عنوان ژورنال
International Journal of Engineering
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- ناشر :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
شماره 6 تاریخ انتشار 2019-06-01
- Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Brick Using Natural Fibres
- Influences of Surface Characteristics and Modified Asphalt Binders on Interface Shear Strength
- Effect of Alccofine on Mechanical and Durability Index Properties of Green Concrete (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A Real-time Motion Tracking Wireless System for Upper Limb Exosuit Based on Inertial Measurement Units and Flex Sensors (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A Two-Stage Green Supply Chain Network with a Carbon Emission Price by a Multi-objective Interior Search Algorithm
- A Comprehensive Mathematical Model for Designing an Organ Transplant Supply Chain Network under Uncertainty
- Nitinol Spinal Vertebrae: A Favorable New Substitute
- Transmission Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation of INCONEL 738 Nickel-Base Superalloy
- Investigation of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Welding with a New Tool in Friction Stir Welding Method
- Low-Carbon Steel Sheet Asymmetric Single-Point Incremental Forming: Analysis and Optimization of the Surface Roughness (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Air Plasma Sprayed Bond Coat Oxidation Behavior and its Resistance to Isothermal and Thermal Shock Loading
- A Fault Diagnosis Method for Automaton Based on Morphological Component Analysis and Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
- Performance of Rotating Solar Still with Rotating External Reflectors (RESEARCH NOTE)
- The Energy and Exergy Analysis of Integrated Hydrogen Production System Using High Temperature Steam Electrolysis with Optimized Water Path (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Performance Evaluation of Hollow Concrete Blocks Made with Sawdust Replacement of Sand: Case Study of Adama, Ethiopia
- Evaluation of lightweight Concrete Core Test Including Steel Bars
- Thermodynamic Analysis of New Cogeneration Cycle Based on Gaynarje Hotspring
- Numerical Meshless Method in Conjunction with Bayesian Theorem for Electrical Tomography of Concrete
- Sonocatalytic Degradation of p-Chlorophenol by Nanoscale Zero-valent Copper Activated Persulfate under Ultrasonic Irradiation in Aqueous Solutions
- Improving 3-D Imaging Breast Cancer Diagnosis Systems Using a New Method for Placement of Near-infrared Sources and Detectors
- Effects of Gas Radiation on Thermal Performances of Single and Double Flow Plane Solar Heaters
- Performance of High-strength Concrete Made with Recycled Ceramic Aggregates (Research Note)
- A New Optimization of Segmented Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Increasing Flux Weakening Range and Output Torque (Research Note)
- Cutting Forces and Tool Wear Investigation for Face Milling of Bimetallic Composite Parts Made of Aluminum and Cast Iron Alloys
- Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Energy Consumption in S-MAC Protocol Using Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets
- Modelling and Compensation of Uncertain Time-delays in Networked Control Systems with Plant Uncertainty Using an Improved Robust Model Predictive Control Method
- Impact of High Strength Rebars on Seismic Behavior of Lightly Reinforced Boundary Elements
- Experimental Investigations on Behaviour of Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant as a Green Stabilizer for the Biological Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles
- Nanostructured α-Fe2O3: Solvothermal Synthesis, Characterization, and Effect of Synthesis Parameters on Structural Properties
- Deep Reinforcement Learning with Immersion- and Invariance-based State Observer Control of Wave Energy Converters
- A Proposed Model for Persian Stance Detection on Social Media
- Election Prediction Based on Messages Feature Analysis in Twitter Social Network
- Functional Model of Integrated Maintenance in Petrochemical Industries
- A Novel Ensemble Deep Learning Model for Building Energy Consumption Forecast
- Design and Qualitative Analysis of Hetero Dielectric Tunnel Field Effect Transistor Device
- Using Reluctance Torque Theory in Spoke Type Permanent Magnet Vernier Motors to Increase Average Torque
- Experimental Investigation Joining Al 5083 and High-density Polyethylen by Protrusion Friction Stir Spot Welding Containing Nanoparticles using Taguchi Method
- Improved Performance Analysis and Design of Dual Metal Gate FinFET for Low Power Digital Applications
- A Novel Sensor Integration Scheme for an Aided Inertial Navigation System Based on a Generalized PID Filter in the Presence of Observation Uncertainty
- Electrolyte Temperature Dependency of Electrodeposited Nickel in Sulfate Solution on the Hardness and Corrosion Behaviors
