عنوان ژورنال
International Journal of Engineering
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- ناشر :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
شماره 11 تاریخ انتشار 2018-11-01
- Effect of Carbon Nanotube and Surfactant on Processing, Mechanical, Electrical and EMI-Shielding of Epoxy Composites
- Effect of Polyethylene Glycol and Triton X-100 on the Enzymatic Treatment of Bisphenol A
- Experimental Investigation of Toughness Enhancement in Cement Mortar
- Dynamic Response of Multi-cracked Beams Resting on Elastic Foundation
- A Versioning Approach to VM Live Migration
- Impact Analysis of Variation in Geometrical Features on Intrinsic Characteristics of Capacitive Micro-machined Ultrasonic Transducers
- Delay-Scheduled Controllers for Inter-Area Oscillations Considering Time Delays
- DPML-Risk: An Efficient Algorithm for Image Registration
- Experimental Study of a Flash-lamp Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser Using Cr4+:YAG Saturable Absorber
- Optimal Rotor Fault Detection in Induction Motor Using Particle-Swarm Optimization Optimized Neural Network
- Design and Simulation of Hot Cathode Ionization Vacuum Gauge with no X-Ray Limitations
- A New Analog-based LO Harmonic Rejection Technique with Tunable Notch Frequency
- A Modified Noise Analysis of a Common Source ̶ Common Gate Low Noise Transconductance Amplifier for Sub-micron Technologies
- Rice Classification and Quality Detection Based on Sparse Coding Technique
- A Novel Sustainable Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Design by Considering Routing and Quality of Products
- A Multi-district Asset Protection Problem with Time Windows for Disaster Management
- Multi-commodity Multimodal Splittable Logistics Hub Location Problem with Stochastic Demands
- Optimization of a Bi-objective Scheduling for Two Groups of Experienced and Inexperienced Distribution Staff Based on Capillary Marketing
- A Robust Optimization Methodology for Multi-objective Location-transportation Problem in Disaster Response Phase under Uncertainty
- Heat Transfer Enhancement of a Flat Plate Boundary Layer Distributed by a Square Cylinder: Particle Image Velocimetry and Temperature-Sensitive Paint Measurements and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis
- Fault Detection of Anti-friction Bearing using Ensemble Machine Learning Methods
- Modified L1 Adaptive Control Design for Satellite FMC Systems with Actuators Time Delay
- A Multiple Kernel Learning based Model with Clustered Features for Cancer Stage Detection using Gene Datasets
- Optimization of Material Removal Rate, Surface Roughness and Kerf Width in Wire-ED Machining of Ti-6Al-4V Using RSM and Grey Relation
- Bending Strength Evaluation of Glulam Beams Made from Selected Nigerian Wood Species
- A Numerical Study to Investigate Shear Behavior of High-strength Concrete Beams Externally Retrofitted with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Sheets
- The Post-fire Behavior of Lightweight Structural Concrete is Improved by Nano-SiO2 and Steel Fibers
- Novel Scheme for Data Hiding in Binary Images using Cover Pattern Histogram
- Deep Multi-task Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Classification of Face Attributes
- Digital Root-mean-square Signal Meter
- Modified Particle Swarm Optimization-Artificial Neural Network and Gene Expression Programing for Predicting High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Ni–Cr–W-Mo Alloys
- Reliability Evaluation of a Disaster Airflow Emergency Control System Based on Bayesian Networks
- A Novel Building Information Modeling-based Method for Improving Cost and Energy Performance of the Building Envelope
- Prediction of Tool Force in Two Point Incremental Forming by Slab Analysis
- In-situ Fine Basalt Soil Reinforced by Cement Combined with Additive DZ33 to Construct Rural Roads in Gia Lai Province, Vietnam
- Effects of Lateral Constraints and Geometrical Characteristics on Deformation Capacity of the Persian Historic Unreinforced Masonry Shear Walls under Uncertainty Conditions
- Kinesiological Description of Hippotherapy as a Treatment Modality
- Combustion Behavior of Fuel Briquettes Made from Ulin Wood and Gelam Wood Residues
- Simulation of a GEF5 Gas Turbine Power Plant Using Fog Advanced Cycle and a Systematic Approach to Calculate Critical Relative Humidity
- A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Integrated Production and Distribution Scheduling Problem with Outsourcing Allowed
- Application of Incomplete Analytic Hierarchy Process and Choquet Integral to Select the best Supplier and Order Allocation in Petroleum Industry
- Pavement Maintenance Management Using Multi-objective Optimization: (Case Study: Wasit Governorate-Iraq)
- Autonomous Vehicle Convoy Formation Control with Size/Shape Switching for Automated Highways
