عنوان ژورنال
International Journal of Engineering
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- ناشر :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
شماره 7 تاریخ انتشار 2019-07-01
- Optimization of Control System of Petroleum Refinery Isomerization Unit by Plant-Wide Control Principles
- Estimation of Punching Shear Capacity of Concrete Slabs Using Data Mining Techniques
- An Efficient Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Particle Filter and Genetic Algorithm
- A Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm Combined with CNN for Content Based Image Retrieval
- Convolutional Gating Network for Object Tracking
- Cogging Torque Reduction of Sandwiched Stator Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor using Magnet Notching Technique
- Design and Fabrication of a Microwave Weed Killer Device for Weed Control Applications
- Scheduling Nurse Shifts Using Goal Programming Based on Nurse Preferences: A Case Study in an Emergency Department
- Mathematical Model for Bi-objective Maximal Hub Covering Problem with Periodic Variations of Parameters
- A Green Competitive Vehicle Routing Problem under Uncertainty Solved by an Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm
- Corrosion Polarization Behavior of Al-SiO2 Composites in 1M and Related Microstructural Analysis
- Control of Nozzle Flow Using Microjets at Supersonic Mach Regime
- Experimental Investigation of Sinusoidal Tube in Triplex-Tube Heat Exchanger during Charging and Discharging Processes Using Phase Change Materials
- A Fault Diagnosis Method for Automaton based on Morphological Component Analysis and Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
- Effect of Hexagonal Boron Nitrate on Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Al7075 Metal Matrix Composite Producing by Stir Casting Technique
- Simulation and Experimental Study of Vibration and Noise of Pure Electric Bus Transmission based on Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Air Temperature Distribution inside a Car under Solar Load Condition
- Thermodynamic Investigation and Optimization of a Power Generation System Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Using Taguchi Approach
- Determination of Shock Standoff Distance for Wedge at Supersonic Flow
- Convolutional Gating Network for Object Tracking
- Effect of Hexagonal Boron Nitrate on Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Al7075 Metal Matrix Composite Producing by Stir Casting Technique
- A Green Competitive Vehicle Routing Problem under Uncertainty Solved by an Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm
- Estimation of Punching Shear Capacity of Concrete Slabs Using Data Mining Techniques
- An Efficient Target Tracking Algorithm Based on Particle Filter and Genetic Algorithm
- Mathematical Model for Bi-objective Maximal Hub Covering Problem with Periodic Variations of Parameters
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Impact of Basalt Fibers and Tie Spacing on Short Concrete Column Behavior
- Experimental Study on Performance of Ductile and Non-ductile Reinforced Concrete Exterior Beam-column Joint
- Enhancing Seismic Design of Non-structural Components Implementing Artificial Intelligence Approach: Predicting Component Dynamic Amplification Factors
- Vibration Analysis of Double Deck Floating Roof of Storage Tank in Cases of Tube, Ordinary and Thickened Foam Seals
- A New Texture Segmentation Method with Energy-driven Parametric Active Contour Model Based on Jensen-Tsallis Divergence
- An Expert System Based on Type-1 Fuzzy Logic and Digital Image Processing for Knowledge Based Edge and Contour Detection
- Influence of Project and Affected Local Community Interests Level on Social Conflicts in Indonesian Infrastructure Projects
- Effect of Steel Fiber Volume Fraction on the Mechanical Behavior of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Composites
- Development of Work Breakdown Structure for Stadium Work as Project Guideline and Standard
- A New Generalized Step-up Multilevel Inverter Topology Based on Combined T-type and Cross Capacitor Modules
- Channel Estimation and Carrier Frequency Offset Compensation in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing System Using Adaptive Filters in Wavelet Transform Domain
- Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamic Properties of Alex Type Gliders
- Meshing Error of Elliptic Cylinder Gear Based on Tooth Contact Analysis
- Optimal Singular Value Decomposition Based Pre-coding for Secret Key Extraction from Correlated Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Sub-channels
