issue 15 publication date 2017-05-02
- The Role of the National Media (TV) on the Culture of Entrepreneurship among the Youth in Gorgan City
- The Role of the Family on the Attitude of the Youth for Addiction in Varamin
- A Sociological Analysis of Citizenship Status among South Khorasan Payamnoor Students
- The Relationship between Metacognitive Skills and Educational Progress of Students at Islamic Azad University
- A Study on the Factors Affecting University Students' Attitudes on Marriage in Mahalat Payamnoor University)
- A Relationship between the Leadership of Coaches and the Satisfaction of Sport Students at I.A.U of Kermanshah
- A Pathological Study of the Effect of Internet on the Social Isolation among the Students
- A Study on the Social Participation of the Parents of the Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Teenagers on School Affairs
- The Evaluation of ICT's Effect on Generation Gap (A Case Study: Families of Garmsar Province)