Journal title
International Journal of Engineering
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- Publisher :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
issue 3 publication date 2019-03-01
- A New Approach to Provide High Water Permeable Polyethersulfone based Nanofiltration Membrane by Air Plasma Treatment
- Investigation of the Effect of L-Ascorbic Acid on Class G Oil Well Cement
- Effect of Antifreeze Admixtures on Cold Weather Concrete
- Influence of Chitin Nanofiber and Rice Husk Ash on Properties and Bearing Resistance of Soft Clay Soils
- Reversible Logic Multipliers: Novel Low-cost Parity-Preserving Designs
- Static Coil Design Considerations for the Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Low-cost Vector Network Analyzer for Biomedical Applications
- A New Approach Applying Multi-objective Optimization using a Taguchi Fuzzy-based for Tourist Satisfaction Management
- A Hybrid Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making Model Based on Fuzzy DEMATEL with Fuzzy Analytical Network Process and Interpretative Structural Model for Prioritizing LARG Supply Chain Practices
- Fluoride Precipitation of Cu Over Fe in a Selected pH Window
- Quaternion-based Finite-time Sliding Mode Controller Design for Attitude Tracking of a Rigid Spacecraft during High-thrust Orbital Maneuver in the Presence of Disturbance Torques
- Mistake Proofing Cam Mechanism Through Six-sigma Process: Case Study on Clothes Printing Machines
- Energy and Exergy Analysis of a New Power, Heating, Oxygen and Hydrogen Cogeneration Cycle Based on the Sabalan Geothermal Wells
- Prediction of Noise Transmission Loss and Acoustic Comfort Assessment of a Ventilated Window using Statistical Energy Analysis
- Effects of Tungsten on the Pearlite Reaction in a Eutectoid Steel
- Surface Hardness Measurment and Microstructural Characterisation of Steel by X-Ray Diffraction Profile Analysis
- Interactive Analysis of Space Frame Raft Soil System
- Modified Enthalpy Method Applied to Laser Annealing of Semi Conductor Films
- Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (Ivhs) Issues and Recommendations
- Fluoride Precipitation of Cu Over Fe in a Selected pH Window
- A Hybrid Fuzzy Multi-criteria Decision Making Model Based on Fuzzy DEMATEL with Fuzzy Analytical Network Process and Interpretative Structural Model for Prioritizing LARG Supply Chain Practices
- Static Coil Design Considerations for the Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- A New Approach Applying Multi-objective Optimization using a Taguchi Fuzzy-based for Tourist Satisfaction Management
- Low-cost Vector Network Analyzer for Biomedical Applications
- Investigation of the Effect of L-Ascorbic Acid on Class G Oil Well Cement
- Influence of Chitin Nanofiber and Rice Husk Ash on Properties and Bearing Resistance of Soft Clay Soils
- Energy and Exergy Analysis of a New Power, Heating, Oxygen and Hydrogen Cogeneration Cycle Based on the Sabalan Geothermal Wells
- Quaternion-based Finite-time Sliding Mode Controller Design for Attitude Tracking of a Rigid Spacecraft during High-thrust Orbital Maneuver in the Presence of Disturbance Torques
- Reversible Logic Multipliers: Novel Low-cost Parity-Preserving Designs
- Effect of Antifreeze Admixtures on Cold Weather Concrete
- A New Approach to Provide High Water Permeable Polyethersulfone based Nanofiltration Membrane by Air Plasma Treatment
- Prediction of Noise Transmission Loss and Acoustic Comfort Assessment of a Ventilated Window using Statistical Energy Analysis
- Mistake Proofing Cam Mechanism Through Six-sigma Process: Case Study on Clothes Printing Machines
- Natural and Artificial Fibre Reinforced Concrete: A State-of-art Review
- Performance Assessment of Ductile Detailing Code-Based Reinforced Concrete Special Moment Resisting Frames
- Bolt Pre-tension Effect on Performance of Bolted Extended End-plate Moment Connections under Cyclic Loading
- Experimental Investigation of the Effects of using Waste Rubber Ash on Mechanical Properties of Plain Concrete
- Viscosity Analysis of Water-based Copper Oxide Nanofluids
- Performance Evaluation of Weighted Feedback Based UPQC under Various Power Quality Issues
- The Effect of Soil Type on Seismic Response of Tall Telecommunication Towers with Random Vibration Analysis
- Sensitivity Analysis of Vibration Response of Railway Structures to Velocity of Moving Load and Various Depth of Elastic Foundation
- Detecting Overlapping Communities in Social Networks using Deep Learning
- Coordination of Pricing and Order Quantity for Two Replaceable and Seasonal Products
