عنوان ژورنال
International Journal of Engineering
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- ناشر :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
شماره 5 تاریخ انتشار 2019-05-01
- Biodegradation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls by and Isolated from Contaminated Soil
- Poultry Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment Using Anaerobic Fluid Bed Reactor and Aerobic Mobile-Bed Biological Reactor
- Optical Analyzer for Continuous Monitoring of Dissolved Oxygen in Aviation Fuel and Other Non-aqueous Media
- Monitoring the Built-up Area Transformation Using Urban Index and Normalized Difference Built-up Index Analysis
- Evaluating Seismic Effects on a Water Supply Network and Quantifying Post-Earthquake Recovery
- Close Following Behavior: Estimation of Desired Gap Headway Using Loop Detector Data (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Effect of Fuzzy Boundaries on the Bearing Capacity of Footings on Two-Layered Clay
- Stimulation Behaviour Study on Clay Treated with Ground Granulated Blast Slag and Groundnutshell Ash
- Experimental Study on TGA, XRD and SEM Analysis of Concrete with Ultra-fine Slag (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- An Experimental Study on Geogrid with Geotextile Effects Aimed to Improve Clayey Soil
- Performance Improvement of a Slotted Solid Rotor Induction Motor with High Temperature Superconder Coating
- Mitigation Transformer Inrush Current Using Modified Transient Current Limiter
- A Temperature Compensation Voltage Controlled Oscillator Using a Complementary to Absolute Temperature Voltage Reference
- Energy Efficient Novel Design of Static Random Access Memory Memory Cell in Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Approach
- Change Point Estimation of the Stationary State in Auto Regressive Moving Average Models, Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Singular Value Decomposition-based Filtering
- Soft Computing-based New Interval-valued Pythagorean Triangular Fuzzy Multi-criteria Group Assessment Method without Aggregation: Application to a Transport Projects Appraisal
- Design of an Intelligent Controller for Station Keeping, Attitude Control, and Path Tracking of a Quadrotor Using Recursive Neural Networks
- Performance of a Two-stages Gas Gun: Experimental, Analytical and Numerical Analysis
- Experimental Comparison the Effect of Mn2O3 and Co3O4 Nano Additives on the Performance and Emission of SI Gasoline Fueled with Mixture of Ethanol and Gasoline
- Various Approaches to Thermodynamic Optimization of a Hybrid Multi-effect Evaporation with Thermal Vapour Compression and Reverse Osmosis Desalination System Integrated to a Gas Turbine Power Plant
- Investigation of Thermal Operational Regimes for Diamond Bit Drilling Operations (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Influence of the Solid Phase's Fractional Composition on the Filtration Characteristics of the Drilling Mud
- Performance Studies on Glass Fiber Reinforced Recycled Aggregate Concrete
- Finite Element Modelling of Laboratory Tests on Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Recycled Aggregate Concrete
- Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Existing RC Moment Frames using a New Stiffness Based Damage Index
- Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Imagery: A Novel Approach Leveraging Hierarchical Multi-scale Features and Channel-based Attention for Drone Applications
- Decision Support System for Analyzing Key Performance Indicators in Construction Projects Management
- Elevated Temperature Performance of Concrete Reinforced with Steel, Glass, and Polypropylene Fibers and Fire-proofed with Coating
- Stable Operation Limits in Dual Active Bridge for SuperCapacitor Applications
- Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Steel Fiber Reinforced Composite Jackets
- Influence of Temperature and Moisture on the Compressive Strength of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers
- A Robust Knapsack Based Constrained Portfolio Optimization
- Content-based Image Retrieval Considering Colour Difference Histogram of Image Texture and Edge Orientation
- Improving Image Inpainting based on Structure and Texture Information Using Quadtree
- Effects of Multiple Structure-soil-structure Interactions Considering the Earthquake Waveform and Structures Elevation Effects
- Optimization of Process Parameters of Electron Beam Welded Fe49Co2V Alloys
- Predicting the Empirical Distribution of Video Quality Scores Using Recurrent Neural Networks
