Journal title
International Journal of Engineering
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- Publisher :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
issue 4 publication date 2019-04-01
- Plant-Based Calcium Fructoborate as Boron-Carrying Nanoparticles for Neutron Cancer Therapy
- Statistical Prediction of Probable Seismic Hazard Zonation of Iran Using Self-organized Artificial Intelligence Model
- A Simple Approach to Predict the Shear Capacity and Failure Mode of Fix-ended Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams based on Experimental Study
- Numerical Simulation of Seepage Flow through Dam Foundation Using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Method (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Electrokinetic and Sediment Remediation in Microbial Fuel Cell (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Seismic Behavior of Asymmetric Two-Story X-braced Frames
- Dual-band, Dynamically Tunable Plasmonic Metamaterial Absorbers Based on Graphene for Terahertz Frequencies
- Digital Binary Phase-shift Keyed Signal Detector
- HYREP: A Hybrid Low-Power Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier based Voltage Mode Four Quadrant Analog Multiplier and its Applications
- Coordinated Control of Doubley Fed Induction Generator Virtual Inertia and Power System Oscillation Damping Using Fuzzy Logic
- Secrecy of Communications in Data Transmission by Impulses with Unknown Moments of Appearance and Disappearance
- Design of Generalized Predictive Control for the Stabilizing Loop from a two-axis Gimbal Seeker, Considering Cross-Coupling in Between two Channels
- Extracting Technical Specifications of a Solar Panel Type to Design a 10 MW Hybrid Power Plant
- Modeling of A Single Turn Pulsating Heat Pipe based on Flow Boiling and Condensation Phenomena
- Electrical and Mechanical Performance of Hybrid and Non-hybrid Composites
- Improvement of Die Corner Filling of Stepped Tubes Using Warm Hybrid Forming
- Analysis of Vibration Characteristics of PD Control Active Magnetic Bearing and Cracked Rotor System (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Numerical Hydrodynamic Performance of the Stepped Planing Craft and Its Step Height Effect (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Map-merging in Multi-robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Process Using Two Heterogeneous Ground Robots
- Prediction of Seismic Wave Intensity Generated by Bench Blasting Using Intelligence Committee Machines
- On Line Electric Power Systems State Estimation Using Kalman Filtering (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Simulation and Design of an Organic Quantum Film Electrooptic Switch
- Optimal Trajectory of Flexible Manipulator with Maximum Load Carrying Capacity
- Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Vaporization of Pbs From Complex Cu-Fe Mattes
- Vibration Analysis of Beams Traversed by a Moving Mass
- Signal Design at lsolated lntersecaions Using Expert Systems Technology
- Numerical Studies on Performance of Helical Pile-supported Embankments Over Soft Clay
- Experimental Investigation on Strength, Durability and Micro Structural Characteristics of Slag-Based Cement Mortar
- Effect of Varying Glass Powder Size on Performance of Cement Mortar: Microstructural and Compressive Strength Assessment at High Temperatures
- Development of Steel Yielding Seismic Dampers Used to Improve Seismic Performance of Structures: A Comprehensive Review
- A Novel Image Splicing Detection Algorithm Based on Generalized and Traditional Benford’s Law
- An Automatic Optic Disk Segmentation Approach from Retina of Neonates via Attention Based Deep Network
- A Method for Automatic Lane Detection using a Deep Network
- Compressing Face Images Using Genetic and Gray Wolf Meta-heuristic Algorithms Based on Variable Bit Allocation
- Self-healing Concrete Using Microcapsules Containing Mineral Salts
- Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Flow Rate and Load on the Hydrodynamic Behavior and Performance of an Archimedes Screw Turbine
- Experimental Examination of Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow Patterns in an Inclined Rectangular Channel with 90° Bend for Various Vertical Lengths
- Advanced Exergy Scrutiny of a Dual-loop Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery of a Heavy-duty Stationary Diesel Engine
- The Effect of Transition Metals Incorporation on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles
- Super-resolution of Defocus Blurred Images
- Hybrid Fuzzy Reference Signal Tracking Control of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator
- A Novel Multi-user Detection Approach on Fluctuations of Autocorrelation Estimators in Non-Cooperative Communication
- Integrated Inspection Planning and Preventive Maintenance for a Markov Deteriorating System Under Scenario-based Demand Uncertainty
