Journal title
سیاست های مالی و اقتصادی
- rank :علمی-ترویجی وزارت علوم-وزارت علوم
- issn :2345-3435
- Publisher :وزارت امور اقتصادی و دارایی
issue 39 publication date 2022-12
- Comparing the effect of religiosity on public goods production and natural resource conservation: a experimental study
- Modeling, Survey the Nash Equilibrium and Optimal Tax Fine Rate Determine in the Game of Taxpayers and Tax Affairs Organization
- The role of the school institution in development with a teacher empowerment approach
- Economic value of water in the manufacturing industry of Yazd Province: Value of marginal product approach
- Presenting a Hierarchical Model of Factors Affecting the Issuance of Sukuk without Maturity with a Focus on Shari'ah and Operational Principles
- Investigation the impact of US Unilateral Withdraw from JCPOA on the Market Return of Export-Oriented Companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange by Emphasis on herding Behavior (semi-parametric approach)