Journal title
Journal of Industrial Engineering, International
- rank :علمی-پژوهشی
- issn :1735-5702
issue 1 publication date 2012-01-01
- An electromagnetism-like metaheuristic for open-shop problems with no buffer
- A new binary model for university examination timetabling: a case study
- Retracted: Using genetic algorithm approach to solve a multi-product EPQ model with defective items, rework, and constrained space
- A three-stage assembly flow shop scheduling problem with blocking and sequence-dependent set up times
- Minimizing the total tardiness and makespan in an open shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times
- Solving an one-dimensional cutting stock problem by simulated annealing and tabu search
- An empirical study of innovation-performance linkage in the paper industry
- The investigation of supply chain's reliability measure: a case study
- A simple approach to the two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problem
- Forecasting time and place of earthquakes using a Semi-Markov model (with case study in Tehran province)
- Supply chain network design problem for a new market opportunity in an agile manufacturing system
- Constrained consumable resource allocation in alternative stochastic networks via multi-objective decision making
- An L1-norm method for generating all of efficient solutions of multi-objective integer linear programming problem
- Mathematical solution of multilevel fractional programming problem with fuzzy goal programming approach
- Modeling the operational risk in Iranian commercial banks: case study of a private bank
- Building a maintenance policy through a multi-criterion decision-making model
- A seller-buyer supply chain model with exponential distribution lead time
- Risk determinants of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) - an exploratory study in New Zealand
- Solving the vehicle routing problem by a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm
- Multi-objective design of fuzzy logic controller in supply chain
- Locomotive assignment problem with train precedence using genetic algorithm
- A population-based algorithm for the railroad blocking problem
- Resource leveling scheduling by an ant colony-based model
- Effective heuristics and meta-heuristics for the quadratic assignment problem with tuned parameters and analytical comparisons
- An investigation of model selection criteria for technical analysis of moving average
- A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic travel times considering the driver's satisfaction
- A hybrid algorithm optimization approach for machine loading problem in flexible manufacturing system
- Analysis of M/G/ 1 queueing model with state dependent arrival and vacation
- Performance enhancement for crystallization unit of a sugar plant using genetic algorithm technique