- A Proposed Improved Hybrid Hill Climbing Algorithm with the Capability of Local Search for Solving the Nonlinear Economic Load Dispatch Problem
- Design and Parameters Optimization of Pteris vittata Automatic Sowing Machine for Phytoremediation
- Developments Made in the Field of Drilling Fluids by Saint Petersburg Mining University
- An Experimental and Analytical Study on Alccofine Based High Strength Concrete
- A Phase Noise Reduction Technique in LC Cross-coupled Oscillators with Adjusting Transistors Operating Regions
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Perforated Steel Plate Shear Panels
- Estimation of Hand Skeletal Postures by Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Effects of Ageing and Forging on Short-term Creep Behaviors of Inconel-713C Superalloy at 850 °C
- Immobilization of Laccase from Trametes hirsuta onto CMC Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles
- A Stochastic Model for Prioritized Outpatient Scheduling in a Radiology Center
- Sustainable Surface Water Management and Wastewater Treatment Plant Location: A Case Study of Urmia Lake
- A Novel Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Approach for Critical Rotating Machinery in the Time-frequency Domain
- Optimizing the Properties of Metakaolin-based (Na, K)-Geopolymer Using Taguchi Design Method
- Dynamic Meshing Characteristics of Elliptic Cylinder Gear Based on Tooth Contact Analysis
- Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation with Reduced Common Mode Voltage and Current Losses for Six-Phase Induction Motor Drive with Three-Level Inverter
- Energy Absorption Analysis and Multi-objective Optimization of Tri-layer Cups Subjected to Quasi-static Axial Compressive Loading
- Design of Broaching Tool Using Finite Element Method for Achieving the Lowest Residual Tensile Stress in Machining of Ti6Al4V Alloy
- Integrated Linear Integer Model of a Fleet Allocation and Aircraft Routing Problem with Operational Constraints
- Dual-band, Dynamically Tunable Plasmonic Metamaterial Absorbers Based on Graphene for Terahertz Frequencies
- Improvement of Die Corner Filling of Stepped Tubes Using Warm Hybrid Forming
- Plant-Based Calcium Fructoborate as Boron-Carrying Nanoparticles for Neutron Cancer Therapy
- A Simple Approach to Predict the Shear Capacity and Failure Mode of Fix-ended Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams based on Experimental Study
- Secrecy of Communications in Data Transmission by Impulses with Unknown Moments of Appearance and Disappearance
- HYREP: A Hybrid Low-Power Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Electrokinetic and Sediment Remediation in Microbial Fuel Cell (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier based Voltage Mode Four Quadrant Analog Multiplier and its Applications
- Digital Binary Phase-shift Keyed Signal Detector
- Statistical Prediction of Probable Seismic Hazard Zonation of Iran Using Self-organized Artificial Intelligence Model
- Analysis of Vibration Characteristics of PD Control Active Magnetic Bearing and Cracked Rotor System (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Numerical Simulation of Seepage Flow through Dam Foundation Using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Method (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Electrical and Mechanical Performance of Hybrid and Non-hybrid Composites
- Map-merging in Multi-robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Process Using Two Heterogeneous Ground Robots
- Seismic Behavior of Asymmetric Two-Story X-braced Frames
- Extracting Technical Specifications of a Solar Panel Type to Design a 10 MW Hybrid Power Plant
- Numerical Hydrodynamic Performance of the Stepped Planing Craft and Its Step Height Effect (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Modeling of A Single Turn Pulsating Heat Pipe based on Flow Boiling and Condensation Phenomena
- Coordinated Control of Doubley Fed Induction Generator Virtual Inertia and Power System Oscillation Damping Using Fuzzy Logic
- Design of Generalized Predictive Control for the Stabilizing Loop from a two-axis Gimbal Seeker, Considering Cross-Coupling in Between two Channels
- Prediction of Seismic Wave Intensity Generated by Bench Blasting Using Intelligence Committee Machines
- Ash Reduction of the Tailings of Agh-Darband Coal Washing Plant by Flotation Method
- Intelligent Controllers to Extract Maximum Power for 10 KW Photovoltaic System
- Visible Light Activated Fe-N-SiO2/TiO2 Photocatalyst: Providing an Opportunity for Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation of Antibiotic Oxytetracycline in Aqueous Solution
- Graphene Based Membrane Modified Silica Nanoparticles for Seawater Desalination and Wastewater Treatment: Salt Rejection and Dyes
- Identification of Combined Power Quality Disturbances in the Presence of Distributed Generations using Variational Mode Decomposition and K-nearest Neighbors Classifier
