issue 2 (Special Issue on Iranians Views of Cultural Issues) publication date 2019-09-01
- Native and Non-Native Teachers’ Changing Beliefs about Teaching English as an International Language
- Unveiling the Passive Aspect of Motivation: Insights from English Language Teachers’ Habitus
- Building Intercultural Sensitivity in Pre-Service EFL Teachers through Interactive Culture-Focused Speaking Tasks
- The Portrayal of Women in English Films Localized into Persian
- Translator Education in the Light of Complexity Theory: A Case of Iran’s Higher Education System
- The Language and Culture of a Dream: A Case Study
- EFL Teachers’ Identity Construction through a Reflection Consciousness-Raising Interactive Workshop
- Contemporary Sociopolitical Functions of the “Allahu Akbar” Ritual Speech Act in Today’s Muslim Communities: A Focus on the Iranian Society
- Cultural Linguistics: Cultural Conceptualizations and Language, Farzad Sharifian (2017), John Benjamins, ISBN 9789027204110
volume 8
- issue 12020-03-01
volume 7
- issue 2 (Special Issue on Iranians Views of Cultural Issues)2019-09-01
- issue 12019-03-01
volume 4
- issue 22016-09-01
- issue 1 (Special Issue on African Cultures & Languages)2016-03-01
volume 2
- issue Issue 2 (Special Issue on Translation, Society & Culture)2014-10-01
- issue 12014-04-01