Journal title
Journal of Industrial Engineering, International
- rank :علمی-پژوهشی
- issn :1735-5702
issue 1 publication date 2019-12-01
- Customer Behavior Mining Framework (CBMF) using clustering and classification techniques
- Cooperative aggregate production planning: a game theory approach
- The impact of interwoven integration practices on supply chain value addition and firm performance
- Pre-positioning and dynamic operations planning in pre- and post-disaster phases with lateral transhipment under uncertainty and disruption
- Evaluation of trade and production policy in Iranian SME (a system dynamics model)
- Bootstrap confidence intervals of CNpk for type‑II generalized log‑logistic distribution
- An interactive weighted fuzzy goal programming technique to solve multi-objective reliability optimization problem
- Performance indicators for supply chain resilience: review and conceptual framework
- Control chart based on residues: Is a good methodology to detect outliers?
- Optimal pricing and ordering policies for perishable products under advance-cash-credit payment scheme
- Comparative analysis of design/build and design/bid/build project delivery systems in Lebanon
- Optimal overhaul–replacement policy for a multi-degraded repairable system sold with warranty
- An integrated vendor–buyer model with stochastic demand, lot-size dependent lead-time and learning in production
- Modeling and solving multi-skilled resource-constrained project scheduling problem with calendars in fuzzy condition
- Robust uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem under demand uncertainty: minimization of cost deviations
- Scheduling of undergraduate thesis examination: a case study in Industrial Engineering Department of Universitas Sebelas Maret
- MILP models and valid inequalities for the two-machine permutation flowshop scheduling problem with minimal time lags
- Impacts of government interventions on pricing policies of the dual-channel supply chain by considering retailer services
- Emergency department resource optimisation for improved performance: a review
- A systematic review on supplier selection and order allocation problems
- Dilemma in two game structures for a closed-loop supply chain under the influence of government incentives
- Application of robust multivariate control chart with Winsorized Mean: a case study