- Utilizing a New Voltage Stability Index in Distribution Power System in Presence of Wind Turbine Units
- Efficient Sampling-based for Mobile Robot Path Planning in a Dynamic Environment Based on the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree and a Rule-template Sets
- Design and Analysis of Symmetrical Dual Gate Tunnel Field Effect Transistor with Gate Dielectric Materials in 10nm Technology
- A New Speed Control Approach of Linear Induction Motor Based on Robust RST Controller and Model Reference Adaptive System Estimator
- Average Heat Transfer Coefficient in Rectangular Ducts with Baffle Blockages
- The Pfgc Equation of State at the Age of Fourteen
- Stability of One Bay Symmetrical Frames with Nonuniform Members
- A Partially Observable Markovian Maintenance Process with Continuous Cost Functions
- Overview of Reverse Osmosis for Chemical Engineers Part 1, Fundamentals of Membrane Mass Transfer
- Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of Bi-layered Plasma-sprayed Coating on Titanium Implants
- Intelligent Health Evaluation Method of Slewing Bearing Adopting Multiple Types of Signals from Monitoring System
- Stability and Performance Attainment with Fixed Order Controller Using Frequency Response
- Eagle Strategy Based Maximum Power Point Tracker for Fuel Cell System
- Fe/TiO2 Catalyst for Photodegradation of Phenol in Water
- Comparison of Single-stage and Two-stage Tubular SOFC-GT Hybrid Cycles: Energy and Exergy Viewpoints
- Path Following and Velocity Optimizing for an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot
- More about Thermosyphone Rankine Cycle Performance Enhancement (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Conductive Polythiophene Nanoparticles Deposition on Transparent PET Substrates: Effect of Modification with Hybrid Organic-inorganic Coating (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Analysis of Integral Nonlinearity in Radix-4 Pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converters
- A New Procedure of Impact Wearevaluation of Mill Liner (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Analysis of Magneto-hydrodynamics Jeffery-Hamel Flow with Nanoparticles by Hermite-Padé Approximation
- Batch Adsorption of Organic Dyes by Organo-bagasse: Carbon Content, pH Influence, Kinetics and Isotherms (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Research on Properties of Fluid Pressure Drop for Electric Vehicle IGBT Pin Fin Heat Sink
- Starvation Free Scheduler for Buffered Crossbar Switches (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Ethanol-based Tape Casting Process of the Textured Bi0.5(Na0.80K0.20)0.5TiO3-BiFeO3 Ceramics
- Multi-objective Optimization of Hybrid Carbon/Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite Automotive Drive Shaft
- Selection of Intermodal Conductivity Averaging Scheme for Unsaturated Flow in Homogeneous Media
- Vibration of Train-Rail-Bridge Interaction Considering Rail Irregularity with Arbitrary Wavelength
- Design of Direct Exponential Observers for Fault Detection of Nonlinear MEMS Tunable Capacitor
- A Parametric Study on Exergy and Exergoeconomic Analysis of a Diesel Engine based Combined Heat and Power System
- Effects of Aluminum, Silicon And Ferro Silicon Anti Oxidants in MgO C Refractories
- A Study of Zeta Potential of Plasma Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coating in Four Simulated Physiological Solutions
- Fuzzy Clustering Approach Using Data Fusion Theory and its Application To Automatic Isolated Word Recognition
- Capacitive Flux Compression Generator (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Integrator Backstepping Control of a 5 DoF Robot Manipulator with Cascaded Dynamics
- A Multi Plane Model for Natural Anisotropy of Sand
- Effect of Sintering Conditions on Microstructure and the Superconducting Properties of YBa2Cu3O7 x
- Study on the Interactions between Mechanical and Structural Properties of the Thermobonded Nonwovens
- An Instantaneous Rigid Force Model For 3-Axis Ball-End Milling Of Sculptured Surfaces
- Significant Error Propagation in the Finite Difference Solution of Non-Linear Magnetostatic Problems Utilizing Boundary Condition of the Third Kind
- M1, M2, ..., Mk/G1, G2,..., Gk/l/N Queue with Buffer Division and Push-Out Schemes for ATM Networks (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Blind Separation of Jointly Stationary Correlated Sources
- A New Class of Decentralized Interaction Estimators for Load Frequency Control in Multi-Area Power Systems
- Permanent Magnet DC Motor Sliding Mode Control System
- Mathematical Programming Approach To Allocate Local Or National Resources For Bridge Maintenance Rehabilitation & Replacement Planning (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Determination of Resonance Frequency of Dominant and Higher Order Modes in Thin and Thick Circular Microstrip Patch Antennas with Superstrate by MWM (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Modeling the Tensile Behavior of Fibers with Geometrical and Structural Irregularities