- Modeling and Analysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Based Trigeneration System with an Oxygenated Fuel by Using an Exergoeconomic Methodology for Power, Heating and Cooling Production
- Coupling Nonlinear Element Free Galerkin and Linear Galerkin Finite Volume Solver for 2D Modeling of Local Plasticity in Structural Material
- Designing a Model for Creation of Export Consortiain Business Cluster
- A Novel Trust Computation Method Based on User Ratings to Improve the Recommendation
- A Mathematical Model for Scheduling Elective Surgeries for Minimizing the Waiting Times in Emergency Surgeries
- An Optical Measurement System to Measure Velocity and Provide Shock Wave Pressure Diagrams
- Evaluation of Seismic Response of Concrete Structures Reinforced by Shape Memory Alloys (Technical Note)
- Experimental Assessment of a Fixed On-Shore Oscillating Water Column Device: Case Study on Oman Sea
- Experimental Evaluation of Surface Alterations Induced in Machining of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
- A New Framework for Advancement of Power Management Strategies in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- Determination of Optimal Allocation and Penetration Level of Distributed Energy Resources Considering Short Circuit Currents
- Prioritization of Transmission Network Components Based on their Failure Impact on Reliability of Composite Power Systems
- Synthesis, Characterization, and Evaluation of an Eco-friendly Demulsifier for Crude Oil Emulsion Treatment Using Waste Corn Oil
- An Optimal Boolean Approach for Computational Modeling of Gene Regulatory Networks from Temporal Gene Expression Profile
- Amelioration Effectiveness of Torque and Rotor Flux Control Applied to the Asynchronous Generator for Dual-rotor Wind Turbine using Neural Third-order Sliding Mode Approaches
- Sugarcane Molasses as a Cost-effective Carbon Source on Arthrospira maxima Growth by Taguchi Technique
- Traffic Scene Analysis and Classification using Deep Learning
- Design and Simulation of a Novel Hetero-junction Bipolar Transistor with Gate-Controlled Current Gain
- Design and Performance Analysis of High-k Gate All Around Fin-field Effect Transistor
- Gate Oxide Thickness and Drain Current Variation of Dual Gate Tunnel Field Effect Transistor
- Comparative Analysis of Web Hosting Server Performance
- Optimum Aggregate Inventory in the Lot Scheduling Problem with Non-Zero Setup Time
- Dealloying and Stress Corrosion Craking of Copper Alloys in Cu(I) Solutions
- Minimizing the Mean Tardiness in A N1 Sequencing Problem
- An Adaptive Impedance Controller for Robot Manipulators
- Modeling Flexibility Effects in Robotic Arms Via the Modified 4x4 D-H Homogeneous Transformation
- Compound Strip Method for Plane Stress
- A New Vapor Pressure Equation
- Oxidative Coupling of Methane to Ethylene Over Sodium Promoted Manganese Oxide
- Synthesis of Hard Layer by Titanium Addition During Welding Process and Quenched Directly
- Exploration of Eucheuma Seaweed Algae Extract as a Novel Green Corrosion Inhibitor for API 5L Carbon Steel in Hydrochlorid Acid Medium
- A Continuum Shell-beam Finite Element Modeling of Buried Pipes with 90-degree Elbow Subjected to Earthquake Excitations
- Fuzzy Approximation Model-based Robust Controller Design for Speed Control of BLDC Motor
- Ultimate Unbonded Tendon Stress in CFRP Strengthened Post-Tensioned Indeterminate I-Beams Cast with HSCs
- Study of Degradation of Dry Cooling Tower Performance under Wind Conditions and Method for Tower Efficiency Enhancement (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Ultrasonic and Microwave Pretreatment for Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanosized SAPO-34 and Their Catalytic Performance in MTO Reaction (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Low Settling Time All Digital DLL For VHF Application
- Effect of Heat Recirculation in Biomass Flame Stability within a Cylindrical Micro-Combustor (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Discrete Multi Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for FPGA Placement (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Investigation of Thermo-hydraulic Performance of Circular Tube Fitted with Center-cleared Twisted Tape Using CFD Modeling (RESEARCH NOTE)
- The Research on the Biggest Borehole Curvature that Allowed through for the Rotating Casing (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Free Vibration Analysis of a Sloping-frame: Closed-form Solution versus Finite Element Solution and Modification of the Characteristic Matrices (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Experimental Analysis of Effects of Ultrasonic Welding on Weld Strength of Polypropylene Composite Samples