- AIOSC: Analytical Integer Word-length Optimization Based on System Characteristics for Recursive Fixed-Point Linear Time Invariant Systems
- Eco-friendly Hybrid Concrete Using Pozzolanic Binder and Glass Fibers
- Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties of Laser Cladded AlFeCuCrCoNi-WC10 High Entropy Alloy Coating
- Development of Mathematical Model for Controlling Drilling Parameters with Screw Downhole Motor
- Effect of Non-uniform Magnetic Field on Non-newtonian Fluid Separation in a Diffuser
- Repeated Record Ordering for Constrained Size Clustering
- Bandwidth and Delay Optimization by Integration of Software Trust Estimator with Multi-user Cloud Resource Competence
- Single-vehicle Run-off-road Crash Prediction Model Associated with Pavement Characteristics
- A New Model of Equivalent Modulus Derived from Repeated Load CBR Test
- Fast Unsupervised Automobile Insurance Fraud Detection Based on Spectral Ranking of Anomalies
- A New Developed Model to Determine Waste Dump Site Selection in Open Pit Mines: An Approach to Minimize Haul Road Construction Cost
- Efficient Parallelization of a Genetic Algorithm Solution on the Traveling Salesman Problem with Multi-core and Many-core Systems
- A Location-Routing Model for Assessment of the Injured People and Relief Distribution under Uncertainty
- Scheduling Nurse Shifts Using Goal Programming Based on Nurse Preferences: A Case Study in an Emergency Department
- Control of Nozzle Flow Using Microjets at Supersonic Mach Regime
- Design and Fabrication of a Microwave Weed Killer Device for Weed Control Applications
- A Fault Diagnosis Method for Automaton based on Morphological Component Analysis and Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Air Temperature Distribution inside a Car under Solar Load Condition
- Thermodynamic Investigation and Optimization of a Power Generation System Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Using Taguchi Approach
- Simulation and Experimental Study of Vibration and Noise of Pure Electric Bus Transmission based on Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods
- Functionalized Halloysite Nanotubes and Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Fillers Incorporated in UF Membranes for Oil/Water Separation
- Analytical Modelling of a Six-Phase Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
- Enhancing Wind Power Conversion System Control Under Wind Constraints Using Single Hidden Layer Neural Network
- A Fuzzy Fusion Framework for Generating Purpose-oriented Texts
- A Compositional Adaptation-based Approach for Recommending Learning Resources in Software Development
- Synchronous Generator Dual Estimation Using Sigma Points Kalman Filter
- Accurate Analytical Modeling of Drain Current of Heterojunction Tunneling Field Effect Transistor
- Performance Analysis and Optimization of Asymmetric Front and Back Pi Gates with Dual Material in Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility Transistor for Nano Electronics Application
- Design and Optimization of the Dual-Stator Axial-Field Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Motor with High-Torque Density and Low-cost
- Corrosion Polarization Behavior of Al-SiO2 Composites in 1M and Related Microstructural Analysis
- High Temperature Corrosion Behavior of High Velocity Oxy Fuel Sprayed NiCrMoFeCoAl-30%SiO2 and NiCrMoFeCoAl-30%Cr2O3 Composite Coatings on ASTM SA213-T22 Steel in a Coal-fired Boiler Environment
- Optimization of Control System of Petroleum Refinery Isomerization Unit by Plant-Wide Control Principles
- Experimental Investigation of Sinusoidal Tube in Triplex-Tube Heat Exchanger during Charging and Discharging Processes Using Phase Change Materials
- Determination of Shock Standoff Distance for Wedge at Supersonic Flow
- A New Statistical Approach for Recognizing and Classifying Patterns of Control Charts (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Experimental Investigation on Hydrous Methanol Fueled HCCI Engine Using Spark Assisted Method
- Lot Streaming in No-wait Multi Product Flowshop Considering Sequence Dependent Setup Times and Position Based Learning Factors
- A Novel Protection Guaranteed, Quality of Transmission Aware Routing and Wavelength Assignment Algorithm for All-optical Networks
- Damped Vibrations of Parabolic Tapered Non-homogeneous Infinite Rectangular Plate Resting on Elastic Foundation (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Sensorless Indirect Field Oriented Control of Single-sided Linear Induction Motor With a Novel Sliding Mode MRAS Speed Estimator
- Isotonic Change Point Estimation in the AR(1) Autocorrelated Simple Linear Profiles
