Journal title
سیاست های مالی و اقتصادی
- rank :علمی-ترویجی وزارت علوم-وزارت علوم
- issn :2345-3435
- Publisher :وزارت امور اقتصادی و دارایی
issue 35 publication date 2021-12
- The Effect of Government Size and Trade Openness on Banking Crisis in Iran: Based on the Method of Jing et al. (2013)
- Long-Run Growth of IRAN's Economy from the Lens of Export-Led Growth Model (Application of the Time-Varing Approach)
- The Asymmetry Effect of Real Wages on the Industrial Employment in Iran (NARDL Approach)
- Investigating the effect of intangible resources and knowledge acquisition capabilities on export performance via the mediation role of innovation
- The Investigation of Main Determinants of Real Time Performance based Budgeting in Iran