- A Generalization for Model Reference Adaptive Control and Robust Model Reference Adaptive Control Adaptive Laws for a Class of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems with Application to Control of Wing Rock Phenomenon
- An Experimental Investigation of Synergistic Pulsation Bubble Column with Inverse Fluidized Loop Reactor for Removing Chloroform from Wastewater
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Permeability in Porous Media
- Regression Modeling and Process Analysis of Plug and Spot Welds Used in Automotive Body Panel Assembly
- A Green Hazardous Waste Location-routing Problem Considering the Risks Associated with Transportation and Population
- Behavior of Eccentrically Inclined Loaded Ring Footings Resting on Granular Soil
- Modeling and Analyzing Supporting Systems for Smart Manufacturing Systems with Stochastic, Technical and Economic Dependences
- The Comparison of Neutron Beams through 7Li(p,n) Reactions for the Design of a Thermal Neutron Radiography Facility using the MCNPX Code
- Evaluation and Ranking of Sustainable Third-party Logistics Providers using the D-Analytic Hierarchy Process
- Demonstration of Synaptic Connections with Unipolar Junction Transistor based Neuron Emulators
- Interaction Effect of Depth of Cut, Back Rake Angle and Rock Properties on Temperature of Single Polycrystalline Diamond Compact Cutter
- A Wideband Fractal Planar Monopole Antenna with a Thin Slot on Radiating Stub for Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Applications
- An Ultra-low-power Static Random-Access Memory Cell Using Tunneling Field Effect Transistor
- Optimization of Rubber Compound Design Process Using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
- A New Variable Frequency Zero Voltage Switching Control Method for Boost Converter Operating in Boundary Conduction Mode
- Effect of Water Absorption on the Tensile Characteristics of Natural/ Synthetic Fabrics Reinforced Hybrid Composites
- Reference Satellite Strategic Methods to Improve Position Accuracy of Rover with Resolved Integer Ambiguities Using Linear Combination in DIRNSS System
- Case Study in Increasing Overall Equipment Effectiveness on Progressive Press Machine Using Plan-do-check-act Cycle
- Designing a Sustainable Reverse Logistics Network Considering the Conditional Value at Risk and Uncertainty of Demand under Different Quality and Market Scenarios
- Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Lightweight RC Jacket Containing Silica Nano Particles and Glass Fiber
- Stimuli-responsive Biosynthesis of Gold Nanoparticles: Optimization, Kinetics, and Thermodynamics of Biosorption
- A Characteristic-based Solution of Forced and Free Convection in Closed Domains with Emphasis on Various Fluids
- A Comprehensive Study of the Hydroforming Process of Metallic Bellows: Investigation and Multi-objective Optimization of the Process Parameters
- Voltage Regulation of DC-DC Series Resonant Converter Operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode: The Hybrid Control Approach
- Strain and Damage Sensing Property of Self-compacting Concrete Reinforced with Carbon Fibers
- Development a New Technique Based on Least Square Method to Synthesize the Pattern of Equally Space Linear Arrays
- An Analysis Method on Post-earthquake Traversability of Road Network Considering Building Collapse
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Motor Pressure Effect on Thermochemical Erosion of Graphite Nozzle in Solid Fuel Engines
- Recycling and Reuse of Organo-sulfur Compounds from Barrels of Natural Gas Contaminated with Mercaptan Odorant
- A Comprehensive Mathematical Model for a Location-routing-inventory Problem under Uncertain Demand: a Numerical Illustration in Cash-in-transit Sector
- Structural Behavior of Axially Loaded Composite Concrete-steel Plate Shear Walls
- Seismic Mitigation of Building Frames using Magnetorheological Damper (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Optimization of Centrifugal Casting Parameters of AlSi Alloy by using the Response Surface Methodology
- The Simultaneous Effect of Holding Safety Stock and Purchasing Policies on the Economic Production Quantity Model Subject to Random Machine Breakdown
- Comparison of Seismic Behavior of Buckling-restrained Braces and Yielding Brace System in Irregular and Regular Steel Frames under Mainshock and Mainshock-Aftershock
- Energy and Exergy Evaluation of Multi-channel Photovoltaic/Thermal Hybrid System: Simulation and Experiment
- Joint Allocation of Computational and Communication Resources to Improve Energy Efficiency in Cellular Networks
- Experimental Investigation on Cyclic Behavior of Butterfly-shaped Links Steel Plate Shear Walls