- A Congested Double Path Approach for a Hub Location-allocation Problem with Service Level at Hubs
- Flexural Behavior of Polyester Polymer Concrete Subjected to Different Chemicals
- Cutting Force Prediction in End Milling Process of AISI 304 Steel Using Solid Carbide Tools
- Assessing the Impact of Size and Site of DGs and SMs in Active Distribution Networks for Energy Losses Cost
- Drift Change Point Estimation in the rate and dependence Parameters of Autocorrelated Poisson Count Processes Using MLE Approach: An Application to IP Counts Data
- Evaluation of Cell Growth and Substrate Consumption Kinetic of Five Different Lactobacilli in a Submerged Batch Whey Culture for Lactic Acid Production
- Attitude Estimation of Nano-satellite according to Navigation Sensors using of Combination Method (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Offline Language-free Writer Identification based on Speeded-up Robust Features
- Effect of Micellization pH on Properties of Sphere-like Mesoporous Hydroxyappatite
- Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Cutting Stress in End Milling of Titanium Alloy using Carbide Coated Tool
- Efficient Metaheuristic Algorithms for a Robust and Sustainable Water Supply and Wastewater Collection System
- A Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm Combined with CNN for Content Based Image Retrieval
- Cogging Torque Reduction of Sandwiched Stator Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor using Magnet Notching Technique
- Optimal Filter Length Selection for Universal Filtered Multicarrier Systems
- Scientific and Methodological Support of Sand Management During Operation of Horizontal Wells
- Analysis of Nucleation Time of Gas Hydrates in Presence of Paraffin During Mechanized Oil Production
- Hydrodynamic Modeling and Evaluation of Partial Substitution of Cushion Gas During Creation of Temporary Underground Gas Storage in an Aquifer
- An Improved Automatic EEG Signal Segmentation Method based on Generalized Likelihood Ratio
- An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items Using Vendor-Managed Inventory Policy
- Zone-3 Impadance Reach Setting of Distance Relays by Including In-feed Current Effects in an Adaptive Scheme
- An Iterative Decision Rule to minimize cost of Acceptance Sampling Plan in Machine Replacement Problem
- EOQ Model with Cash Flow Oriented and Quantity Dependent Under Trade Credits (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Uncertainties due to Fuel Heating Value and Burner Efficiency on Performance Functions of Turbofan Engines Using Monte Carlo Simulation
- Effect of TiO2 Nanofiber Density on Organic-Inorganic Based Hybrid Solar Cells (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Design of IIR Digital Filter using Modified Chaotic Orthogonal Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Experimental Investigation of Thermal Performance in an Advanced Solar Collector with Spiral Tube
- The Effects of Internal and External Stiffeners on Hysteretic Behavior of Steel Beam to CFT Column Connections
- Using a Novel Concept of Potential Pixel Energy for Object Tracking
- Perfect Tracking of Supercavitating Non-minimum Phase Vehicles Using a New Robust and Adaptive Parameter-optimal Iterative Learning Control
- Modeling the Time Windows Vehicle Routing Problem in Cross-Docking Strategy Using Two Meta-Heuristic Algorithms
- A Novel Fuzzy Based Method for Heart Rate Variability Prediction
- Train Scheduling Problem with Consideration of Praying Constraint as an Application of Job Shop Scheduling Problem
- Radial Basis Neural Network Based Islanding Detection in Distributed Generation
- Characterization of TiN, CrN and (Ti, Cr) N Coatings Deposited by Cathodic ARC Evaporation
- Investigation of the Effects of Pressure Path and Tool Parameters in Hydrodynamic Deep Drawing
- Stability Analysis of AC/DC Microgrids in Island Mode
- A Disturbance Observer Based Fuzzy Feedforward Proportional Integral Load Frequency Control of Microgrids
- Multi-objective Optimal Design of Gas-fired Heater Based on Modified Design Model of Fired Heater Taking into Account Exergy, Economic and Environmental Factors
- Optimization of Dam Reservoir Operation Using Grey Wolf Optimization and Genetic Algorithms (A Case Study of Taleghan Dam)
- Numerical Evaluation of Slope Stability for Construction and Seismic Loads: Case Study
- Evaluation of the Combined Use of Waste Paper Sludge Ash and Nanomaterials on Mechanical Properties and Durability of High Strength Concretes
- A New Consensus-based Distributed Adaptive Control for Islanded Microgrids
- System of Comprehensive Assessment of Project Risks in the Energy Industry
