network Design Considering a Referral System
- Optimal Locating and Sizing of Unified Power Quality Conditioner- phase Angle Control for Reactive Power Compensation in Radial Distribution Network with Wind Generation
- A New Structure for 6 Bit Distributed MEMS Transmission LinePhase Shifter in Ku Band
- Load Balancing Approaches for Web Servers: A Survey of Recent Trends
- A Macro-model for Nonlinear Analysis of 3D Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
- An Empirical Comparison of Distance Measures for Multivariate Time Series Clustering
- Low Power March Memory Test Algorithm for Static Random Access Memories (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Improving Super-resolution Techniques via Employing Blurriness Information of the Image
- Virtual Flux Based Direct Power Control on Vienna Rectifier
- Closed-loop Supply Chain Inventory-location Problem with Spare Parts in a Multi-Modal Repair Condition
- Wave Energy Dissipation Using Perforated and Non Perforated Piles
- The Post-disaster House: Simple Instant House using Lightweight Steel Structure, Bracing, and Local Wood Wall
- Planned Special Event Travel Demand Model Development
- Behavior and Strength of Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-compacting Concrete Columns Wrapped by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers Strips
- Laser Cladding of PAC 718, Tribaloy T-700 and METCO 41 C Hard Facing Powders on AISI SS 304L Substrate
- Analytical Approach of Fe3O4-Ethylene Glycol Radiative Magnetohydrodynamic Nanofluid on Entropy Generation in a Shrinking Wall with Porous Medium
- Statistical Modeling, Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of Tool’s Geometrical Parameters on Process Force in Automatic Cortical Bone Drilling Process
- A Novel Method for Forecasting Surface Wind Speed using Wind-direction based on Hierarchical Markov Model
- Essential Improvements in Gypsum Mortar Characteristics
- Experimental Study on Mechanical, Thermal and Antibacterial Properties of Hybrid Nanocomposites of PLA/CNF/Ag
- Hydroxyapatite Coating on Stainless Steel 316L using Flame Spray Technique
- A Clustering-Based Approach for Features Extraction in Spectro-Temporal Domain Using Artificial Neural Network
- The Prediction of Stress and Strain Behaviors in Composite Gears using FEM
- Experimental Investigation of TIG Welding Input Parameters Effects on Mechanical Characteristics
- Human Action Recognition using Prominent Camera
- A Blood Supply Chain Network with Backup Facilities Considering Blood Groups and Expiration Date: A Real-world Application
- Efficient Removal of Copper Ion from Aqueous Solution using Crosslinked Chitosan Grafted with Polyaniline
- Simulation of Photovoltaic System as a Tool of a State’s Energy Security
- Analytical Stress Analysis in Single-lap Adhesive Joints under Buckling
- Orthotropic Coefficients and Continuity Factors of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Supported on 3-sides
- Effects of Road Roughness, Aerodynamics, and Weather Conditions on Automotive Wheel Force
- The Effect of Stochastic Properties of Strength Reduction Function on The Time-Dependent Reliability of RC Structures
- Influence of Plastic Fiber on the Geotechnical Properties of Gypseous Soil
- Study of Bonding Strength at Salt-cement Interface During Cementation of Salt Layers
- Semantic Segmentation of Lesions from Dermoscopic Images using Yolo-DeepLab Networks
- Splicing Image Forgery Detection and Localization Based on Color Edge Inconsistency using Statistical Dispersion Measures
- Numerical modeling and Optimization of Respirational Emergency Drug Delivery Device using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Response Surface Method
- Earthquake prediction modeling using dynamic changes (Case Study: Alborz Region)
- An Enhanced Self-checking Carry Select Adder Utilizing the Concept of Self-checking Full Adder
- Evaluation of Linear Permanent Magnet Vernier Machine Topologies for Wave Energy Converters
- Utilizing the Modified Popovics Model in study of effect of water to cement ratio, size and shape of aggregate in concrete behavior
- Optimization of Green Technique Develop for Europium (III) Extraction by using Phosphonium Ionic Liquid and Central Composite Design Approach
- Study of Bond Strength of Plain Surface Wave Type Configuration Rebars with Concrete: A Comparative Study
- A Comparative Study of Hybrid Analytical and Laplace Transform Approaches for Solving Partial Differential Equations in Python
- Enhancing Performance of an Air Conditioner by Preheating and Precooling of Liquid Desiccant and Non-processed Air
- A Model for Scheduling of Electric Vehicles Charging in a Distribution Network using Multi-agent Model
- An Efficient Task Scheduling Based on Seagull Optimization Algorithm for Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Platforms
- Fluidization of Initialty Segregased Equidensity Binary System
- Economic and Effectiveness Evaluation Analysis of Some Resource Allocation Procedures
- Freezing in a Finite Slab Using Extensive Perturbation Expansions Method
- Simulation of a Variable Reluctance Steping Motor for Sinusoidal and Step Exitations
- Thermal -Hidraolyc Study of Trr Core in Fuel Conversion Frome Highly Enriched Uranium to Low Enriched Uranium Fuel (RESEARCH NOTES)
- Characterization of Ceramic Membrane based on Calcium Carbonate from Onyx Stone and Its Application for Coconut Sap Treatment
- Hybrid Massive MIMO Channel Model Based on Edge Detection of Interacting Objects and Cluster Concept
- Integrated Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing Systems and Hierarchical Production Planning with Worker Assignment and Stochastic Demand
- A New Mechanism for Detecting Shilling Attacks in Recommender Systems Based on Social Network Analysis and Gaussian Rough Neural Network with Emotional Learning
- Analytical Modeling of Heat Transfer Coefficient Analysis in Dimensionless Number of an Electric Parking Brake Using CFD
- Artificial Neural Network-based Fault Location in Terminal-hybrid High Voltage Direct Current Transmission Lines
- Coordination of Load and Generation Sides to Reduce Peak Load and Improve Arbitrage of Smart Distribution Grid
- Gender Identification of Mobile Phone Users based on Internet Usage Pattern
- Redesigning and Re-planning of Location, Pricing, Inventory and Marketing Decisions in a Multi-channel Distribution Network: A Case Study
- Development of a New Backward Directional Coupler Based on Perforated Substrates
- Application of Random Radial Point Interpolation Method to Foundations Bearing Capacity Considering Progressive Failure
- Determination of Blast Impact Range and Safe Distance for a Reinforced Concrete Pile Under Blast Loading