Journal title
The Journal of Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis- rank :غیر مصوب
- issn :2383-2460
issue 1 publication date 2018-03-01
- Editorial Volume 6, Issue 1
- JALDA's Interview with Professor Glenn Fulcher
- A Tribute to Professor H. G. Widdowson on the Occasion of his Visit to Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, 2018
- Lexical Cohesion and Literariness in Malcolm X's " The Ballot or the Bullet"
- Principles of the ‘Lingua Franca Approach’ and their implications for pedagogical practice in the Iranian context
- Ta’ziyeh and Declamation in Shia Tradition: Discourse in Focus
- Applied Literature and New Jungian Reading: a Case study of Camilla Gibb’s Novel, Sweetness in the Belly
- The Role of Experience in EFL Teachers' Satisfaction of the In-service Teacher Education Programs
- Exploring Culture-Related Content in English Textbooks: A Closer Look at Advanced Series of Iran Language Institute
- Book Review: "Loving Literature. A Cultural History"
- Abstracts in Persian: Volume 6, Issue 1
volume 6
- issue 12018-03-01