- MD-Simulation of Duty Cycle and TaN Interlayer Effects on the Surface Properties of Ta Coatings Deposited by Pulsed-DC Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Content-based Image Retrieval Speedup Based on Optimized Combination of Wavelet and Zernike Features Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
- Removal of Coliform, Suspended Solids, UV254 and Colour Using Zeolite and Activated Carbon in Riverbank Filtration System
- Effect of Carbonate Additives on Dynamic Filtration Index of Drilling Mud
- Development of Linear Vernier Hybrid Permanent Magnet Machine for Wave Energy Converter
- Introducing a New Method for Tracking and Transmitting Maximum Power of a Wind Power Plant to the Grid During Wind Shortages
- A Sample Dependent Decision Fusion Algorithm for Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning
- Foreground Extraction Using Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion and Particle Swarm Optimization Independent Component Analysis
- Modeling and Comparison of Optimized Isotherm Models for H2, N2, CO, CH4 and CO2 Adsorption Using Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithm
- Centralized Path Planning for Multi-aircraft in the Presence of Static and Moving Obstacles
- Evolutionary Computing Assisted Wireless Sensor Network Mining for QoS-Centric and Energy-efficient Routing Protocol
- Structural, Optical and Defect State Analyses of ZnO Nanoparticle Films
- Comparative Performance Study of Tuned Liquid Column Ball Damper for Excessive Liquid Displacement on Response Reduction of Structure
- Distributed Fuzzy Adaptive Sliding Mode Formation for Nonlinear Multi-quadrotor Systems
- Investigation on Formability of Tailor-Welded Blanks in Incremental Forming
- Residual Stresses Measurement in Hollow Samples Using Contour Method
- Comparative Analysis of Two Seismic Response Analysis Programs in the Actual Soft Field
- Physical and Magnetic Properties Comparison of Cobalt Ferrite Nanopowder Using Sol-gel and Sonochemical Methods
- Use of Quality Function Deployment for Gold Mining Feasibility Study (Case Study: Designing Explosive Storage Area)
- A Hybrid Deep Learning Architecture Using 3D CNNs and GRUs for Human Action Recognition
- New Approaches in Meta-heuristics to Schedule Purposeful Inspections of Workshops in Manufacturing Supply Chains
- Gait Recognition based on Measurements of Moving Human Legs Angles
- Lattice Boltzmann Method Application on Headwater at Lata Kinjang Waterfall, Malaysia
- Effects of Brace-viscous Damper System on the Dynamic Response of Steel Frames
- Multi-objective Optimization of Multi-vehicle Relief Logistics Considering Satisfaction Levels under Uncertainty
- Dynamic Scene Change Detection in Video Coding
- Thermodynamic Analysis and Statistical Investigation of Effective Parameters for Gas Turbine Cycle using the Response Surface Methodology
- Super-resolution of License-plates Using Weighted Interpolation of Neighboring Pixels from Video Frames
- Pain Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences Using Spatio-temporal Local Binary Patterns and Tracking Fiducial Points
- The Effect of Speed Humps on Highways Pavement Condition
- Soft Computing-based New Interval-valued Pythagorean Triangular Fuzzy Multi-criteria Group Assessment Method without Aggregation: Application to a Transport Projects Appraisal
- Monitoring the Built-up Area Transformation Using Urban Index and Normalized Difference Built-up Index Analysis
- Change Point Estimation of the Stationary State in Auto Regressive Moving Average Models, Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Singular Value Decomposition-based Filtering
- Experimental Comparison the Effect of Mn2O3 and Co3O4 Nano Additives on the Performance and Emission of SI Gasoline Fueled with Mixture of Ethanol and Gasoline
- Poultry Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment Using Anaerobic Fluid Bed Reactor and Aerobic Mobile-Bed Biological Reactor
- Influence of the Solid Phase's Fractional Composition on the Filtration Characteristics of the Drilling Mud
- Design of an Intelligent Controller for Station Keeping, Attitude Control, and Path Tracking of a Quadrotor Using Recursive Neural Networks
- Optical Analyzer for Continuous Monitoring of Dissolved Oxygen in Aviation Fuel and Other Non-aqueous Media
- Effect of Fuzzy Boundaries on the Bearing Capacity of Footings on Two-Layered Clay
- Mitigation Transformer Inrush Current Using Modified Transient Current Limiter
- Energy Efficient Novel Design of Static Random Access Memory Memory Cell in Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Approach