- Multi-factorial Analysis on Vault Stability of an Unsymmetrically Loaded Tunnel Using Response Surface Method
- Prediction of Engineered Cementitious Composite Material Properties Using Artificial Neural Network
- Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modeling of Zn+2 and Ni+2 Extraction from Zn Plant Residue using D2EHPA
- A Hybrid Approach to Detect Researchers’ Communities Based on Deep Learning and Game Theory
- Exploring Factors Influencing Cryptocurrency Adoption: A Comprehensive Modeling Based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Approach
- A Novel Similarity Solution of Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow over a Flat Plate
- Investigating Zone Pricing in a Location-Routing Problem Using a Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm
- A New Model for Fleet Assignment Problem, Case Study of Iran Air Network at Vision 2036
- Vibration Analysis of an Air Compressor Based on a Hypocycloidal Mechanism: an Experimental Study
- Liquid Sloshing Effect Analysis on Lateral Dynamics of an Articulated Vehicle Carrying Liquid for Various Filled Volumes
- Numerical Analysis of Sediment Transport in Sewer Pipe
- Least Squares Support Vector Machine for Constitutive Modeling of Clay
- A Robust Image Denoising Technique in the Contourlet Transform Domain
- Benefits of the Electromagnetic Actuated Valve Train in Gasoline Engine Application
- Experimental and Numerical Flow Investigation of Intake Manifold and Multi Criteria Decision Making on 3-cylinder SI Engine using Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Removal of Diazinon from Aqueous Solutions in Batch Systems Using Cu-modified Sodalite zeolite: An Application of Response Surface Methodology
- Fitting Second-order Models to Mixed Two-level and Four-level Factorial Designs: Is There an Easier Procedure?
- An Approach of Artificial Neural Networks Modeling Based on Fuzzy Regression for Forecasting Purposes
- A Quaternion Firefly Algorithm to Solve a Multi-row Facility Layout Problem (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Hydrolysis of Sorghum (Broomcorn) in Diluted Hydrochloric Acid
- Online Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Multivariate-attribute Process Mean Using Neural Networks and Discriminant Analysis Technique
- Application of Combined Local Object Based Features and Cluster Fusion for the Behaviors Recognition and Detection of Abnormal Behaviors
- Measurement of Complexity and Comprehension of a Program Through a Cognitive Approach
- A Novel Continuous KNN Prediction Algorithm to Improve Manufacturing Policies in a VMI Supply Chain
- A New Compromise Decision-making Model based on TOPSIS and VIKOR for Solving Multi-objective Large-scale Programming Problems with a Block Angular Structure under Uncertainty
- Experimental Detection of Composite Delamination Damage based on Ultrasonic Infrared Thermography
- Comparison of Single- site and Multi-site Based Calibrations of SWAT in Taleghan Watershed, Iran
- Novel Amine Modified Nanoporous SBA-15 Sorbent for the Removal of H2S from Gas Streams in the Presence of CH4 (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Closed Loop Control of Quadratic Boost Converter Using PID Controller
- Development of Clay Foam Ceramic as a Support for Fungi Immobilization to Biodiesel Production (RESEARCH NOTE)
- An Investigation of Temperature Effects on Solar Photovoltaic Cells and Modules
- Effect of Redmud Particulates on Mechanical Properties of BFRP Composites (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Physical Model Test and Numerical Simulation Study of Deformation Mechanism of Wall Rock on Open Pit to Underground Mining (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Controlling the Power Output and Combustion Phasing in an HCCI Engine
- Redundancy Allocation Problem of a System with Three-state Components: A Genetic Algorithm (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Stabilization and Walking Control for a Simple Passive Walker Using Computed Torque Method (RESEARCH NOTE)
- An Investigate on Power, Torque and Exhaust Gas Emission Variation: Effect of Hydroxy Gas Addition to Inlet Air of a SI Engine
- Elimination Back Gouging Operation in Submerged Arc Welding Butt without Chamfers ASTM A516 (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method for Elasto-Static Analysis of Thick-Walled Isotropic Laminated Cylinders
- Physical Modeling of a Hybrid Wind Turbine-solar Panel System Using Simscape Language (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Fixture Design Automation and Optimization Techniques: Review and Future Trends
- Effect of Inclined Angle in Trimming of Ultra-high Strength Steel Sheets Having Inclined and Curved Shapes
- Non-linear forced vibration analysis of piezoelectric functionally graded beams in thermal environment.
