عنوان ژورنال
مجله علوم اعصاب شفای خاتم
- درجه :علمی پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت
- issn :2322-1887
- ناشر :مرکز تحقیقات علوم اعصاب شفا، بیمارستان خاتم الانبیا تهران
شماره 4 تاریخ انتشار 2014-12
- Abstract Book of the 2nd International Neurotrauma Congress & the 4th International Roads Safety Congress
- O1: Roads Safety and Neurotrauma
- O2: The 4th Roads Safety and the 2nd Neurotrauma Congresses in Khatam Alanbia Hospital
- O3: Roads Safety in Developing Countries
- O4: Status of Road Safety and Injury Burden: Europe
- O5: Technical Accident Reconstruction-What Can be Learned to Improve Medical Treatment in Trauma Patients
- O6: Road Traffic Accidents Lead to Different Patterns of Injuries Depending on Impact, Age and Premedical Condition - Specific Attention Must be Provided by Multi-Disciplinary Trauma-Teams
- O7: Orthopedic Trauma Surgery in Germany-Influence on a Better Road Safety
- O8: A Report Base on the Observation Regarding to Percentage of Death in Road Accident
- O9: Role of Neuroimaging in Head Trauma
- O10: The Changing Landscape of TBI Research
- O11: Iatrogenic Nerve Injuries
- O12: Direct and Indirect Insults of Traumatic Brain Injury
- O13: Post-Traumatic Epilepsy-Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Principles of Treatment
- O14: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Spinal Cord Trauma
- O15: Update on Guidelines for the Treatment of Penetrating Brain Injury
- O16: Evaluation of the Immediate and Early Role of Decompressive Craniectomy in the Treatment of Refractory Intracranial Hypertension in Cases of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
- O17: Cerebroprotection in Severe Brain Injury
- O18: Iranian Quality Registry of Spinal Cord Injury, Key Considerations for Implementation
- O19: Being a Neighbor to Syria: A Retrospective Analysis of Patients Brought to Our Clinic for Cranial Gunshot Wounds in the Syrian Civil War
- O20: Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Following Motor Vehicle Accidents: Pathogenesis, Pathophysiology and Prognosis
- O21: Decompressive Craniotomy and Reconstruction with Cranioplasty: Perspective Study in 96 Patients
- O22: Report of the Milan Consensus Conference About Clinical Applications of Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in Traumatic Brain Injury
- O23: Polytrauma with and without Neurotrauma: Experimental Animal Studies with Clinical, Immunological and Histopathological Features
- O24: Management of Road Trauma Sufferers in Iran Accidents´ Casualties
- O25: Orthopedic Trauma Surgery and Polytrauma Treatment in Germany and Iran
- O26: SOS System, National Initiation to Improve Emergency Services: Problem Solving in Iran
- O27: Prevention of Road Crashes in Iran
- O28: The Study of Mortality Due to Car Accidents in Ten Years in Iran from the Point of View of Forensic Medicine
- O29: The Study of Negative Effects of Air Pollution on Serotonin Receptors (5HTR2a and 5HTR3a) and Mono Amino Oxidase A Gene Expression Alterations in Exposed Individuals and its Association with Urban Traffic Accident
- O30: Sleep Disorders and Traffic Accidents
- O31: Head Injury in Road Traffic Crashes in Iran: a Cross Sectional Study
- O32: Crash Investigation: powerful tool to assess vehicle safety
- O33: The “Hub & Spoke” System: a Model of Integrated Neurosurgical Trauma Care System in the Geographical Area of Western Emilia Romagna, Italy
- O34: Adaptation of Traumatic Brain Injury Clinical Guideline in Iran
- O35: Psychological Evaluation of Traffic: Computer- Based Assessment of Fitness to Drive Safety and Mobility in Road Traffic
- O36: Three-Dimensional Transplantation of Adult Neural Stem Cells in an Acute Brain Injury Model
- O37: Justice in the Health of the City
- O38: Citizens Participation and Empowerment in Solving the Urban Problems
- O39: Increasing of Public Information to Reduce Accident and Road Crash
- O40: The Role of Citizens in Reduction of Traffic Accidents
- O41: The Role of Public Intervention in the Prevention of Traffic Accidents in Zibadasht Area, Tehran, Iran