- Evaluating Seismic Effects on a Water Supply Network and Quantifying Post-Earthquake Recovery
- Stimulation Behaviour Study on Clay Treated with Ground Granulated Blast Slag and Groundnutshell Ash
- An Experimental Study on Geogrid with Geotextile Effects Aimed to Improve Clayey Soil
- Performance Improvement of a Slotted Solid Rotor Induction Motor with High Temperature Superconder Coating
- Performance of a Two-stages Gas Gun: Experimental, Analytical and Numerical Analysis
- Experimental Study on TGA, XRD and SEM Analysis of Concrete with Ultra-fine Slag (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Close Following Behavior: Estimation of Desired Gap Headway Using Loop Detector Data (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Biodegradation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls by and Isolated from Contaminated Soil
- Investigation of Thermal Operational Regimes for Diamond Bit Drilling Operations (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Various Approaches to Thermodynamic Optimization of a Hybrid Multi-effect Evaporation with Thermal Vapour Compression and Reverse Osmosis Desalination System Integrated to a Gas Turbine Power Plant
- A Temperature Compensation Voltage Controlled Oscillator Using a Complementary to Absolute Temperature Voltage Reference
- Extraction of Catechin as a Flavonoid Compound via Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
- Experimental Study on Performance Assessment of Hydraulic Power Take-off System in Centipede Wave Energy Converter Considering Caspian Sea Wave Characteristics
- Stabilization of Voltage and Current in the Distribution Networks using APF and TSC
- Investigation and Analysis of Dual Metal Gate Overlap on Drain Side Tunneling Field Effect Transistor with Spacer in 10nm Node
- Risk-Based AC/DC Hybrid Distribution System Planning
- Full Characterization of Sarcheshmeh and Khatoon-Abad Copper Anode Slimes: Characterization Impact on the Decopperization Operation
- Thermodynamic Simulation of an Efficient Flash Ironmaking Technology for Chadormalu Mining and Industrial Company
- Nonlinear Bending Analysis of Sector Graphene Sheet Embedded in Elastic Matrix Based on Nonlocal Continuum Mechanics
- Digital Controller Designbased on Time Domain for DC-DC Buck Converter
- The Effect of Tuned Mass Damper on Seismic Response of Building Frames with Uncertain Structural Characteristics
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigation on Shear Strengthening of RC Precraced Continuous T-beams Using CFRP Strips
- Unsteady Heat and Mass Transfer Near the Stagnation-point on a Vertical Permeable Surface: a Comprehensive Report of Dual Solutions
- Dynamic Response Analysis of the Planar and Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells to the Inlet Air Mass Flow Rate Variation
- A Reliable Multi-objective p-hub Covering Location Problem Considering of Hubs Capabilities
- Thermal Simulation of Solidification Process in Continuous Casting
- Earth’s Magnetic Field for Spacecraft Attitude Control Applications (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Assessment of Lateral Displacements using Neuro-Fuzzy Group Method of Data Handling Systems
- State Estimation of MEMs Capacitor Using Taylor Expansion
- A Two Stage Stochastic Programming Model of the Price Decision Problem in the Dual-channel Closed-loop Supply Chain
- A Novel Intelligent Water Drops Optimization Approach for Estimating Global Solar Radiation
- Redundancy Allocation Combined with Supplier Selection for Design of Series-parallel Systems
- Design Investigation of Microstrip Patch and Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity Hybrid Antenna Arrays
- Characterization of Polypyrrole-hydroxyethylcellulose/TiO2 Nanocomposite: Thermal Properties and AFM Analysis
- Three-dimensional Vibration Suppression of an Euler-bernolli Beam via Boundary Control Method
- Design of a New Mathematical Model for Integrated Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing Systems and Production Planning
- Voltage Control Strategy for Direct-drive Robots Driven by Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
- Technical Analysis of Conversion of A Steam Power Plant to Combined Cycle, Using Two Types of Heavy Duty Gas Turbines
- Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Batch Outsourcing
- Fouling Performance of A Horizontal Corrugated Tube due to Air Injection
- Heat Transfer Augmentation for Impingement of Steady Air Jet under Exponential Heat Flux Boundary Condition
- An Outrun Competition of Corrosion Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Cracking on Crack Initiation in a Compressor Blade