- Active Suspension System Control Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy (ANFIS) Controller
- Effect of Deflected Membrane Electrode Assembly on Species Distribution in PEMFC
- Application of Interval-valued Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach in Selection Cargo Terminals, a Case Study
- Optimal Placement and Sizing of Fault Current Limiter in a Real Network: a Case Study (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Predicting Shear Stress Distribution in Rectangular Channels Using Entropy Concept
- A Numerical Analysis for the Effect of Slip Velocity and Stenosis Shape on Non-Newtonian Flow of Blood (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Splitter Plate Angle on the Under-Scouring of Submarine Pipeline Due to Steady Current and Clear Water Condition
- A Continuum Model For Stone-wales Defected Carbon Nanotubes
- Variations of Organic Loading Rate on Tofu Wastewater Degradation using Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor by Modified Stover-Kincannon Model
- Aerodynamic Design Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Full Analysis of Low Finned Tube Heat Exchangers
- Modeling of the Combustion Oscillations and Soot Formation in Aerovalved Pulse Combustors
- Maximum Allowable Load On Wheeled Mobile Manipulators (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Quasi-Static Theory for Uniaxial Chiral Omega Media
- Calculation of Complicated Flows, Using First and Second-Order Schemes (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Novel Stand-Alone Single-Phase Induction Generator Using a Three-Phase Machine and a Single-Phase PWM Inverter
- A Novel Fuzzy and Artificial Neural Network Representation of Overcurrent Relay Characteristics
- Numerical Study of Reduction of NOx Emission by High Temperature Air Combustion Technology
- Role of Calcium Content in Dissolution Kinetics of Iranian Borate Minerals in Sulfuric Acid
- Reservoir Operation During Droughts
- Influence of an Inclusion on Multi-Pass Copper Shaped-Wire Drawing by 2D Finite Element Analysis
- Synergistic Influence of Benzoate Ions on Inhibition of Corrosion of Mild Steel in 0.5m Sulfuric Acid by Benzotriazole
- Application of ANN Technique for Interconnected Power System Load Frequency Control (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Applicability of Elastic Analysis for Predicting the Settlement Distribution Around Tunneling in Soft Ground (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Mathematical Model For Energy Saving In Induration Of Iron Ore Pellets Containing Solid Fuel
- Application of SVC on Large Synchronous Motors Based on LOC Design (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Hybrid Approach to Sentiment Analysis of Iranian Stock Market User’s Opinions
- Improving the Position Accuracy of Rover Receiver using Differential Positioning in Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
- Study on Attapulgite as Drilling Fluid Clay Additive in Persian Gulf Seawater
- A New Intelligent Approach to Patient-cooperative Control of Rehabilitation Robots
- Semi-analytical Approach for Free Vibration Analysis of Variable Cross-Section Beams Resting on Elastic Foundation and under Axial Force
- An Experimental Study on the Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes/Oil (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Improvement of Surface Finish when EDM AISI 2312 Hot Worked Steel using Taguchi Approach and Genetic Algorithm
- Effect of Compression Ratio on Emission of CI Engine using Neat Karanja Oil and Karanja Oil Methyl Ester Blends
- Length Scale Effect on Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded Kirchhoff and Mindlin Micro-Plates
- Development of a Predictive Finite Element Model For Investigation of Phases Behavior After Cold Rolling Process
- Hydrogen and Ethanol as Potential Alternative Fuels Compared to Gasoline under Improved Exhaust Gas Recirculation
- An Investigation into the Deep Drawing of Fiber-Metal Laminates based on Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene
- Reduction of Odometry Error in a two Wheeled Differential Drive Robot (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Optimal Design of Sandwich Panels Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and Finite Element Method
- A Study on Combination of von Mises and Tresca Yield Loci In Non-Associated Viscoplasticity
- Effect of Length-scale Parameter on Pull-in Voltage and Natural Frequency of a Micro-plate