- O42: The Role of Public Intervention in the Prevention of Traffic Accidents in Sazman-e Barnameh Area, Tehran, Iran
- O43: Reduction of Road Crashes in Public Transportation
- W1: Animal Models of Traumatic Brain Injury
- W2: An Animal Model of Brain Injury for Evaluation of Tissue Engineering Treatment Strategies
- W3: A Controllable Brain Injury Model with a Defined Size for Evaluation of Tissue Engineered Products
- W4: A New Animal Model of Traumatic Brain Injury in Rat
- W5: Animal Models of Spinal Cord Injury
- W6: Self‐Assembling Peptide Nanofiber Containing Biologic Motif Induces Neural Differentiation, Tubulin Polymerization and Neurogenesis In‐Vitro, Ex‐Vivo and In‐Vivo Studies
- W7: In Vitro Traumatic Brain Injury Models
- P1: Comparing Emotion Regulation Difficulties in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients and Normal People
- P2: Correlation between Working Memory and Mental Disorder in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
- P3: Isolation of Neurosphere-Like Bodies from Adult Human Amygdala
- P4: Evaluation of Urinary Interleukin-8 Levels in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury
- P5: Evaluating The Toxicity of L-glutamic Acid on Brain via Histological and Locomotion Measures in Mice
- P6: Neuroprotective Effect of Estrogen against Brain Edema and Blood Brain Barrier Disruption: Roles of Estrogen Receptors α and β
- P7: Salutary Effects of Progesterone for Traumatic Brain Injury
- P8: Efficacy of Life Review Therapy with Emphasis on Islamic Ontology on Decreasing PTSD Symptoms
- P9: Incidence of Spinal Cord Injury Caused by Road Traffic Crash in Tehran
- P10: Effects of Female Gonadal Hormones on Neuromedin S and its Receptor Following Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury
- P11: Evening Primrose Oil Improves Nerve Functions Following Crush Injury of Sciatic Nerve in Rats
- P12: Cultivation of Neural Stem-Like Cells from Adult Human Amygdala
- P13: Cognitive Failures in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Compared to Normal People in Kashan
- P14: The Impact of Psychological Problems Caused By the Trauma of War on Mental Quality of Life in Veterans Wives
- P15: Analysis of Receptor’s Distribution in Entorhinal Cortex after Induction of Spreading Depression in Juvenile Rats
- P16: Iranian Quality Registry of Spinal Cord Injury, Key Considerations for Implementation
- P17: HCG and Trolox Reduced the Apoptotic Hippocampus Neuronal Cells in Ischemia Reperfusion Mice Model
- P18: The Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Responses among Thirty-Four Male War Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- P19: Investigate the Effect of Family Meetings Are Conducted on the Level of Consciousness of Patients in ICU
- P20: Computational Model for the Effects of Phenobarbital and the NKCC1 Inhibitor Bumetanide in the Pilocarpine Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- P21: Comparing Hostility and Sleep Disorders among Nursing Students of Islamic Azad University, Toyserkan Branch With and Without PTSD
- P22: The Role of Religious Coping in Predicting Post-Traumatic Growth in Patients with Breast Cancer
- P23: The Emergency care in spinal cord injuries
- P24: Minimally Conscious State Improvements with Thalamic Ventralis Intermedius Nucleus Stimulation after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
- P25: Driver Cognitive Fatigue Detection Based on Changes in EEG Frequency Bands in Non-Professional Drivers during a Simulated Driving Task
- P26: Determination of the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Victims of Road Accidents
- P27: The Relationship between Risky Driving Behavior with Extroversion and Consciousness and Affect
- P28: Estimating Bus Driver Fatigue through Performance Measures in a Virtual Driving Environment
- P29: A Survey on the Cognition of the Car Drivers about the Traffic Signs: a Case Study in Yazd, Iran
- P30: Investigation of Sustainability in Road Transportation: A Case Study in Isfahan, Iran
- P31: Cross-Cultural Comparison of Iran-Georgia Major Driving Behavior Problems
- P32: Road Traffic Injuries in Aq-Qala City, Golestan Province, Iran, 2007-2012
