عنوان ژورنال
International Journal of Engineering
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- ناشر :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
شماره 1 تاریخ انتشار 2019-01-01
- Enhanced Vitamin B12 Production using Chlorella vulgaris
- Process Performance of a Granular Single Bioreactor with Continuous Feeding and Intermittent Discharge Regime Treating Dairy Wastewater
- Application of the Avrami Theory for Wax Crystallisation of Synthetic Crude Oil
- Instrumentation Readings versus Numerical Analysis of Taham Dam
- Effects of Radial Imperfection on the Load Capacity of Round HSS Columns
- Study on the Contrast between Two Seismic Response Analysis Programs of Soil Layer
- Diagnosis of Delaminated Composites Using Post-processed Strain Measurements under Impact Loading
- A New Restricted Earth Fault Relay Based on Artificial Intelligence
- Experimental Hysteresis Identification and Micro-position Control of a Shape-Memory-Alloy Rod Actuator
- Face Recognition in Thermal Images based on Sparse Classifier
- A Lagrangian Decomposition Algorithm for Robust Green Transportation Location Problem
- Effects of Various Ageing Heat Treatments on Microstructural Features and Hardness of Piston Aluminum Alloy
- Structure-property Interaction in Flux Assisted Tungsten Inert Gas Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel
- Foil Application to Reduce Resistance of Catamaran under High Speeds and Different Operating Conditions
- Effect of Residual Stress on Failure of Tube-to-tubesheet Weld in Heat Exchangers
- Rolling Bearing Fault Analysis by Interpolating Windowed DFT Algorithm
- Control of Formation of Intermetallic Compound in Dissimilar Joints Aluminum-steel
- On Numerical Investigation of Semi-empirical Relations Representing Local Nusselt Number at Lower Nozzle-target Spacing’s
- Design and Evaluation of a Magnetorheological Damper Based Prosthetic Knee
- A Numerical Simulation of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
- Experimental Investigations on Microstructural and Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Matrix Composite
- Hopper Wall Simulation in ANSYS to Determine Displacement Due to Single Ball Impact
- Flow Seals Parameters Analysis For Rotors
- The Gas Phase Oxidation of Acetaldehyde Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics
- Optimum Design of Interbasin Pipe System (RESEARCH NOTES)
- Study of the Enhanced Precipitation of an Aluminium 6061 Alloy Reinforced by SiC Particles in the Range of β\\\
- The Influence of Machine Parameters on the Properties of Double Jersey Knitted Fabrics
- Robot Motion Vision Pait I: Theory
- Recent Trends in Stabilization of Expansive Soil using Calcined Clay
- Multi-criteria– Recommendations using Autoencoder and Deep Neural Networks with Weight Optimization using Firefly Algorithm
- Seismic Vulnerability of Irregular Reinforced Concrete Buildings Considering the Soil-structure Interaction
- Characterization of Fe3O4/rGO Composites from Natural Sources: Application for Dyes Color Degradation in Aqueous Solution
- Encapsulation of Food Components and Bioactive Ingredients and Targeted Release
- Development of a Model for Locating Hubs in a Competitive Environment under Uncertainty: A Robust Optimization Approach
- Conceptual Design of Sustainable Outsourcing with Balanced Scorecard Using Analytic Hierarchy Process: A Case Study for Fajr Jam Gas Refining Company
- Analysis of Resistance Spot Welding Process Parameters Effect on the Weld Quality of Three-steel Sheets Used in Automotive Industry: Experimental and Finite Element Simulation
- A Characteristic-based Numerical Simulation of Water-titanium Dioxide Nano-fluid in Closed Domains
- Using Dynamic Thermal Rating and Energy Storage Systems Technologies Simultaneously for Optimal Integration and Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources
- Performance Evaluation of Curved-TADAS Damper on Seismic Response of Moment Resisting Steel Frame
- Reliability and Risk Assessment of Electric Cable Shovel at Chadormalu Iron Ore Mine in Iran
- Effect of Tool Rotational Speed on the Tensile and Microstructural Properties of Friction Stir Welded Different Grades of Stainless Steel Joints
- Effect of Initial Local Failure Type on Steel Braced Frame Buildings against Progressive Collapse