- Numerical simulation of a heavy-duty diesel engine to evaluate the effect of fuel injection duration on engine performance and emission
- A Hidden Markov Model for Morphology of Compound Roles in Persian Text Part of Tagging
- Design and Modeling of a High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator with a Retention Sleeve of Rotor
- Development of a Non-Iterative Macromodeling Technique by Data Integration and Least Square Method
- Extreme Learning Machine based Pattern Classifiers for Symbolic Interval Data
- Probabilistic Seismic Assessment of Moment Resisting Steel Buildings Considering Soft-story and Torsional Irregularities
- Flexural Strength and Behavioral Study of High-Performance Concrete Beams using Stress-Block Parameters
- Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors Based Digitally Reconfigurable Single Differential Voltage Current Conveyor based Analog Biquadratic Multifunctional Filter at 32nm Technology Node
- High-contribution of strip glass waste in buckling-strengthening of slim GLARC columns at once avoiding ASR deterioration problems in concrete materials
- A new wide tunability MEMS based variable capacitor using two separate electro-static vertical comb drive actuators
- Development of open-pit mine reclamation cost estimation models: A regression-based approach
- Dry sliding behavior of carbon-based brake pad materials
- Designing Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts under Failure Censoring Reliability Tests
- Taguchi- Grey relational analysis for Optimizing the Compressive Strength and Porosity of Metakaolin-Based Geopolymer
- ModeI fracture toughness of Carbon/glass hybrid comopsite
- A joint optimization model for production scheduling and preventive maintenance interval
- Design and Optimization of Halbach Permanent Magnet Array with Rectangle Section and Trapezoid Section
- Modelling and Test Verification of Suspension Optimal Damping Ratio for Electric Vehicles Considering Occupant-cushion and In-wheel Motor Effects
- Experimental and Finite Element Studies on Free Vibration of Automotive Steering Knuckle
- Ibuprofen Removal from a Pharmaceutical Wastewater using Electro-Fenton Process: An Efficient Technique (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Novel Type-2 Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Classifier for Modelling Uncertainty in Prediction of Air Pollution Disaster (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Stiffness-based Approach for Preliminary Design of Framed Tube Structures
- Optimum Drill Bit Selection by Using Bit Images and Mathematical Investigation
- Effect of Tofu Wastewater Addition on the Growth and Carbohydrate-Protein-Lipid Content of Spirulina platensis (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Kinetic Modeling of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Pretreated Sorghum Bicolor and Rice Husk
- Drilling Trajectory Prediction Model for Push-the-bit Rotary Steerable Bottom Hole Assembly
- Design and Performance Analysis of 7-Level Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter Using Modified Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Techniques
- A Modfied Self-organizing Map Neural Network to Recognize Multi-font Printed Persian Numerals (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Hopping Conductivity in Single Crystals (Cd0.6Zn0.32Mn0.08)3As2 (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Mining Interesting Aspects of a Product using Aspect-based Opinion Mining from Product Reviews (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Numerical and Experimental Study of Soil-structure Interaction in Structures Resting on Loose Soil Using Laminar Shear Box
- Investigating The Seismic Response of Structural Walls Using Nonlinear Static and Incremental Dynamic Analyses
