issue 21 publication date 2017-05-02
- - A Survey of Social and Cultural Factors Influencing Childbearing in Andimeshk with Emphasis on Lifestyle (Case Study: Married Women less than 35 Years Old)
- Influence of Cultural Capital on Social Trust (Case Study: Citizen 18 Years Old and above in Tehran
- The Causes of Generation Gap in Socio-cultural Values of Parents and Children in Esfahan Province
- Sociological Analysis of Deviant Behaviors of female Students in High School of Behshahr in 2012-2013
- Measuring the College Students' Enjoyment Rate from Religiosity Indexes and Social factors Influencing them
- A Survey of Teaching Skills Workshops Influencing Professors' Performance in University Students' Classrooms
- Sociological Analysis of Factors Affecting Satisfaction in Student Marriage
- Assessing the Spirit of Entrepreneurship and its Influencing Factors on Entrepreneurial Skills among Taught Young People in comparison with Untaught Trainees in Technical and Vocational Training Organization