- A Novel Frequency Domain Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance Filter for Speech Enhancement
- Phoneme Classification Using Temporal Tracking of Speech Clusters in Spectro-temporal Domain
- A New Adaptive Load-Shedding and Restoration Strategy for Autonomous Operation of Microgrids: A Real-Time Study
- Investigation on Reliability Estimation of Loosely Coupled Software as a Service Execution Using Clustered and Non-Clustered Web Server
- Design of Air Distribution System for Operation Theatre Using Flow Visualization Techniques to Improve Flow Characteristics
- An Experimental Study of the Steel Cylinder Quenching in Water-based Nanofluids
- Sequential Microwave-assisted Extraction for Isolation of Quercetin from Red Kidney Bean
- Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Porous TiO2 Scaffolds for Bone Defects
- Three Different Methods for Approximate Analysis of Bar Structures
- A Lagrangian Decomposition Algorithm for Robust Green Transportation Location Problem
- Diagnosis of Delaminated Composites Using Post-processed Strain Measurements under Impact Loading
- Face Recognition in Thermal Images based on Sparse Classifier
- Process Performance of a Granular Single Bioreactor with Continuous Feeding and Intermittent Discharge Regime Treating Dairy Wastewater
- Effects of Various Ageing Heat Treatments on Microstructural Features and Hardness of Piston Aluminum Alloy
- A New Restricted Earth Fault Relay Based on Artificial Intelligence
- Effects of Radial Imperfection on the Load Capacity of Round HSS Columns
- Application of the Avrami Theory for Wax Crystallisation of Synthetic Crude Oil
- Study on the Contrast between Two Seismic Response Analysis Programs of Soil Layer
- Hopper Wall Simulation in ANSYS to Determine Displacement Due to Single Ball Impact
- Flow Seals Parameters Analysis For Rotors
- Rolling Bearing Fault Analysis by Interpolating Windowed DFT Algorithm
- Control of Formation of Intermetallic Compound in Dissimilar Joints Aluminum-steel
- Effect of Residual Stress on Failure of Tube-to-tubesheet Weld in Heat Exchangers
- On Numerical Investigation of Semi-empirical Relations Representing Local Nusselt Number at Lower Nozzle-target Spacing’s
- Foil Application to Reduce Resistance of Catamaran under High Speeds and Different Operating Conditions
- Experimental Hysteresis Identification and Micro-position Control of a Shape-Memory-Alloy Rod Actuator
- Structure-property Interaction in Flux Assisted Tungsten Inert Gas Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel
- Instrumentation Readings versus Numerical Analysis of Taham Dam
- Experimental Investigations on Microstructural and Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Aluminum Matrix Composite
- Enhanced Vitamin B12 Production using Chlorella vulgaris
- Design and Evaluation of a Magnetorheological Damper Based Prosthetic Knee
- A Numerical Simulation of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
- Effect of Steps Height and Glass Cover Angle on Heat Transfer Performance for Solar Distillation: Numerical Study
- Corrosion Behavior Evaluation of Nanolayered CrN/CrAlN Coatings on Titanium and Ti6Al4V Substrates
- Development of a Novel Super-active Ziegler-Natta Polyethylene Catalyst: Study on Structure, Performance and Application
- Physical, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Nanocrystalline Cellulose Bioplastic Film
- Probabilistic Reactive Power Flow Optimization of Distribution System in Presence of Distributed Units Uncertainty Using Combination of Improved Taguchi Method and Dandelion Algorithm
- Preparation of Porous Alumina/Nano-Nickel Composite by Gel Casting and Carbothermic Reduction
- Laser Scanning Speed Influences on Assessment of Laser Remelted Commercially Pure Titanium Grade 2
- Direct Reduced Iron an Advantageous Charge Material for Induction Furnaces
- A Theoretical and Practical Study of Cracking of an Aluminium Alloy During Side Pressing Using a Finite - Element Analysis
- Construction of Deformation - Mechanism Maps for Metals and Solid Solution Alloys a New Approach
- Mathematical Model for Separation of Submicron Particles from Gas Stream in a Conduit Type Scrubber (RESEARCH NOTE).