- Simulation of Store Separation using Low-cost CFD with Dynamic Meshing
- Region Completion in a Texture using Multiresolution Transforms
- Application of three Types of Dryers Namely Tunnel, Fluidized Bed, and Fluidized Bed with Microwave for Drying of Celery, Corn, and Sour Cherry: Experiments and Modeling (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Dimensionality Reduction and Improving the Performance of Automatic Modulation Classification using Genetic Programming (RESEARCH NOTE)
- AC Electrophoresis; Deposition of Ceramic Nanaoparticles on In-plane Electrodes at Low Frequencies (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Stability Assessment Metamorphic Approach (SAMA) for Effective Scheduling based on Fault Tolerance in Computational Grid
- The Investigation of Modelling Material Behavior in Autofrettaged Tubes Made from Aluminium Alloys
- Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanostructured Thin Film by Sol- Gel Method and Evaluation of Gas Sensing Properties
- A Robust STATCOM Controller using Particle Swarm Optimization
- An Analytical Model for Flame Propagation through Moist Lycopodium Particles with Non-unity Lewis Number
- Drying Kinetics of Muscat Grapes in a Solar Drier with Evacuated Tube Collector
- A New Approach for Low Voltage CMOS based on Current-controlled Conveyors
- Synthesis of Tantalum Carbide/Boride Nano Composite Powders by Mechanochemical Method
- Entropy-based Serviceability Assessment of Water Distribution Networks, Subjected to Natural and Man-Made Hazards
- Mapping CRC Card into Stochastic Petri Net for Analyzing and Evaluating Quality Parameter of Security (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Estimating Reliability in Mobile ad-hoc Networks Based on Monte Carlo Simulation (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A Capacitive Fed Microstrip Patch Antenna with Air Gap for Wideband Applications (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Comprehensive Review of Demulsifiers based on Magnetic Nanoparticles for Oil-water and Water-oil Separation
- Relaxation Process in Crude Oil after Ultrasonic Treatment
- Optimal Node Selection for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks with Energy Harvesting
- CNN-based Approach for Enhancing Brain Tumor Image Classification Accuracy
- A New Approach to Project Risk Responses Selection with Inter-dependent Risks
- The Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on Mechanical Properties of Poly Methyl Methacrylate Nanocomposites (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Numerical and Experimental Study of Ballistic Response of Kevlar Fabric and Kevlar/Epoxy Composite
- Optimal Design of a Brushless DC Motor, by Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A New Hybrid Framework for Filter based Feature Selection using Information Gain and Symmetric Uncertainty (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Coordinating Order Acceptance and Batch Delivery for an Integrated Supply Chain Scheduling
- Eco-friendly Blocks by Blended Materials
- Developing a New Algorithm for a Utility-based Network Design Problem with Elastic Demand
- Multi-criteria Decision Making Approach: selection of Blanking Die Material (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Numerical and Experimental Investigations for Design of a High Performance Micro-hydro-kinetic Turbine
- Aniline Degradation Using Advanced Oxidation Process by UV/Peroxy Disulfate from Aqueous Solution
- A New Extended Analytical Hierarchy Process Technique with Incomplete Interval-valued Information for Risk Assessment in IT Outsourcing
- Effects of Impeller Gap on Rotor Vibration in a High Speed Centrifugal Compressor: A Numerical and Experimental Analysis (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Solving New Product Selection Problem by a New Hierarchical Group Decision-making Approach with Hesitant Fuzzy Setting
- Performance Analysis of Dynamic and Static Facility Layouts in a Stochastic Environment
- Study on the Friction of Bored Cylindrical Rubber Protrusions Sliding on Ceramic
- Modifications to Walker-Anderson Model for Analysis of High-velocity Penetration of an Eroding Long-rod Projectile into Semi-infinite Concrete Targets
- Estimation of Roughness Parameters of A Surface Using Different Image Enhancement Techniques (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Identification of the Patient Requirements Using Lean Six Sigma and Data Mining