- P33: The Study of the Mistakes and Errors made by Distracted and Undistracted Drivers in Road Safety of Users
- P34: Identifying and Reducing Occupational Road Safety Risks
- P35: Neuroprotective Effect of Noscapine on Cerebral Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation Injury
- P36: Effectiveness of Safety Seats on Reduction of Head Injuries and Fatalities of Children in Accidents
- P37: Relationships between Memory Dysfunction and Driving Ability in Alzheimer's disease
- P38: Spinal Cord Injury and Body Mass Index
- P39: Effect of Injured Brain Extract on Proliferation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells Cultured in a 3-dimensional Scaffold
- P40: The Effect of Post-Surgery Social Isolation on the Traumatic Brain Injury in Rat
- P41: Therapeutic Effect of Transplanting Neural Stem Cells Derived Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Using Bioactive Substance TNT, for Enhance Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury
- P42: Luteolin Counteracts ER Stress in PC12 Cells through Moderating ER Chaperones and Heat Shock Proteins
- P43: Secondary Demyelination in Spinal Cord Injury
- P44: Combination Therapies after Traumatic Brain Injury by Bumetanide and Dexamethasone Administration a Hypothesis Study
- P45: The Role of Blood-Brain Barrier Breakdown Following Traumatic Brain in Post-Traumatic Epilepsy
- P46: Therapeutic Potential of Neural Stem Cells for Spinal Cord Injury
- P47: Application of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injury Treatment
- P48: Self-Assembling Peptide Nanostructures as a Good Scaffold for Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury
- P49: The Role of Extra Cellular Matrix in Brain Injury
- P50: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after Motor Vehicle Accidents
- P51: Thermogel Nanofiber Induces Human Endometrial-Derived Stromal Cells to Neural Differentiation and Improves Motor Dysfunction Following Spinal Cord Injury
- P52: In Vitro Investigation of Genes Which Derive BMSC-Derived Neurosphere Motility
- P53: The Use of Fluoro-Gold for Retrograde Tracing of Cell Injection after Spinal Cord Injury: Improves Axonal Growth after Transplantation of Cells
- P54: Anti-Apoptotic Effect of Neural Regeneration Peptides (NRP) 2945 on Pentylenetetrazole-Induced Seizures in Rats
- P55: Neuroprotective and Neurogenesis Effects of Curcumin in the Adult Rat Brain Following Transient Global Ischemia
- P56: Epidemiologic Data of Spinal Cord Injury Due to Auto Accident
- P57: The Neuroprotective Effect of Periodic Fasting on the Brain Damages
- P58: Neurological Outcomes after Traumatic Brain Injury Affected by Concomitant Administration of Progesterone and Erythropoietin
- P59: Triazine Improved Hippocampal Injuries in Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
- P60: Laminin Based Tissue Engineering for Central Nervous System Regeneration
- P61: Non-Viral Human ProGDNF Gene Delivery to Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cells under Ex Vivo Conditions
- P62: The Effect of Valproic Acid Therapy on the Glial Scar Formation after Acute Spinal Cord Injury Fallowing by Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes
- P63: Application of Nanofibrous Scaffolds with Biomolecules as a Promise Approach for Reconstruction of Peripheral Nerve Injury
- P64: Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury Using Transplantation of Motoneurons Derived from Adipose Stem Cells Following Histone Deacetylases Inhibitors Therapy in Acute Phase
- P65: Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury Using Transplantation of Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transfected with Poly-L-Lysine/ DNA (GDNF) - Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
- P66: A Biologically Active Motif of Laminin for Spinal Cord Regeneration
- P67: Efficient Generation of Neurosphere with High Passages (57 Passages) from Adipose Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) Using Bioactive Substance TNT, a Promising Protocol for Multiple Treatment Modality