- Universal Filtered Multicarrier Receiver Complexity Reduction to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Receiver
- Investigation of Dielectric Properties of Ni/n-TiO2/p-Si/Al Heterojunction in Wide Range of Temperature and Voltage
- Effect of Mechanical Milling on the Morphologyand Structural Evaluation of Al-Al2O3 Nanocomposite Powders
- Effect of Gas Mixture H2-N2 on Microstructure and Microhardness of Steel 32CDV13 Nitrided by Plasma
- A Robust Model for a Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing System with Production Planning
- A New Nonlinear Multi-objective Redundancy Allocation Model with the Choice of Redundancy Strategy Solved by the Compromise Programming Approach
- Static Pull-in Analysis of Capacitive FGM Nanocantilevers Subjected to Thermal Moment using Eringen’s Nonlocal Elasticity
- Reliability and Performance Evaluation of Fault-aware Routing Methods for Network-on-Chip Architectures (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Analysis of the Impact of Managed Pressure Drilling Technology on Current Casing Program Design Methods (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Numerical Solution of Optimal Control of Time-varying Singular Systems via Operational Matrices
- Improvement of the Solvent Extraction of Rhenium from Molybdenite Roasting Dust Leaching Solution using Counter-current Extraction by a Mixer-settler Extractor (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Optimal Process Adjustment with Considering Variable Costs for Uni-variate and Multi-variate Production Process (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Modeling of the Capacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem with a Hierarchical Approch (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Modeling and Availability Analysis of Internet Data Center with various Maintenance Policies
- Reliability Analysis of Three Elements Series and Parallel Systems under Time-varying Fuzzy Failure Rate
- Hydroelastic Vibration of a Circular Diaphragm in the Fluid Chamber of a Reciprocating Micro Pump
- Dual Phase Detector Based Delay Locked Loop for High Speed Applications
- UV-Vis Absorption and Luminescence Spectrum of LAS: Tb3+/Gd3 as a Laser Material (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Optimal Design of the Cross-docking in Distribution Networks: Heuristic Solution Approach
- Synthesis of Al2O3-ZrO2 Nanocomposite by Mechanical Activated Self-propagating High Temperature Synthesis(MASHS) and Ignited via Laser
- Automatic Optimization of Initial Blank Shape in Production of All Kinds of Rectangular Parts in Computer Aided Hydroforming Process
- Influence of Multiple Repairs on the Quality of Duplex Welded Joints
- An Improved Fingerprint-based Document Image Retrieval using Multi-resolution Histogram of Oriented Gradient Features
- Enhanced Face Presentation Attack Prevention Employing Feature Fusion of Pre-trained Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model and Thepade's Sorted Block Truncation Coding
- Numerical Study on Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix Considering Different Concrete Compressive Strength and Steel Reinforcement Ratio
- Private Trajectory Intersection Testing: Is Garbled Circuit Better than Custom Protocols?
- Experimental Investigation on the Effect a Rotational Shaft on the Thermal Behavior of a Circular Tube under Constant Heat Flux
- A Preliminary Field Study of Antifouling Paint Perfomance After Short Exposure in Mandara Bali, Indonesia
- Experimental Study of the Effect of a Non-Oxygenated Additive on Spark-Ignition Engine Performance and Pollutant Emissions
- A Game-Theoretic Approach for Robust Federated Learning
- Robust and Stable Flow Shop Scheduling Problem under Uncertain Processing Times and Machines’ Disruption
- Exploration of Rhenium Volcanogenic Deposit and Technology of Its Development
- Voltage Stability Improvement in Optimal Placement of Voltage Regulators and Capacitor Banks Based on FSM and MMOPSO Approach
- Risk Assessment of Gasoline Storage Unit of National Iranian Oil Product Distribution Company using PHAST Software
- Proposing a New Image Watermarking Method Using Shearlet Transform and Whale Optimization Algorithm
- Numerical Investigation of Response of the Post-Tensioned Tapered Steel Beams with Shape Memory Alloy Tendons
- Designing Bi-directional Counters Using Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Nanotechnology
- Non-linear Axial Vibrations of Composite Drill Strings Considering Interaction of Roller Cone Bit and Polycrystalline Diamond Compact Bit with Rock
- Cogging Torque Minimization in Transverse Flux Permanent Magnet Generators using Two-step Axial Permanent Magnet Segmentation for Direct Drive Wind Turbine Application
