issue 2 publication date 2022-09
- Presenting a Model of Cultural Leadership in Iranian Educational Organizations Using a Content Analysis Technique
- The Effectiveness of Flourishing Education on Grit and Academic Engagement in Students (Case Study: Male and Female High School Students in Chalous)
- A Structural Model of the Relationship Between Teachers\' Job Motivation and Socio-Emotional Skills and Social Capital Mediated by Self-Efficacy
- Designing a Quantum Leadership Model in Secondary Schools Based on Data Theory
- Designing a Sustainable Entrepreneurship Model based on Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Country\'s Insurance Businesses
- Provide a Model for the Media to Influence the Spread of Life Insurance Culture
- Exploratory Study Explaining the Causes for Success in Scientific Olympiads: A Multilevel Analysis with Different Units
- Providing a Model of Educational Managers\' Professional Development in the Banking Industry
- Aesthetic Education of Elementary School Students: Analysis of Dimensions and Components with a Qualitative Approach
- Standardizing of the Rumors Acceptance Questionnaire among Social Networks Audiences
- Validation of E-Banking Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Model
- The effectiveness of Regolith Educational Model on Attention Level and Working Memory Capacity of Students with Attention Deficit Disorder
- Identify and Prioritize the Challenges of Implementing Participatory Governance in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education
- The Role of Lecturer’s Teaching Model in Students' Academic Performance and Responsibility
- Designing a Model for Developing Strategic Thinking of Islamic Azad University Managers
volume 1
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