- Nitinol Spinal Vertebrae: A Favorable New Substitute
- Performance of Rotating Solar Still with Rotating External Reflectors (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Effect of Alccofine on Mechanical and Durability Index Properties of Green Concrete (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A Fault Diagnosis Method for Automaton Based on Morphological Component Analysis and Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
- A Real-time Motion Tracking Wireless System for Upper Limb Exosuit Based on Inertial Measurement Units and Flex Sensors (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Experimental Study on Compressive Strength of Brick Using Natural Fibres
- Influences of Surface Characteristics and Modified Asphalt Binders on Interface Shear Strength
- Transmission Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation of INCONEL 738 Nickel-Base Superalloy
- The Energy and Exergy Analysis of Integrated Hydrogen Production System Using High Temperature Steam Electrolysis with Optimized Water Path (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Two-Stage Green Supply Chain Network with a Carbon Emission Price by a Multi-objective Interior Search Algorithm
- A Comprehensive Mathematical Model for Designing an Organ Transplant Supply Chain Network under Uncertainty
- Air Plasma Sprayed Bond Coat Oxidation Behavior and its Resistance to Isothermal and Thermal Shock Loading
- Low-Carbon Steel Sheet Asymmetric Single-Point Incremental Forming: Analysis and Optimization of the Surface Roughness
- Investigation of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Welding with a New Tool in Friction Stir Welding Method
- The Equipment Scheduling and Assignment Problem in the Overhaul Industry
- Solving Re-entrant No-wait Flow Shop Scheduling Problem
- A Common Weight Data Envelopment Analysis Approach for Material Selection
- Numerical Simulation of Cavitation in Mixed Flow Pump
- Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with Material Ordering: Two Hybridized Meta-Heuristic Approaches (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Improved Behaviour of Accordion Metallic Dampers Affected by the Increasing Number of Layers
- A Numerical Investigation on Aerodynamic Coefficients of Solar Troughs Considering Terrain Effects and Vortex Shedding
- A MEMS Capacitive Microphone Modelling for Integrated Circuits
- Influence of Different Fillers on Natural Rubber Composites to Assess Mechanical Performance
- Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Adsorption on Amino-Functionalized Mesoporous Silica
- A New Approach for Determination of Neck-Pore Size Distribution of Porous Membranes via Bubble Point Data
- Pollutants Emissions of Filling Stations and Their Impact on the Air Quality (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Comparison of the Progressive Collapse Resistance of Seismically Designed Steel Shear Wall Frames And Special Steel Moment Frames
- Improving Dark Channel Prior for Single Image Dehazing
- Phosphorus Removal from Dairy Wastewater in Batch Systems under Simultaneous Aerobic/Anaerobic Conditions: Application of Response Surface Methodology
- Batch Kinetics and Modeling of Alkaline Protease Production by Isolated Bacillus sp. (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Comprehensive Decision Modeling of Reverse Logistics System: A Multi-criteria Decision Making Model by using Hybrid Evidential Reasoning Approach and TOPSIS (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Microwave Pretreatment of Fresh Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) in Batch Anaerobic Digestion Tank (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Design of a Knowledge Flow Network for the Personnel of an Organization under Various Scenarios and its Solution using Lagrangian Relaxation
- Numerical Investigation on Oscillation Behavior of a Non-isothermal Self-excited Jet in a Cavity: The Effects of Reynolds Number and Temperature Differences
- Development of a Method for Estimating Thermal Conductivity of Organic Deposits on the Wax Flow Loop Laboratory Installation
- Analytic Approach to Free Vibration and Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Beams with Edge Cracks using four Engineering Beam Theories
- Discrimination of Power Quality Distorted Signals Based on Time-frequency Analysis and Probabilistic Neural Network
- Surface Pressure Contour Prediction Using a GRNN Algorithm
- A Wavelet Support Vector Machine Combination Model for Daily Suspended Sediment Forecasting
- Adsorption of Malachite Green from Aqueous Solution using Activated Ntezi Clay: Optimization, Isotherm and Kinetic Studies
- Optimal Thermodynamic Design of Turbofan Engines using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm
- Micro-modeling of Masonry Infilled RC Moment Resisting Frames to Investigate Arrangement of Compressive Diagonal Struts
- Improving the Performance of Bayesian Estimation Methods in Estimations of Shift Point and Comparison with MLE Approach
- Appling Metaheuristic Algorithms on a Two Stage Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Serial Batching (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Analytical Analysis of The Dual-phase-lag Heat Transfer Equation in a Finite Slab with Periodic Surface Heat Flux (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Ballistic Performance of Hybrid Armor with Ceramic Inserts and Polymeric Matrix for Different Threat Levels (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A New Comparative Method To Evaluate the Fracture Properties of Laminated Composite
- A Node-based Mathematical Model towards the Location Routing Problem with Intermediate Replenishment Facilities under Capacity Constraint
- A Size-dependent Bernoulli-Euler Beam Formulation based on a New Model of Couple Stress Theory
- An Intelligent Algorithm based Controller for Multiple Output DC-DC Converters with Voltage Mode Weighting Factor
- Preparation of Porous and Dense Bulk Samples in Calcium Magnesium Silicate Systems using Steel Slag and Different Additive by Conventional Sintering Method (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Electrodeposition of Nano Hydroxyapatite Coating on Biodegradable Mg-Zn Scaffold (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Material Flow in Rotary Drums
- Dual Output Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier Based Active -C Multiphase Sinusoidal Oscillator
- Fast Grid Voltage Synchronization Using Modified FLL in Single-Phase Grid-Connected Power Systems
- A Novel Lightweight Phase-changing Cooling Roof Tile
- Power Quality Improvement in Microgrids using STATCOM under Unbalanced Voltage Conditions
- Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of Barium Ferrite/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites
- A Mathematical Model for a Blood Supply Chain Network with the Robust Fuzzy Possibilistic Programming Approach: A Case Study at Namazi Hospital
- Improving the Load Balancing and Dynamic Placement of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
- Sensitivity Analysis on Thermal Performance of Gas Heater with Finned and Finless Tubes using Characteristics-based Method
- Flexural Performance of Fibre Reinforced Concrete with an Optimised Spirally Deformed Steel Fibre
- Multi-Conductor Transmission Line Model of Split-Winding Transformer for Frequency Response and Disk-to-Disk Fault Analysis
- A General Framework for Estimating Channel of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Systems by Utilizing Sparse Representation
- Ratcheting Analysis of Steel Plate under Cycling Loading using Dynamic Relaxation Method Experimentally Validated
- Supervised and Unsupervised Clustering Based Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Data
- An Application of Fuzzy-VIKOR Method in Environmental Impact Assessment of the Boog Mine Southeast of Iran
- Mitigation of Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks using Trust Based Cooperative Sensing
- Improved Object Matching in Multi-Objects Tracking Based On Zernike Moments and Combination of Multiple Similarity Metrics
- A Signal Processing Method for Text Language Identification
- Study of the Fracture Behavior under the Effect of Cross-ply and Angle-ply Arrangement of FRP Composite Laminate Subjected to Central Circular Cut-out with Mechanical and Thermal Loading Conditions
- A Continuum Damage Mechanics-based Piecewise Fatigue Damage Model for Fatigue Life Prediction of Fiber-Reinforced Laminated Composites
- Bertrand-nash Equilibrium in the Retail Duopoly Model under Asymmetric Costs
- Hydraulic Network Modeling to Analyze Stream Flow Effectiveness on Heat Transfer Performance of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
- Incorporated Poly Acrylic Acid-co-Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Mixed Matrix Polyethersulfone based Nanofiltration Membrane in Desalination Process
- Bi-objectives Approach for a Multi-period Two Echelons Perishable Product Inventory-routing Problem with Production and Lateral Transshipment
- Effective Design of a 3×4 Two Dimensional Distributed Amplifier Based on Gate Line Considerations
- Investigation of the Forming Force in Torsion Extrusion Process of Aluminum Alloy 1050
- Numerical Survey of Vibrational Model for Third Aircraft based on HR Suspension System Actuator Using Two Bee Algorithm Objective Functions
- Differential Flatness Method Based on Pre-set Guidance and Control Subsystem Design for a Surface to Surface Flying Vehicle (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Multi-objective Optimization of Stirling Heat Engine Using Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Sustainable Supplier Selection by a New Hybrid Support Vector-model based on the Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm
- A Novel Generalized Topology for Multi-level Inverter with Switched Series-parallel DC Sources (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Embedded Memory Test Strategies and Repair
- Simulation and Modeling of a High Sensitivity Micro-electro-mechanical Systems Capacitive Pressure Sensor with Small Size and Clamped Square Diaphragm
- Evaluating Technical Requirements to Achieve Maximum Power Point in Photovoltaic Powered Z-Source Inverter
- Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Self Compacting Polymeric Concrete with Backpropagation Network
- Effect of Gap Acceptance Behavior of the Right Turning Vehicles on the Major Road Stream for Uncontrolled Three-Legged Intersections under Mixed Traffic Conditions
- Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Al2O3–Tricosane Based Heat Pipe Thermal Energy Storage
- Comparison of Experimentally and Theoretically Determined Infiltration in Coarse Textured Soil
- A Queuing Model for Stochastic Location-inventory Problem with Waiting Cost Considerations
- Third-order Decentralized Safe Consensus Protocol for Inter-connected Heterogeneous Vehicular Platoons
- A Novel Method for Detecting Targets on Inactive Radars Using an Adaptive Processing on the Ambiguity Function (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Re-configuration of the Relief Network Considering Uncertain Demand and Link Failure in an Earthquake: A Multi-stage Stochastic Programming
- Effects of Triple Injection Strategies on Performance and Pollutant Emissions of a DI Diesel Engine Using CFD Simulation
- Evaluation of Flank Wear of Iron-rich Binder Carbide Cutting Tool in Turning of Titanium Alloy
- Vulnerability Assessment of Steel Structures in District 12 of Mashhad City and Prioritizing the Welding Defects Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process
- New Model for Visco-Elastic Behavior of Asphalt Mixture with Combined Effect of Stress and Temperature
- Study of Volumetric Flow Rate of a Micropump Using a Non-classical Elasticity Theory
- Using the Genetic Algorithm based on the Riedel Equation to Predict the Vapor Pressure of Organic Compounds
- Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Spark Erosion Machining Parameters of Hastelloy C-276 Using Multiple Regression Analysis (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Radon-based Convolutional Neural Network for Medical Image Retrieval
- Developing the Inventory Routing Problem with Backhauls, Heterogeneous Fleet and Split Service
- Numerical Modeling of Sediment-flow around Obstacle Inspired by Marine Sponges: Considering Body Configurations
- Improvement of Surface Evaporation by Reducing Heat Transfer to Fluid Bulk and Increasing Heat Absorption
- Compressive Mechanical Properties and Water Absorption of Glass fiber-reinforced Plastics Pipes Aged in Caspian SeaWater
- Peculiarities of Abrasive Finishing of Surfaces of Parts Made of Aluminium Alloy of АМts Grade in Magnetic Field
- Analyzing Factors Influencing Mobile Social Media Marketing Acceptance among Customers
- Accelerating Legislation Processes through Semantic Similarity Analysis with BERT-based Deep Learning
- Effect of Aging Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al0.7CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy
- Investigating the Effect of Ultrasound Intensity on the Magnetic Properties of Magnetite Nanostructures Synthesized by Sonochemical Method
- Investigation of Carbon Black/ Polyester Micro-composites: An Insight into Nano-size Interfacial Interactions
- A Novel Hybrid Model for Technology Strategy Formulating in High-tech Industries under Uncertainty: A Case Study
- Application of Ultra-sensitive Pillar-enhanced Quartz Crystal Resonators for Airborne Detection of Nanoparticles: A Theoretical Study
- Real Time Emotion Recognition with AD8232 ECG Sensor for Classwise Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods
- Potential Use of Fly Ash for Developing Angular-shaped Aggregate
- Human Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques and Real-life Parameters
- Experimental Analysis of Square Position on Variable Displacement Electrohydraulic Actuation System by Open Loop Control
- Irradiation and Temperature Estimation with a New Extended Kalman Particle Filter for Maximum Power Point Tracking in Photovoltaic Systems
- A Dynamic Model for Laminated Piezoelectric Microbeam
- Evaluating Finn-Byrne Model in Liquefaction Analysis of Quay Wall and Cantilevered Retaining Wall Models
- Proposing New Artificial Intelligence Models to Estimate Shear Wave Velocity of Fine-grained Soils: A Case Study
- Improvement of Sand Soil with Bio-micropiles and Bio-grout Injection in Reinforced Soils