issue 1 publication date 2020-07
- Length-weight relationships, condition factor and morphometric characteristics of ten Spirlin (Alburnoides Jeitteles, 1861) species from Iranian inland waters
- Epilithic algae of Çalgan Creek
- Isolation and characterization of the Enterococcus faecalis strain isolated from red tilapia (Oreochromis hybrid) in Indonesia: A preliminary report
- Estimation of live food consumption for Hippocampus barbouri and Hippocampus kuda
- Preliminary study of length-weight relationship of Flat Freshwater crab Potamonutes bellarussus (Daniels, Phiri and Bayliss, 2014) from Williams Falls, Zomba, Republic of Malawi, Central Africa (15º21’51.237’S and 35º18’22.747’E)
- Biology and stock assessment growth and biometrics of the gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata (Linné. 1758) on the coast of Kabylia: Region of Tigzirt province of Tizi-Ouzou
- Estimation of growth parameters and mortality rate of Upeneus sulphureus (Cuvier, 1829) in the Persian Gulf ecosystem
- Bioremediation of thermal power plant effluents with chitosan and chitosan nano particels