- Vibration Analysis of a Nonlinear System with a Nonlinear Absorber under the Primary and Super-harmonic Resonances (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Crack Detection In Functionally Graded Beams Using Conjugate Gradient Method
- Stability Analysis in Parametrically Excited Electrostatic Torsional Micro-actuators
- Performance Study of a Solar Integrated Central Heating System of a Residential Building Using Trnsys- an Hourly Simulation Model (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Analytical Solution of Stress Field in Adhesively Bonded Composite Single-Lap Joints Under Mechanical Loadings
- Growth Media Optimization for Production of Alkaline Protease from Industrial Wastewater using Bacillus subtilis PTCC 1254
- Assessing Potential Performance of GPS and Galileo in Context of Broadcast Precise Orbits and Clock Corrections
- An Enhanced McCormick Envelopes to Represent Kron's Loss Formula
- Fabrication of Aluminum 5083/SiC Surface Composite on Tungsten Inert Gas Weld Joint by Novel Direct Friction Stir Processing Technique
- Experimental Formability Study of Ti6Al4V Sheet Metal using Friction Stir Heat Assisted Single Point Incremental Forming Process
- Investigation of Laser Cutting of Thin Polymethyl Methacrylate Sheets by Response Surface Methodology
- Numerical Analysis on Flow Characteristics of Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow in a Vertical Pipe with Downward Stream
- Equilibrium of Ammonia (NH3) and Ammonium (NH4+) during Microalgae Harvesting using Electrocoagulation
- Application of a Novel Optimization Algorithm in Design of Lead Rubber Bearing Isolation Systems for Seismic Rehabilitation of Building Structures
- Improving the Accuracy of Brain Tumor Identification in Magnetic Resonanceaging using Super-pixel and Fast Primal Dual Algorithm
- Enhancing Book and Document Digitization from Videos: A Feature Fusion-Based Approach
- Experimental Analysis and Physical Mechanism Investigation of Al2O3 Effect on New and Aged Transformer Oil Properties
- Fitting the Three-parameter Weibull Distribution by using Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure
- Addressing the Freight Consolidation and Containerization Problem by Recent and Hybridized Meta-heuristic Algorithms
- A Planar, Layered Ultra-wideband Metamaterial Absorber for Microwave Frequencies
- A Game Theoretic Approach for Sustainable Power Systems Planning in Transition
- A Dimensionless Parameter Approach based on Singular Value Decomposition and Evolutionary Algorithm for Prediction of Carbamazepine Particles Size
- Mixed-Model Assembly Line Balancing with Considering Reliability
- Effect of Surface Morphologies on the Isothermal Oxidation Behavior of MCrAlY Coatings Fabricated by High-velocity Oxyfuel Processes
- Design and Simulation of a Moving-magnet-type Linear Synchronous Motor for Electromagnetic Launch System
- Development of Forward-wave Directional Couplers Loaded by Periodic Shunt Shorted Stubs
- Degradation of Low Concentrations of Formaldehyde in Sono Catalytic Ozonation Advanced Oxidation Processes using Zero-valent Iron
- A Novel Method for Implementing of Time-of-use to Improve the Performance of Electric Distribution Systems: A Case Study
- The Effect of Damping and Stiffness of Bearing on the Natural Frequencies of Rotor-bearing System
- A Novel Interactive Possibilistic Mixed Integer Nonlinear Model for Cellular Manufacturing Problem under Uncertainty
- A Numerical Study on Aluminum Plate Response under Low Velocity Impact
- A Network Design Model for a Resilient Closed-Loop Supply Chain with Lateral Transshipment
- Study of Stone-wales Defect on Elastic Properties of Single-layer Graphene Sheets by an Atomistic based Finite Element Model
- The Analysis of Wheel Loader Diesel Engine Crankshaft Failure
- A 3D Numerical and Empirical Study on the Effects of Injection Pressure and Temperature on the Quality of Produced Mold
- Seismic Retrofitting RC Structures with Precast Prestressed Concrete Braces- ABAQUS FEA Modeling
- Two Novel D-Flip Flops with Level Triggered Reset in Quantum Dot Cellular Automata Technology
- Developing of Corrosion Resistance Nano Copper Oxide Coating on Copper using Anodization in Oxalate solution
- Bi-level Model for Reliability based Maintenance and Job Scheduling
- Modelling and Optimisation of Coconut Shell Drying and Carbonisation Using Multi-response Taguchi Method with Multi-response Signal-to-noise Procedure
- Parameters Identification of an Experimental Vision-based Target Tracker Robot Using Genetic Algorithm
