issue 5 publication date 2011-05-01
- The Study on Cultural Problems in Dormitory Life among Male Students of Yazd University
- Bourdieu's Theoretical Approach for Understanding the Relationship between Cultural Capital of Student Families and their Leisure Taste(A Case Study of the Students in Tehran University)
- The Sociological Study Factors Effect on Intergenerational Solidarity Phenomenon among Youth(new generation)and Parents(Old Generation
- A Sociology Study of Effective Factors in Public Health
- A Sociological Study on the Effect of Propagation among the Consumption of Girls and Women in Northern Azad University
- The Relationship between the Exploitation of New Communication Technologies and the Tendency to Addiction in Young People 15 to 30 Years (about: Zones 2 and 18 in Tehran
- A Study on the Effective Socio-Economic Factors Involving in Social Participation in Nour
- The Semantic Components Reflecting the link between Social Capital and the Rate Social health of the Benefit of Students of Payam Noor University, Mashhad