عنوان ژورنال
International Journal of Engineering
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- ناشر :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
شماره 5 تاریخ انتشار 2018-05-01
- Improved Content Aware Image Retargeting Using Strip Partitioning
- Control of a Robotic Wheel-Chair Prototype for People with Walking Disabilities
- A New Circuit Scheme for Wide Dynamic Circuits
- Vertical Ground Reaction Force Gait Patterns During Walking in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Process Optimization of Deposition Conditions for Low Temperature Thin Film Insulators used in Thin Film Transistors Displays
- A Unique Approach of Noise Elimination from Electroencephalography Signals between Normal and Meditation State
- Sensitivity Analysis of a Wideband Backward-wave Directional Coupler Using Neural Network and Monte Carlo Method (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Design, Modeling and Experiments of An In-pipe Magnetostrictive Impact Drive Mechanism
- A Novel Method for Modeling and Simulation of Asymmetrical Impedance-source Converters
- Test Power Reduction by Simultaneous Don’t Care Filling and Ordering of Test Patterns Considering Pattern Dependency
- Optimal Decisions in a Dual-channel Supply Chain for the Substitute Products with the Special Orders under DisruptionRisk and Brand Consideration
- A New Multi-objective Model for Multi-mode Project Planning with Risk
- Project Scheduling with Simultaneous Optimization, Time, Net Present Value, and Project Flexibility for Multimode Activities with Constrained Renewable Resources
- A Study of the Tribological Properties of Sputter-deposited MoSX/Cr Coatings
- An Algorithm based on Predicting the Interface in Phase Change Materials
- Experimental Investigations on the Thermal Performance of a Vertical Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe Using Binary Mixture of Fluids
- Enhancement of the Cooling System Performance of the Proton-exchange Membrane Fuel Cell By Baffle-restricted Coolant Flow Channels
- Experimental Study on Flow Characteristics Around Twin Wind Blades (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Study on the Contact Ellipse and the Contact Pressure During the Wheel Wear through Passing the Tracks including Several Sharp Curves
- Evaluation of Biogas as an Alternative Driving Force of Electrically Operated Vehicles: A Case Study
- Effect of Ambient Condition on the Shower Cooling Tower in Four Type of Climates Condition
- Energy Efficiency Analyses of Toolpaths in a Pocket Milling Process
- Estimate the Performance of Catalytic Converter Using Turbulence Induce Devices