- A Random Forest Classifier based on Genetic Algorithm for Cardiovascular Diseases Diagnosis (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Impacts of Premium Bounds on the Operation of Put Option and Day-ahead Electricity Markets
- Behavioral Analysis of Traffic Flow for an Effective Network Traffic Identification
- Equilibrium and Kinetic Studies on Lead (II) Adsorption by Sugarcane Bagasse Derived Activated Carbon (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Neural Network Based Protection of Software Defined Network Controller against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
- The Effect of Geopolymerization on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Stabilized Fine-grained Soils
- Energy Aware Resource Management of Cloud Data Centers
- Comparison of Permeability and Drying Shrinkage of Self Compacting Concrete Admixed with Wollastonite Micro Fiber and Flyash
- Effect of Coating Materials on Wear in Internal Gears
- A Multi-district Asset Protection Problem with Time Windows for Disaster Management
- Fault Detection of Anti-friction Bearing using Ensemble Machine Learning Methods
- Effect of Polyethylene Glycol and Triton X-100 on the Enzymatic Treatment of Bisphenol A
- A Versioning Approach to VM Live Migration
- DPML-Risk: An Efficient Algorithm for Image Registration
- Heat Transfer Enhancement of a Flat Plate Boundary Layer Distributed by a Square Cylinder: Particle Image Velocimetry and Temperature-Sensitive Paint Measurements and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis
- Experimental Investigation of Toughness Enhancement in Cement Mortar
- Modified L1 Adaptive Control Design for Satellite FMC Systems with Actuators Time Delay
- A Modified Noise Analysis of a Common Source ̶ Common Gate Low Noise Transconductance Amplifier for Sub-micron Technologies
- Optimization of a Bi-objective Scheduling for Two Groups of Experienced and Inexperienced Distribution Staff Based on Capillary Marketing
- A Robust Optimization Methodology for Multi-objective Location-transportation Problem in Disaster Response Phase under Uncertainty
- Dynamic Response of Multi-cracked Beams Resting on Elastic Foundation
- Separation of Curcumin from Curcuma longa L. and its Conjugation with Silica Nanoparticles for Anti-cancer Activities
- Multi-commodity Multimodal Splittable Logistics Hub Location Problem with Stochastic Demands
- Delay-Scheduled Controllers for Inter-Area Oscillations Considering Time Delays
- A Novel Sustainable Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Design by Considering Routing and Quality of Products
- Design and Simulation of Hot Cathode Ionization Vacuum Gauge with no X-Ray Limitations
- Rice Classification and Quality Detection Based on Sparse Coding Technique
- Optimal Rotor Fault Detection in Induction Motor Using Particle-Swarm Optimization Optimized Neural Network
- Impact Analysis of Variation in Geometrical Features on Intrinsic Characteristics of Capacitive Micro-machined Ultrasonic Transducers
- Experimental Study of a Flash-lamp Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser Using Cr4+:YAG Saturable Absorber
- A New Analog-based LO Harmonic Rejection Technique with Tunable Notch Frequency
- Effect of Carbon Nanotube and Surfactant on Processing, Mechanical, Electrical and EMI-Shielding of Epoxy Composites
- Synthesis of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Chitosan Composite Film using Nanocellulose from Coconut Fibers (Cocos nucifera)
- Evaluating Traffic Performance on Basra City Urban Roads Network
- Process Parameter Optimization of 3D-Printer Machine Using Response Surface Method for Printing Hydroxyapatite/Collagen Composite Slurry
- Investigation of Shell Side Overall Performance of a Novel Shell-and-Double-Concentric –tube Heat Exchanger with Simple and Perforated Helical Baffles
- Numerical Analysis to Study Lateral Behavior of Cement Fly Ash Gravel Piles under the Soft Soil
- Development of Light Dynamic Penetrometer for Application in Dense Soil