- Experimental Study of Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanocomposite Film Reinforced by Cellulose Nanofibers from Agave Cantala
- Improvement of Multi-agent Routing Guidance with an Intelligent Traffic Light Scheduling and the Ability to Select Intermediate Destinations
- Investigation of the Influence of Pressures and Proppant Mass on the Well Parameters after Hydraulic Fracturing
- Application of Artificial Neural Network and Multi-magnetic NDE Methods to Determine Mechanical Properties of Plain Carbon Steels Subjected to Tempering Treatment
- Utilization of Gene Expression Programming for Modeling of Mechanical Performance of Titanium/Carbonated Hydroxyapatite Nanobiocomposites: The Combination of Artificial Intelligence and Material Science
- Bandwidth Management with Congestion Control Approach and Fuzzy Logic
- Control of Steel Detachment and Metal Flow on Aluminum-Steel Friction Stir Welding of thin Joints
- Experimental Investigation of Uncoated Electrode and PVD AlCrNi Coating on Surface Roughness in Electrical Discharge Machining of Ti-6Al-4V
- Routing Protocols for IOT Applications based on Distributed Learning
- Simple Slope Stabilization on Quartz Sandstone using Horizontal Drain
- Photo-degradation of P-Nitro Toluene Using Modified Bentonite Based Nano-TiO2 Photocatalyst in Aqueous Solution
- Design and Analysis of High Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells with Light Trapping Nano-textured Substrates
- Experimental Damage Evaluation of Honeycomb Sandwich with Composite Face Sheets under Impact Load
- Improved Strength and Stiffness Characteristics of Cross-laminated Poplar Timber Columns
- The Rejuvenation Heat Treatment of Nickel Base Superalloy Grade GTD111 after Long-Term Service via the Taguchi Method for Optimization
- Modeling and Optimization of Charge Materials Ranges in Converter Furnace with Enhanced Passivation Time in Copper Electrorefining Process: A Mixture Design Approach
- Presenting a New Method for Earthquake Relief Center Location Allocation based on Whale Optimization Algorithm
- A Hybrid Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm to Detect and Prevent DDoS Attacks
- Pulsed DC- Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of α-rich Nanostructured Tantalum Film: Synthesis and Characterization
- Performance Investigation of 405 Stainless Steel Thermosyphon using Cerium (IV) Oxide Nano Fluid
- Providing a Fuzzy Expert System to Assess the Maturity Level of Companies in Manufacturing Excellence in the Food Industry of Iran
- Design and Experimentation of Roll Bond Evaporator for Room Air Conditioner with R-22 as Refrigerant
- Experimental Study of Breaching of an Earthen Dam using a Fuse Plug Model
- Computational Fluid Dynamic- Two Fluid Model Study of Gas-Solid Heat Transfer in a Riser with Various Inclination Angles
- Feature Dimension Reduction of Multisensor Data Fusion using Principal Component Fuzzy Analysis
- Ballistic (n,0) Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors\' I-V Characteristics: A Comparison of n=3a+1 and n=3a+2
- Mining Overlapping Communities in Real-world Networks Based on Extended Modularity Gain
- Effect of Friction Stir Welding on the Tensile Properties of AA6063 under Different Conditions
- Robust Attitude Control of Spacecraft Simulator with External Disturbances
- Stiffness Prediction of Beech Wood Flour Polypropylene Composite by using Proper Fiber Orientation Distribution Function
- Optimum Swept Angle Estimation based on the Specific Cutting Energy in Milling AISI 1045 Steel Alloy
- Survival of Lactobacillus Acidophilus as Probiotic Bacteria using Chitosan Nanoparticles
- Fault Detection of Bearings Using a Rule-based Classifier Ensemble and Genetic Algorithm
- A new Bi-objective model for a Two-echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem for Perishable Products with the Environmental Factor
- Adaptive Voltage-based Control of Direct-drive Robots Driven by Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
- Development of Drilling Mud Solution for Drilling in Hard Rocks (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Synthesis and Characterization of Anatase-coated Multiwall Carbon Nanotube for Improvement of Photocatalytic Activity
- Turbofan Engine Performance under Reliability Measures Approach
- Design and Construction of a Sensorless Circuit for Brushless DC Motor using Third Harmonic back Electromotive Force
- Eco-friendly Self-curing Concrete Incorporated with Polyethylene Glycol as Self-curing Agent (RESEARCH NOTE)
- An Efficient Hierarchical Modulation based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Transmission Scheme for Digital Video Broadcasting
- Application of Multivariate Control Charts for Condition Based Maintenance
- Free Vibration of a Generalized Plane Frame