- Distributed Generation Expansion Planning Considering Load Growth Uncertainty: A Novel Multi-Period Stochastic Model
- Surface Energy and Elastic Medium Effects on Torsional Vibrational Behavior of Embedded Nanorods
- Tensile and Morphological Properties of Microcellular Polymeric Nanocomposite Foams Reinforced with Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes
- Performance Evaluation of Oily Waste Treatment Ways (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- An Integrated Closed-loop Supply Chain Configuration Model and Supplier Selection based on Offered Discount Policies
- The Integrated Supply Chain of After-sales Services Model: A Multi-objective Scatter Search Optimization Approach
- Experimental Investigation of the Change of Elastic Moduli of Clastic Rocks under Nonlinear Loading
- Design Procedure of an Outer Rotor Synchronous Reluctance Machine for Scooter Application
- Investigating the Performance of CO Boiler Burners in the RFCC Unit with CFD Simulation
- Effect of Sensory Experience on Customer Word-of-mouth Intention, Considering the Roles of Customer Emotions, Satisfaction, and Loyalty
- Effect of Silver Clusters Deposition on Wettability and Optical Properties of Diamond-like Carbon Films
- Size-dependent Vibration Analysis of Stepped Nanobeams Based on Surface Elasticity Theory
- A New Recurrent Radial Basis Function Network-based Model Predictive Control for a Power Plant Boiler Temperature Control
- Enhancement of Stiffness in GFRP Beams by Glass Reinforcement
- Photocatalytic removal of toluene from gas stream using chitosan/AgI-ZnO Nanocomposite fixed on glass bed under UVA irradiation
- Mechanical Behaviour of Nano-material (Al2O3) Stabilized Soft Soil
- The Effects of BIM Maturity Level on the 4D Simulation Performance: An Empirical Study
- A Life Clustering Framework for Prognostics of Gas Turbine Engines under Limited Data Situations
- Actuator Fault Detection and Isolation for Helicopter Unmanned Arial Vehicle in the Present of Disturbance
- Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2/CuO/WO3 Ternary Composite and its Application as Photocatalyst
- Management of Abandoned Construction Projects in Iraq Using BIM Technology
- Removing of Sb and As from Electrolyte in Copper Electrorefining Process: A Green Approach
- Application of Sorbent Waste Material for Porous Ceramics Production
- Introducing an Enhanced Friction Model for Developing Inertia Welding Simulation: A Computational Solid Mechanics Approach
- Parametric Effects on Slump and Compressive Strength Properties of Geopolymer Concrete using Taguchi Method
- Detection of Bikers without Helmet Using Image Texture and Shape Analysis
- A Model of the Respiratory System in the Newborn Infant
- Finding the Best Coefficients in the Objective Function of a Linear Quadratic Control Problem
- A Numerical Modeling for Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Media With Generated Internal Heat Sources
- Analysis of the Mechanics of Preforation by Projectiles
- Influence of Altitude Atmospheric Pressure on Octane Requirement (RESEARCH NOTE).
- Overview of Reverse Osmosis for Chemical Engineers. Part 2: Applications of Transport Models
- Finite Element Methods for Convection Diffusion Equation
- Prediction of Physical Delay Period RiDirect Injection Diesel Engine Combustion
- Seismic Retrofitting RC Structures with Precast Prestressed Concrete Braces- ABAQUS FEA Modeling
- Dry Sliding Behaviour Study of Novel Low-metallic Friction Materials by using DoE-Taguchi Method
- Presenting a Model to Detect the Fraud in Banking using Smart Enabling Tools
- Bioreactor Scale-up for Water-Gas Shift Reaction
- Rcd Rules and Power Systems Observability
- Neural Network Implementation of a Three Phase Regulated PWM AC to Dc Convener with Input Unbalance Correction
- Queue with Heterogeneous Server Under Resequencing Constraint
- Concepts and Application of Three Dimensional Infinite Elements to Soil Structure-Interaction Problems
- The Study of Breakdown Voltages for Triggered Spark Gap Switches
- Confidence Interval Estimation of the Mean of Stationary Stochastic Processes: a Comparison of Batch Means and Weighted Batch Means Approach (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Role of Mixing Method and Solid Content on Printability of Alumina Inks for Stereolithography 3D Printing Process
- Friction and Wear Performance of Brake Pad and Optimization of Manufacturing Parameters using Grey Relational Analysis
- Compaction Quality Control of Coarse-grained Soils Using Dynamic Penetration Test Results through Correlation with Relative Compaction Percentages