- Optimum Flat Grids
- Solidification Phenomena and Properties of Some Cast Tool Steels
- Fractographic Aspects of Stress Corrosion Failure of Zircaloy 2 in CH3OH HCL Solutions
- Core Loading Design for Bushehr Pressurized Water Reactor
- Single Array and Bound Method (RESEARCH NOTE).
- Real Time Dynamic Simulation of Power System Using Multiple Microcomputers
- Reliability and Availability Analysis of Fusion Power Plants
- Digital Distance Relaying
- The Kinetics of Methanation on Nickel Catalysts
- Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Multi-Processors Organization with Shared Memories
- Sulfur Species in Particulates Emitted from Reducing Coal Combustion and Pyrometallurgical Furnaces
- Stiffness Matrices for Axial and Bending Deformations of Non-Prismatic Beams with Linearly Varying Thickness
- Harmonic Response of Pile Groups to Dynamic Loading
- Design of Logic Network for Generating Sequency Ordered Hadamard Matrix H
- The Potentiodynamic Behavior of Copper in NaCI Solutions Studied by Auger and Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- Quality Improvement Through Multiple Response Optimization (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Comparative Cyanide and Thiourea Extraction of Gold Based on Characterization Studies (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Hot Corrosion Behavior of Magnesite – Chromite Refractories Used in Reverberatory Furnaces at Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex
- Coupled Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR)/Activated Sludge Treatment of Synthetic Wastewater with High Concentration of Sulfate and COD
- A 2-D Numerical Investigation on the Modal Characteristics of Rotating-Stall with a Variable-Cascade- Length Approach in an Axial Compressor
- A Continuous Plane Model to Machine Layout Problems Considering Pick-Up and Drop-Off Points: An Evolutionary Algorithm
- A Fast Method for Calculation of Transformers Leakage Reactance Using Energy Technique
- The Perturbation Flow Field Associated With Passage of Turbulent Spot (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Finite Element Prediction of the Behavior of Profiled Steel Sheet Dry Board Folded Plate Structures an Improved Model (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Thickness Dependence of Sensitivity in Thin Film Tin Oxide Gas Sensors Deposited by Vapor Pyrolysis
- The Effect of Sulfate Concentration on COD Removal and Sludge Granulation in UASB Reactors
- Probe-Fed Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antennas,Theoretical Modeling and Experiments
- Diffusion Process for GX/G/M Queuing System with Balking and Reneging
- Numerical Solution of Reacting Laminar Flow Heat and Mass Transfer in Ducts of Arbitrary Cross-Sections for Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids
- Large Scale Experiments Data Analysis for Estimation of Hydrodynamic Force Coefficients
- Effects of Directional Subdividing on adaptive Grid-Embedding (RESEARCH NOTE)
- An Algorithm to Compute the Complexity of a Static Production Planning (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Optimization of Longwall Panel Location with Regards to the Gradient of Coal Seams (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Efficiency of Anti-Hourglassing Approaches in Finite Element Method (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Determination of Suitable Concentrations of H2O and CO2 in the Feed of Syngas Production (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Software for Kinetic Process Simulation (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Mechanical Properties of Irregular Fiber (Invited Review Paper)
- Discrimination of Plastic Waste using Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy-principal Component Analysis: Highlighting Molecular LIBS
- Hybrid Beamforming for Dual Functioning Multi-input Multi-output Radar using Dimension Reduced-baseband Piecewise Successive Approximation
- Outlier Detection in Test Samples using Standard Deviation and Unsupervised Training Set Selection
- Ultra Low Power Temperature Compensated Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Ring Oscillator in Subthreshold
- Effects of Drilling Mud Properties on Hydrate Dissociation Around Wellbore during Drilling Operation in Hydrate Reservoir
- On Feasibility of Adaptive Level Hardware Evolution for Emergent Fault Tolerant Communication
- Design, Construction and Comparison of a Sensorless Driver Circuit for Switched Reluctance Motor
