publication date 2021-06
- Application of dried shrimp head in the diets of sea cucumber Holothuria scabra
- The study of interaction between fish cage culture and sediment population dynamics of heterotrophic bacteria in the southern of Caspian Sea (Nowshahr region)
- Use of agriculture by-products (brans and meal) as food for Artemia franciscana (Kellogg, 1906) and effects on performance and biochemical compositions
- Impact of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture Activities in Southern Iraq
- Removal of heavy metals and suspended solids from shrimp culture wastewater in Bushehr Province, using cold plasma technology
- Epipsammic diatoms of diatoms of Kelkit Creek (Tokat/Turkey)
- Effect of different stocking density on growth, survival on Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) in summer and monsoon crop in province of Gujarat States in India