- P68: Combined Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury Using Transplantation of Motoneurons Derived Adipose Stem Cells and Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transfected with GDNF Following Valproic Acid Treatment
- P69: The Potential Use of in Vitro Transfection of Neural Stem Cells by Psectag2a-NT4 for Spinal Cord Injury Therapy
- P70: Produce Neural Stem Cell from Neurosphere of Rat Adipose Derived Stem Cell
- P71: Toward Treatment of Post-Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Differentiation of Oligodendrocytes from Adipose Stem Cells
- P72: Bioactive Substance ATC Can Generate Neurosphere from Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs)
- P73: The Immunological and Neuroimmunological Mechanisms of Traumatic Brain Injury
- P74: Differentiation of Bone Marrow Stem Cells (BMSC) to Neurosphere Using Bioactive Substance ATC
- P75: Toward Treatment of Post-Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: Differentiation of Oligodendrocytes from Bone Marrow Stem Cells
- P76: The Neuroprotective Roles of NMDA Receptors Antagonist Against with Lesion in Central Nucleus of Amygdala
- P77: Cell Therapy Approaches to Enhancing Neuro-Regeneration after Spinal Cord Injury: Generation Neural Stem Cells from Neurosphere-Derived Adipose Stem Cells Using Bioactive Substance TNT
- P78: Depakine Improve Axonal Growth In Vitro and In Vivo after Spinal Cord Injury
- P79: The Repair Effects of Histone Deacetylases Inhibitors on Improves Locomotion: In Vivo Evaluation with Electromyography (EMG) after Spinal Cord Injury
- P80: Imaging Action Potentials with Calcium Indicators Fura-4 in Motor Neuron Like Cells Derived Adipose Stem Cells
- P81: Evaluating the Function of Motoneuron-Like Cells Differentiated from Rat Adipose Derived Stem Cells through Voltage-Sensitive Dyes (Rh 795) and Investigating the Synaptic Vesicle Recycling
- P82: Beneficial Effect of 5-HT Receptor Agonist Administration on Memory Rehabilitation after Closed Head Injury
- P83: Enhancement of Seizure Incidence after Traumatic Brain Injury
- P84: Intractable Post-Traumatic Epilepsy: Clinical Analysis of Patients with Blunt and Penetrating Head Injuries Sustained in War
- P85: Spreading Depression in the Brain Cortex and Spinal Cord
- P86: Effect of Concomitant Use of Erythropoietin and Progesterone in Traumatic Brain Injury
- P87: Closed Traumatic Brain Injury Model in Sheep Mimicking High-Velocity, Closed Head Trauma in Humans
- P88: The Incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury: a Meta-Analysis
- P89: Traumatic Brain Injury and Genes
- P90: Methamphetamine and Traffic Accidents
- P91: Epilepsy and Road Accidents
- P92: Importance of Adequate Sleep Time in Safe Driving
- P93: Comparison Effect of Aggressive Behavior on Road Traffic Accidents between Iranian and British Drivers
- P94: Music While Driving the Impact of Music on Driving Performance
- P95: Sleep Apnea and Traffic Accidents A Brief Review
- P96: Childhood Condition and Risky Behavior in Adulthood
- P97: Motor Vehicle Accident During the Pregnancy
- P98: Road Traffic Collisions and Spinal Cord Injuries
- P99: The Whole History of Shefa Research Center’s Activities on Road Safety during the Last Year
- P100: Potential Effect of Drinking before Driving in Crash Production a Cultural Problem
- P101: Reduction of Driving Skills by Fatigue Related Sleep Deprivation a Brief Review
- P102: A Brief Review the Importance of Visual Ability and Driving Performance
- P103: Driving-Related Risks in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) of Teens and Adults
- P104: Survey on Cell Phone Usage on Driving Performance Handheld Vs. Hard Free
- P105: Geographic Information Systems on Accident Risk Assessment and Management
- P106: Review on Strategy Road Safety Improving in Developing Country
- P107: Weather-Related Road Accident: A Brief Review
- P108: Memory of Accident in Children
- P109: Decreased Driving Performance in People with Parkinson’s Disease Due to Cognitive Overloading
- P110: Driving and Neurodegenerative Diseases
- P111: Road Safety and Children’s Education
- P112: Safe Driving and Alzheimer’s Disease