- A New Implementation of Maximum Power Point Tracking Based on Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Solar Photovoltaic System
- Solving a New Multi-objective Inventory-Routing Problem by a Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
- A New Combination of Robust-possibilistic Mathematical Programming for Resilient Supply Chain Network under Disruptions and Uncertainty: A Real Supply Chain (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Online Monitoring for Industrial Processes Quality Control Using Time Varying Parameter Model
- Nitrate Removal from Aqueous Solutions Using Granular Activated Carbon Modified with Iron Nanoparticles (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Blood Flow Simulation in an Aorta with a mild coarctation Using Magnetic Resonance Angiography and Finite Volume Method
- Determining of Geotechnical Domain Based on Joint Density and Fault Orientation at Batu Hijau Mine,West Sumbawa-Indonesia (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- A Robust Reliable Closed Loop Supply Chain Network Design under Uncertainty: A Case Study in Equipment Training Centers
- Isolationand Characterization of Nanocrystal from Corncob Waste Using H2SO4 Hydrolysis Method (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Comparison of Inventory Models for Optimal Working Capital; Case of Aeronautics Company
- Characterization and Utilization of Zeolite for NPK Slow Release Fertilizer (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Composite Multi Wall Carbon Nano Tube Polydimethylsiloxane Membrane Bioreactor for Enhanced Bioethanol Production from Broomcorn Seeds
- Pareto Optimization of Two-element Wing Models with Morphing Flap Using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Grouped Method of Data handling Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
- Modeling the Trade-off between Manufacturing Cell Design and Supply Chain Design
- Behavioral Interference of Vibrating Machines Foundations Constructed on Sandy Soils (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Application of an Additive Self-tuning Controller for Static Synchronous Series Compensator for Damping of Sub-synchronous Resonance Oscillations
- Experimental Study of The Mechanical Properties of Banana Fiber and Groundnut Shell Ash Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composite
- Economic-statistical Design of NP Control Chart with Variable Sample Size and Sampling Interval
- Mitigation from SQL Injection Attacks on Web Server using Open Web Application Security Project Framework
- Spherical Oil Agglomeration (SOA)/ Colloidal Gas Aphrons (CGA) Flotation
- Pressure Calculation in the Flow Between Two Rotating Eccentric Cylinders at High Renolds Numbers
- a New Approximate Solution Technique (Quantized Method) for Simultaneous Gas Solid Reactions
- Studies Into the Omission of Take-Down Tension System in Circular Kniting Machanes (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Giuh- Gciuh Comparison for Two Watersheds in Iran (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Analysis of Shaded Pole Induction Motors Considering Asymmetrical Flux Distribution and Saturation Effects
- High Energy Release-high Retraction Smart Polymer Fibers used in Artificial Muscle Fabrication
- Computational Framework Development to Investigate Al Matrix with Low-Velocity Impact Behavior at Varied Temperatures for Cold Spray Composite Coating Design: Al/TiN Case
- Analysis of Particle Size in Composite Materials Using Image Processing
- Mechanical Properties and Wear Behaviour of Stir Cast Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite: A Review
- A Robust Renewable Energy Source-oriented Strategy for Smart Charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicles Considering Diverse Uncertainty Resources
- A Light Solution for Device Diversity Problem in a Wireless Local Area Network Fingerprint Indoor Positioning System
- Refractive Index Perception and Prediction of Radio wave through Recursive Neural Networks using Meteorological Data Parameters
- Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Zones Associated with Copper Mineralization using ASTER Data: A Case Study from the Mirjaveh Area, Southeast Iran
- Effect of Replacement Ratio on Torsional Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Beams
- An Economic Approach to the Confinement of Different Concrete Classes with Carbon and Glass Fibers Reinforced Polymers
- Numerical Simulation of Embankment Settlement in Vacuum Preloading Systems
- Investigating the Effect of Clearance Distance between the Floor of a High-speed Train and Ground on Aerodynamic Forces in Presence of Side Wind
- Flood Hazard Assessment of Water-Front Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Wall for Dam Regulation Rule Level
- Joint Logit Model Approach to Analyze Soccer Spectators’ Arrival Time and Location Preferences for Interim Activities in Istanbul