Journal title
Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1728-1997
- Publisher :دانشگاه شیراز
issue 1 publication date 2015-03-30
- Plant-derived compounds in treatment of leishmaniasis
- A comparative study of parthenogenetic activation and in vitro fertilization of in vitro matured caprine oocytes
- Chemical composition and protein enrichment of orange peels and sugar beet pulp after fermentation by two Trichoderma species
- Molecular characterization and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of caprine Shiga toxin producing-Escherichia coli (STEC) isolates from India
- Detection and identification of Malassezia species in domestic animals and aquatic birds by PCR-RFLP
- Effect of different activators on development of activated in vitro matured caprine oocytes
- The estimation of ruminal protein degradation parameters of various feeds using in vitro modified gas production technique
- Comparative efficacy of E-17β and GnRH administration on day 0 of a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) based protocol on synchrony of wave emergence, ovulation and conception rates in Murrah buffalos (Bubalus bubalis)
- Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on survival rate and growth performance of Convict Cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciata)
- The influence of a slow-release multi-trace element ruminal bolus on trace element status, number of ovarian follicles and pregnancy outcomes in synchronized Afshari ewes
- Evaluation of humoral immunity and protective efficacy of biofilm producing Staphylococcus aureus bacterin-toxoid prepared from a bovine mastitis isolate in rabbit
- Ultrasonography of the supramammary lymph nodes for diagnosis of bovine chronic subclinical mastitis
- Performance and carcass characteristics of guinea fowl fed on dietary Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf powder as a growth promoter
- High neuronal/astroglial differentiation plasticity of adult rat hippocampal neural stem/progenitor cells in response to the effects of embryonic and adult cerebrospinal fluids
- Comparative possession of Shiga toxin, intimin, enterohaemolysin and major extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) genes in Escherichia coli isolated from backyard and farmed poultry
- Clinico-pathological findings of Clostridium perfringens type D enterotoxaemia in goats and its hemolytic activity in different erythrocytes
- The effect of butyric acid with autogenous omental graft on healing of experimental Achilles tendon injury in rabbits
- Commercial polyester/cotton fabric (Damour): a novel prosthetic material for hernioplasty in ruminants
- Detection of Torque teno midi virus/Small anellovirus (TTMDV/SAV) in the sera of domestic village chickens and its vertical transmission from hen to eggs
- Giant hydronephrosis and secondary pyelonephritis induced by Salmonella dublin in a Holstein calf
- Caesarean in mare by Marcenac incision under local anaesthesia