- Using Interval Petri Nets and Timed Automata for Diagnosis of Discrete Event Systems (DES)
- A New Method for Root Detection in Minirhizotron Images: Hypothesis Testing Based on Entropy-Based Geometric Level Set Decision
- A Database for Automatic Persian Speech Emotion Recognition: Collection, Processing and Evaluation
- Accurate Model of Capacitance for MEMS Sensors using Corrugated Diaphragm with Residual Stress
- LEBRP - A Lightweight and Energy Balancing Routing Protocol for Energy-Constrained Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
- Leach Routing Algorithm Optimization through Imperialist Approach
- Exact Modeling and Simulation of Saturated Induction Motors with Broken Rotor Bars Fault using Winding Function Approach
- Modeling, Control and Simulation of Cascade Control Servo System for one Axis Gimbal Mechanism
- Economic Aspect of Fuel Cell Power as Distributed Generation
- Improved Frog Leaping Algorithm Using Cellular Learning Automata
- Document Image Retrieval Based on Keyword Spotting Using Relevance Feedback
- Detection of Alzheimer\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Disease using Multitracer Positron Emission Tomography Imaging
- Reduction of Computational Complexity in Finite State Automata Explosion of Networked System Diagnosis (RESEARCH NOTE)
- High Gain DC-DC Converter using Active Clamp Circuit (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A New Intelligent Controller for Parallel DC/DC Converters
- Image Zooming using Non-linear Partial Differential Equation
- Toward Energy-efficient Communication Protocol in WBAN: A Dynamic Scheduling Policy Approach
- Investigating the Effect of Considering Different Cross Section Design in Friction Stir Welded Joint Line of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys
- Computational Study of Excitation Controlling Parameters Effect on Uniform Beam Deformation under Vibration
- Dynamic Response Analysis of a High Glide Ratio Parachute System
- Towards a Uncertainty Analysis in Thermal Protection using Phase-change Micro/Nano Particles during Hyperthermia
- Durability and Mechanical Properties of Self-compacting Concretes with Combined Use of Aluminium Oxide Nanoparticles and Glass Fiber
- The Influence of Overburden Structure on Mine Ground Pressure Appearance in Working Face with Super-large Mining Height: a Case Study in Shendong Mining Area
- Influence of Bi-directional Fibreglass Grid Reinforcement on Drying Shrinkage and Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Foamed Concrete
- Novel Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on President Election: Applied to a Renewable Hybrid Power System Controller
- A Bi-level Programming Approach for Pre-positioning Emergency Warehouses
- Development of a New Supersonic Rotor-vane Ejector using Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Korkinsk Brown Coal Open Pit as a Case Study of Endogenous Fires
- Fused Deposition Modeling of an Aircraft Wing using Industrial Robot with Non-linear Tool Path Generation
- Structural Behavior of Hollow-core One Way Slabs of High Strength Self-compacting Concrete
- Optimization of Thermal Decomposition Conditions of Bone to Achieve the Highest Percentage of Crystalline Phase in Bone Char using Gene Expression Programming and Artificial Neural Network
- Synthesis and Characterization of Photocatalytic Activity of Hematite/ Cobalt Oxide/ Graphite Nanocomposites
- Free Vibration Analysis of a Six-degree-of-freedom Mass-spring System Suitable for Dynamic Vibration Absorbing of Space Frames
- Fabrication and Characterization of Novel Mixed Matrix Polyethersulfone Based Nanofiltration Membrane Modified by Ilmenite (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Hot Corrosion Behavior of Functional Graded Material Thermal Barrier Coating (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Fingertip Radius Effect of an on-Surface-Manipulated Object
- Field Programmable Gate Array–based Implementation of an Improved Algorithm for Objects Distance Measurement (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Design and Implementation of Field Programmable Gate Array Based Baseband Processor for Passive Radio Frequency Identification Tag (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Sliding Friction Contact Stiffness Model of Involute Arc Cylindrical Gear Based on Fractal Theory
- Effects of Partial Substitution of Styrene-butadiene-styrene with Granulated Blast-furnace Slag on the Strength Properties of Porous Asphalt
