issue 1 publication date 2013-04-01
- Applying Earlier Literacy Research in Iran to Current Literacy Theory and Policy
- Accommodating the Interactional Dynamics of Conflict Management
- Educational Values and the English Language Curriculum in Hong Kong Secondary Schools Since 1975
- Specifying the Underlying Constructs of Home Culture Attachment Scale
- Learning Pragmatics through Computer-Mediated Communication in Taiwan
- Language and the Socio-Cultural Worlds of Those Who Use it: A Case of Vague Expressions
- The Effects of Planned Instruction on Iranian L2 Learners' Interlanguage Pragmatic Development
- Greetings and Politeness in Doctor-Client Encounters in Southwestern Nigeria
- Gendered Communication in Iranian University Classrooms: The Relationship between Politeness and Silence in Persian Culture
- Aspects of Culture in Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Learning, J. Arabski & A. Wojtaszek (2011), ISBN 9783642202001
volume 8
- issue 12020-03-01
volume 7
- issue 2 (Special Issue on Iranians Views of Cultural Issues)2019-09-01
- issue 12019-03-01
volume 4
- issue 22016-09-01
- issue 1 (Special Issue on African Cultures & Languages)2016-03-01
volume 2
- issue Issue 2 (Special Issue on Translation, Society & Culture)2014-10-01
- issue 12014-04-01