Journal title
سیاست های مالی و اقتصادی
- rank :علمی-ترویجی وزارت علوم-وزارت علوم
- issn :2345-3435
- Publisher :وزارت امور اقتصادی و دارایی
issue 33 publication date 2021-06
- Evaluation Iran Capital Market Hedging using World Capital Market (Simultaneous Investment in Iran Stock Exchange Market & World Gold Market)
- Financial System Performance and Inflation in Iran: Some Stylized Facts
- Content analysis of articles in the field of taxation
- Investigating the accuracy of different short-term forecasting methods about stock index and the daily number of coronavirus disease (covid-19) cases in Iran
- Inflation Behavior in the Iranian Economy under Macroeconomic Shocks: The DSGE Approach
- Optimal Strategy of State Lands allocation in Islamic Economics: Game Theory Approach