- Experimental Analysis for Determination of Longitudinal Friction Coefficient Function in Braking Tractor Semi-trailer
- Nitrogen Starvation Effect Versus its Excess on the Performance of Arthrospira maxima in Zarrouk’s Medium
- A Bi-objective Robust Optimization Model for an Integrated Production-distribution Problem of Perishable Goods with Demand Improvement Strategies: A Case Study
- Spectrophotometric Determination of Naproxen Using Chitosan Capped Silver Nanoparticles in Pharmaceutical Formulation
- A Compact Model of Gate Capacitance in Ballistic Gate-All-Around Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors
- Effect of Foundation Flexibility on the Seismic Performance of a High-Rise Structure under Far-Field and Near-Field Earthquakes
- Optimization of Calcined Bentonite Clay Utilization in Cement Mortar using Response Surface Methodology
- Using Universal Nand-nor-inverter Gate to Design D-latch and D Flip-flop in Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Nanotechnology
- Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica Xerogel from Geothermal Sludge using Sulfuric Acid as Gelation Agent
- Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Finger-Knuckle-Print Recognition
- Objective Functions for the Optimization of an Ultra Wideband Antenna
- Straightforward Prediction for Responses of the Concrete Shear Wall Buildings Subject to Ground Motions Using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Prediction of Drug-Target Protein Interaction Based on the Minimization of Weighted Nuclear Norm and Similarity Graph between Drugs and Target Proteins
- Performance of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Equipped with an Innovative Hybrid Damper
- Concepts, Key Challenges and Open Problems of Federated Learning
- Operating Wheelchair Using Flex Sensor
- Evaluating the Efficiency of Coal Loading Process by Simulating the Process of Loading onto the Face Conveyor with a Shearer with an Additional Share
- Calculation and Analysis of Groove Elastic Support’s Radial Stiffness (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Effect of Underwater Ambient Noise on Quadraphase Phase-shift Keying Acoustic Sensor Network Links in Extremely Low Frequency Band
- Settlements and Consolidation Rates under Embankments in a Soft Soil with Vertical Drains
- Probabilistic Approach to the Seismic Vulnerability of RC Frame Structures by the Development of Analytical Fragility Curves
- Slip Velocity in Flow and Heat Transfer of Non-newtonian Fluids in Microchannels
- Managing Environmentally Conscious in Designing Closed-loop Supply Chain for the Paper Industry
- Quadrature Amplitude Modulation All Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing-dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing-optical Wireless Communication System under Different Weather Conditions
- A New Approach in Developing Optimal Defrost/Demist Performance in a Passenger Car (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- The Effect of Measurement Errors on the Performance of Variable Sample Size and Sampling Interval Control Chart
- Soft Foundation Strengthening Effect and Structural Optimization of a New Cement Fly-ash and Gravel Pile-slab Structure
- Designing an Economic Repetitive Sampling Plan in the Presence of Two Markets
- Modelling of Eyeball with Pan/Tilt Mechanism and Intelligent Face Recognition Using Local Binary Pattern Operator
- An Integrated Approach for Collection Center Selection in Reverse Logistics
- Sedimentation Stability of Oil Well Cements in Directional Wells (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A New Mathematical Model To Optimize A Green Gas Network: A Case Study
- Testing Soccer League Competition Algorithm in Comparison with Ten Popular Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Sizing Optimization of Truss Structures
- Fabrication of Spiral Stent with Superelastic/ Shape Memory Nitinol Alloy for Femoral Vessel
- Energy and Second Law of Thermodynamics Analysis of Shower Cooling Tower with Variation in Inlet Air Temperature
- Analysis of Milling Process Parameters and their Influence on Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Durable Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Supplimentary Cementitious Materials
- Batch Study on COD and Ammonia Nitrogen Removal Using Granular Activated Carbon and Cockle Shells
- Effect of Different Nanoparticles and Friction Stir Process Parameters on Surface Hardness and Morphology of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
- Eulerian Lagrangian Simulation of Particle Capture and Dendrite Formation on Binary Fibers
- Finite Plate with Circular and Square Hole under Partial Loading