- Optimization of Time, Cost, and Quality in Critical Chain Method Using Simulated Annealing (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Scheduling Model of Flexible Manufacturing System to Reduce Waste and Earliness/Tardiness Penalties
- Investigation of Charged Particles Radiation Moving in a Homogeneous Dispersive Medium (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A Document Weighted Approach for Gender and Age Prediction Based on Term Weight Measure
- A New Circuit Scheme for Wide Dynamic Circuits
- Experimental Study on Flow Characteristics Around Twin Wind Blades (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Study of the Tribological Properties of Sputter-deposited MoSX/Cr Coatings
- Estimate the Performance of Catalytic Converter Using Turbulence Induce Devices
- Design, Modeling and Experiments of An In-pipe Magnetostrictive Impact Drive Mechanism
- Process Optimization of Deposition Conditions for Low Temperature Thin Film Insulators used in Thin Film Transistors Displays
- Experimental Investigations on the Thermal Performance of a Vertical Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe Using Binary Mixture of Fluids
- Sensitivity Analysis of a Wideband Backward-wave Directional Coupler Using Neural Network and Monte Carlo Method (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Unique Approach of Noise Elimination from Electroencephalography Signals between Normal and Meditation State
- Test Power Reduction by Simultaneous Don’t Care Filling and Ordering of Test Patterns Considering Pattern Dependency
- Optimal Decisions in a Dual-channel Supply Chain for the Substitute Products with the Special Orders under DisruptionRisk and Brand Consideration
- A Novel Method for Modeling and Simulation of Asymmetrical Impedance-source Converters
- Project Scheduling with Simultaneous Optimization, Time, Net Present Value, and Project Flexibility for Multimode Activities with Constrained Renewable Resources
- Effect of Ambient Condition on the Shower Cooling Tower in Four Type of Climates Condition
- Control of a Robotic Wheel-Chair Prototype for People with Walking Disabilities
- A New Multi-objective Model for Multi-mode Project Planning with Risk
- Energy Efficiency Analyses of Toolpaths in a Pocket Milling Process
- Evaluation of Biogas as an Alternative Driving Force of Electrically Operated Vehicles: A Case Study
- Vertical Ground Reaction Force Gait Patterns During Walking in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Enhancement of the Cooling System Performance of the Proton-exchange Membrane Fuel Cell By Baffle-restricted Coolant Flow Channels
- An Algorithm based on Predicting the Interface in Phase Change Materials
- A Study on the Contact Ellipse and the Contact Pressure During the Wheel Wear through Passing the Tracks including Several Sharp Curves
- Improved Content Aware Image Retargeting Using Strip Partitioning
- Experimental Investigations on Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Columns under Monotonic Axial Loading
- Kudryavy Volcano Crater Thick Rocks Electrical Breakdown Study in 50 Hz Electromagnetic Field
- Effect of Critical Variables on Air Dense Medium Fluidized Bed Coal Drying Efficiency and Kinetics
- Multi-objective Optimization of HMGF Process Parameters for Manufacturing AA6063 Stepped Tubes using FEM-RSM
- Large-Scale Experimental Study on Collapsible Soil Improvement Using Encased Stone Columns
- Single-phase and Two-phase Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Sloshing in the Low Filling Ratio of the Prismatic Tank
- Influence of Process Parameters on the Microstructural Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Recast Layer Thickness Coating on Die Steel Machined Surface after Electrical Discharge Machining
- Gain Boosted Folded Cascode Op-Amp with Capacitor Coupled Auxiliary Amplifiers
- Effect of Hydrodynamic Pressure on Saturated Sand Supporting Liquid Storage Tank During the Earthquake
- Location Allocation of Earthquake Relief Centers in Yazd City Based on Whale Optimization Algorithm
- Axial Compression Performance of Square Tube Filled with Foam Aluminum
- Strength Capacity Cracks Propagations Deflection and Tensile Enhancement of Reinforced Concrete Beams Warped by Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strips
- A Numerical Study of the Effect of Tunneling on Surface Settlement and Existing Buildings
- An Improved Modeling of Parkinson’s Tremor and Investigation of Some Approaches to Remove this Symptom
- Experimental and Nonlinear Analysis of Cracking in Concrete Arch Dams Due to Seismic Uplift Pressure Variations