- Fluoride Ions Removal using Yttrium Alginate Biocomposite from an Aqueous Solution (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Enhanced Predictions of Tides and Surges through Data Assimilation (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Risk Analysis of Operating Room Using the Fuzzy Bayesian Network Model
- Parallel Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization Variants Using Graphics Processing Unit Platform
- Maintenance and Work-rest Scheduling in Human-machine System According to Fatigue and Reliability
- Welding Properties of Polymeric Nanocomposite Parts Containing Alumina Nanoparticles in Friction Stir Welding Proces
- Design of a Reliable Facility Location Model for Health Service Networks
- Photochemical Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol in Aqueous Solutions by Fe2+/ Peroxydisulfate/ UV Process
- Active Noise Cancellation using Online Wavelet Based Control System: Numerical and Experimental Study
- Modeling of Stiffening and Strengthening in Nano-Layered Silicate/Epoxy (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Gear Fault Detection using Machine Learning Techniques- A Simulation-driven Approach
- Services Composition in Multi-cloud Environments using the Skyline Service Algorithm
- Reliability Analysis of Notched Plates under Anisotropic Damage Based on Uniaxial Loading Using Continuum Damage Mechanics Approach
- Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes Incorporated Bioactive Glass Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Characterization, Bioactivity Evaluation and Drug Loading
- Fracture Mechanism of CoCrMo Porous Nano-composite Prepared by Powder Metallurgy Route
- The Effects of Newmark Method Parameters on Errors in Dynamic Extended Finite Element Method Using Response Surface Method
- The Effect of the Variation of Volume Flow Rate on the Thermal Parameters of a Solar Air Collector with a Single Pass of Air: Case Study for Laghouat, Algeria
- Experimental Investigation of Energy Consumption and Performance of Reverse Osmosis Desalination using Design of Experiments Method
- Quality Factor of Free In-plane Vibration of a Fully Clamped Rectangular Micro-plate
- Adsorption of Malachite Green from Aqueous Solution by Nanozeolite Clinoptilolite: Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies
- Influence of Circular and Square Cut-outs on Fiber Glass/Epoxy Composite Laminate under Tensile Loading
- Multiple Destination Influence on Production Scheduling in Multi-element Mines
- Testing of Environment Friendly Refrigerant R290 for Water Cooler Application (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Porcelain Body Developed from Rice Husk Ash (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A Computational Study about the Effect of Turbines Pitched Blade Attack Angle on the Power Consumption of a Stirred Tank
- Design and Analysis of Pressure Vessel Subjected to Pressure-temperature Variation (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Parameters Optimization in Manufacturing Nanopowder Bioceramics of Eggshell with Pulverisette 6 Machine using Taguchi and ANOVA Method (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Predicting Force in Single Point Incremental Forming by Using Artificial Neural Network
- Predictions of Tool Wear in Hard Turning of AISI4140 Steel through Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic and Regression Models
- A Low Cost Numerical Simulation of a Supersonic Wind-tunnel Design
- Proposed Procedure for Estimating the Coefficient of Three-factor Interaction for 2^p 3^m 4^q Factorial Experiments (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Random Vortex Method for Geometries with Unsolvable Schwarz-Christoffel Formula
- Improvement of Cement Properties Using a Single Multi-functional Polymer
- An Experimental Study of Nanofluids Operated Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with Air Bubble Injection
- Flexural and Impact Properties of Stainless Steel based Glass Fibre Reinforced Fibre Metal Laminate under Hygrothermal Conditioning
- Application of the Hot Spotting Method for the Straightening of a Large Turbine Rotor
- Comparison of the hyperbolic range of two-fluid models on two-phase gas -liquid flows
- Flow Over an Exponentially Stretching Porous Sheet with Cross-diffusion Effects and Convective Thermal Conditions
- Blast Demand Estimation of RC-Moment-Resisting Frames using a Proposed Multi-modal Adaptive Pushover Analysis Procedure
- Reactive Scheduling Addressing Unexpected Disturbance in Cellular Manufacturing Systems
