Journal title
پژوهش های آموزش و یادگیری
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :2345-2196
- Publisher :دانشگاه شاهد
issue 2 publication date 2019-03
- A Systematic Review: the Structural Models of the Relationship between Achievement Goals, Cognitive and Meta- Cognitive Strategies and Academic Achievement
- Meta analysis studies on affecting factors on student’s motivation in Iran
- The Effect used multimedia with worked examples on learning and Retention in a mathematic course
- The Relationship between Teaching Styles with Academic Motivation and Engagement in Students
- Investigate the relationship between academic optimism and achievement motivation with the mediating roles of high school students’ academic self-efficacy
- Effectiveness of Jigsaw teaching method on cognitive, emotional, academic and social-emotional adjustment
- Cognitive Economics A New Approach for Revolutionizing Economics Education in Iran
- Explanation of Socratic dialectic aspects and teaching method: A strategy for improving the schools' teaching-learning process