- Evaluation of Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Glass/Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Hybrid Composite
- Ovality and Bow Defect of Pre-punched Sheets in Roll Forming of Trapezoidal Sections
- Mechanical Surface Treatments of Ti-6Al-4V Miniplate Implant Manufactured by Electrical Discharge Machining (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Experimental Study on Using Uniform Tuned Liquid Column Damper for Structural Control of Buildings Resting on Loose Soil
- Evaluation of Seismic Behavior of Steel Moment Resisting Frames Considering Nonlinear Soil-structure Interaction
- Mechanical Characterization of Glass-Basalt-Carbon/Polyester Hybrid Composites
- Simultaneous Pricing, Routing, and Inventory Control for Perishable Goods in a Two-echelon Supply Chain
- Design Optimization of Axial Flux Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor For Electrical Vehicle Based on Genetic Algorithm
- An Accurate 2D Analytical Model for Transconductance to Drain Current ratio (gm/Id) for a Dual Halo Dual Dielectric Triple Material Cylindrical Gate All Around MOSFETs
- Bi-objective Build-to-order Supply Chain Problem with Customer Utility
- Numerical Analysis of Fully Developed Flow and Heat Transfer in Channels with Periodically Grooved Parts (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Parametric Optimization of Electro Spark Microwelding of Aluminum Clad Steel (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Investigation of the Fractional Composition Effect of the Carbonate Weighting Agents on the Rheology of the Clayless Drilling Mud
- Vibration Behavior of Nanocomposite Plate Reinforced by Pristine and Defective Graphene Sheets; an Analytical Approach
- Combine Use of Fly Ash and Rice Husk Ash in Concrete to Improve its Properties (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Toward an Improvement of Natural Gas-diesel Dual Fuel Engine Operation at Part Load Condition by Detail CFD Simulation
- A Procurement-distribution Coordination Model in Humanitarian Supply Chain Using the Information-sharing Mechanism
- Position Control Improvement of Permanent Magnet Motor Using Model Predictive Control
- Power and Ventilation Performance Study in a Modified Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Based on Semi-analytical Approach
- An Innovative and Reliable Hybrid Cooling Method for Electric Vehicle Motors
- Effect of Training Data Ratio and Normalizing on Fatigue Lifetime Prediction of Aluminum Alloys with Machine Learning
- Energy Collector Based on Piezoelectric Nano Materials in the Power Supply System to Improve the Efficiency of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for Industry 4.0
- Efficiency Optimization Thermal Analysis and Power Output of a Modified Incinerator Plant Using Organic Rankine Cycle
- Investigation of the Damping Performance of a Shape Memory Alloy Beam
- Performance Analysis of Bi-directional Improved Hybrid Three Quasi Z source Converter
- Optimal Load Shedding for Voltage Collapse Prevention Following Overloads in Distribution System
- Rescheduling Unreliable Service Providers in a Dynamic Multi-objective Cloud Manufacturing
- A Model for Analysis of Social Media in Adoption of Mobile Banking
- Investigating Hostile Post Detection in Gujarati: A Machine Learning Approach
- A Numerical Modelling Approach to Assess Deformations of Horseshoe Cavern on Account of Rock Mass Characteristics and Discontinuities
- Feature Engineering Methods in Intrusion Detection System: A Performance Evaluation
- Effect of Combined Different Sources of Alumina Silicate on Mechanical Properties and Carbonation Depth of Environmentally Friendly Geopolymeric Composite Based on Metakaolin
- Synthesis of Silica Nanoparticles from Silica Sand via Vibration Assisted Alkaline Solution Method
- Dynamic Response of Glass/Epoxy Laminated Composite Plates under Low-velocity Impact
- Сomprehensive Assessment Production Efficiency of Electric Rope Shovel through Operator Qualification Criteria
- 3D Finite Element Model for Recycled Asphalt Mixtures with High Percentages of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Rutting Simulation
- Collision-free Inverse Kinematics of Redundant Manipulator for Agricultural Applications through Optimization Techniques
- Topology and Thickness Optimization of Concrete Thin Shell Structures Based on Weight, Deflection, and Strain Energy
- Performance of Pile Group in Soils Prone to Liquefaction Affected by Far and Near Earthquakes
- Critical Success Factor Implementation of Land Value Capture on a Toll Road Assignment Scheme: SEM-PLS Approach