- Elastic Buckling Response of a Composite Panel Stiffened Around Cutouts
- Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Flow in a Channel Including a Rotating Cylinder
- Squirrel Search Optimization for Non-convex Multi-area Economic Dispatch
- Comparative Performance of Machine Learning Ensemble Algorithms for Forecasting Cryptocurrency Prices
- Epileptic Electroencephalogram Classification using Relative Wavelet Sub-Band Energy and Wavelet Entropy
- Provision of an Optimal Strategy to Forecast the Prices Set by the Electricity Market in the Competitive Iranian Energy Market in Fall
- Effect of Tail Capacitor on Phase Noise in LC Cross-connected Oscillators: An Analytical Investigation
- Effect of Segregation on Opinion Formation in Scale-Free Social Networks: An Agent-based Approach
- Employing the Empirical Mode Decomposition to Denoise the Random Telegraph Noise
- The Predictability of Tree-based Machine Learning Algorithms in the Big Data Context
- Influence of Chemical Admixtures on Geotechnical Properties of Expansive Soil
- Assessment the Cost-effectiveness of Information Support for the Business Processes of a Virtual Machine-building Enterprise in the Framework of Industry 4.0
- Numerical Study on Vibration Attenuation of Cylinder using Active Rotary Oscillating Controller
- Phase-Transformation of Gamma-Allumina to Alpha-Alumina as an Industrial Catalyst Support
- Effect or Inoculation on Microstructure and Properties of Low C-Mn and Low Alloy Steels
- Application to Adaptive Control to Synchronous Machine Excitation
- Electrochemical Noise Analysis of Anaerobic (Bacterial) Corrosion of Steel
- Prediction of Thermodynamic Properties of Refrigerants in the Superheated Ragion
- A Database Model for Medical Consultation
- A Robust Control Design Technique for Discrete-Time Systems
- A Microprocessor-Based Hybrid Duplex Fault-Tolerant System
- Formation Control and Obstacle Avoidance of a Multi-Quadrotor System Based on Model Predictive Control and Improved Artificial Potential Field
- Experimental Study of Thermal Ageing and Hydrogen Embrittlement Effect on the Equipments of a Rocket Engine
- Predictive Modelling and Optimization of Double Ring Electrode Based Cold Plasma Using Artificial Neural Network
- An Analysis on Performance of Pico-hydro with Archimedes Screw Model Viewed from Turbine Shaft Angle
- Relationship Between Ground Settlement Due to Tunnelling and Ground Physico-mechanical Peroperties (RESEARCH NOTES)
- Contamination of the Konar Siah Karst Spring by Saltdom
- A Study of Dynamic Characteristics of a Multistory Building Using Ambient Vibration Tests (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Natural Convection from a Helical Heating Coil to the Surrounding Fluid.
- On the Optimum Directivity of Uniformly Spaced Broadside Arrays of Parallel Half-Wave Dipoles (RESEARCH NOTES)
- Effect of Al59Cu25.5Fe12.5B3 Quasi-crystals on Microstructure and Flexural Strength of Aluminum Matrix Composites Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering Method
- Investigation of Antifouling Paints for Vessel in Tropical Seawater of North Jakarta in Indonesia
- Earth-to-air Heat Exchanger for Cooling Applications in a Hot and Dry Climate: Numerical and Experimental Study
- A New Multi-Valued Logic Buffer and Inverter Using MOSFET Based Differential Amplifier
- Integration of Remote Sensing and Big Data to Study Spatial Distribution of Urban Heat Island for Cities with Different Terrain
- A Novel Methodology for Predicting Roadway Deterioration in Iraq
- Energy Harvesting from Vibrating Cantilever Structure of Different Base Materials using Piezoelectric Material: Theoretical and Experimental Approach
- Application of Finite Element Method for Simulation of Rock Mass Caving Processes in Block Caving Method
- Shear Stress Distribution in Double-lap Adhesive Joints Reinforced with Nylon Fabric: Numerical Investigation
- Developing a Fuzzy Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking Compromise Solution Method for Determining Essential Barriers in Iranian Car Industry
- Chemical Reaction-Diffusion Model Around a Vessel for Studying Temperature and Concentration of Three Chemical Species by Finite Element Method
- Chaotic Time Series Recognition: A Deep Learning Model Inspired by Complex Systems Characteristics
- Study on the Application of Sustainable Construction in the Development of the Likupang Special Economic Zone
- Experimental Study of Lateral Loading on Piled Raft Foundations on Sandy Soil