- Mechanical Properties of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Reinforced by Glass Fibers under Accelerated Aging
- Developing a Bi-objective Mathematical Model to Design the Fish Closed-loop Supply Chain
- Analytical Evaluation of Core Losses, Thermal Modelling and Insulation Lifespan Prediction for Induction Motor in Presence of Harmonic and Voltage Unbalance
- Seismic Vulnerability Studies of a G+17 storey building in Abu Dhabi - UAE using Fragility Curves
- Robust Three Stage Central Difference Kalman Filter for Helicopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Actuators Fault Estimation
- New Model of Burden Thickness Estimation for Blasting of Open Pit Mines
- Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical Layer of Smart Grid Using Intelligent Loop Based Artificial Neural Network Technique
- Reducing Quantum Cost for Reversible Realization of Densely-packed-decimal Converters
- Retrofitting of RC Beams using Reinforced Self-compacting Concrete Jackets Containing Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles
- A Novel Control Strategy of an Islanded Microgrid Based on Virtual Flux Droop Control and Direct Flux Fuzzy Control
- Effect of Super absorbent polymer on workability, strength and durability of Self consolidating concrete
- A Novel Model Predictive Voltage Control of Brushless Cascade Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in Stand-Alone Power Generation System
- Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Test of Ovine Corneal Tissue Cutting Process in Cataract Surgery Operation
- Study of Friction Stir Spot Welding of Aluminum/Copper Dissimilar Sheets using Taguchi Approach
- Fast Color Straight Line Pattern Recognition in an Object Using High Speed Self Learning Devices
- The Effects of Mathematical Modelling of Magneto-rheological Dampers on Its Control Performance: A Comparative Study Between the Modified Bouc-Wen and the Maxwell Nonlinear Slider Hysteretic Models
- Multi-stage Performance Upgrade of Steel Moment Frames by Post-tension Connections
- Influence of Immersion Corrosion on Mechanical Properties of AISI 430/AISI 316L Dissimilar Welded Joints
- Numerical Investigation of the Heat-Fluid Characteristic inside High-Speed Angular Contact Ball Bearing Lubricated with Grease
- Design and Evaluation a New Type of Semi-active Lower Limb with Knee Joint Booster
- Optimizing Heat Transfer in Microchannel Heat Sinks: A Numerical Investigation with Nanofluids and Modified Geometries
- Security and Data Privacy of Medical Information in Blockchain Using Lightweight Cryptographic System
- A Framework for Analysis of Predictors of Mobile-marketing Use by Expanding Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Artificial Neural Networks
- Understanding the Effect of Interfacial Interphase on the Elastic Response of Hollow Glass Microsphere Reinforced Microcomposites
- Investigation and Optimization of Tribological Aspects of Babbitt-Ilmenite Composite using Weighted Grey Relation Analysis
- Method for Assessing Damage to Gas Distribution Network Pipelines based on Nonlinear Guided Wave
- Integrating Building Information Modeling and Virtual Reality to Develop Real-time Suitable Cost Estimates using Building Visualization
- Market-based Real Time Congestion Management in a Smart Grid Considering Reconfiguration and Switching Cost
- Blockchain-based Traceability System for Indonesian Coffee Digital Business Ecosystem
- Pupil Center Detection Using Radial Symmetry Transform to Measure Pupil Distance in the Eye
- A Baseline Free Method for Multiple Damage Identification and Localization using the Roving Mode Shape Response
- Seismic and Economic Optimization of Water Distribution Networks Using Entropy and Ant Colony Algorithm
- Utilization of Steel Micro-fiber and Carbon Nanotubes in Self-compacting Lightweight Concrete
- Effect of Surface Roughness on Brinell Hardness and Load-Displacement Curves using a Macro Indentation
- Challenges of Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Power System Resilience and Provide Solutions
- Mixed-mode Multiphase Sinusoidal Oscillators using Differential Voltage Current Conveyor Transconductance Amplifiers and Only Grounded Passives Components
- Evaluation of a Mobile Highway Management System at Roadwork Zones
- Partial Replacement of Conventional Material with Stabilized Soil in Flexible Pavement Design
- Cyclic and Monotonic Behavior of Non-plastic Silts with the Presence of Initial Static Shear Stress Using Strain Energy Approach: A Case Study for a Tailings Dam
- Direct and Indirect Tensile Behavior of Cement-Zeolite-amended Sand Reinforced with Kenaf Fiber