Journal title
پژوهش های آموزش و یادگیری
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :2345-2196
- Publisher :دانشگاه شاهد
issue 1 publication date 2019-09
- “Professional Learning Communities (PLC): An Effective Strategy to Improve Teachers’ Self-Efficacy”
- students’ evaluation of Congruence within Teaching-Learning Environment of Undergraduate Courses at Shiraz University
- An investigation of the relationship between Teacher and Peer Support with Academic Engagement with regard to the mediating role of Academic Competence
- The effect of Corrective Feedback (Written and Verbal) teachers in the Formative Evaluation On the amount of Emotional Excitement (emotions related to learning and emotions related to the lesson) male students
- The effect of inquiry-based learning method on achivement emotions of elementary students in Science course
- The role of epistemological beliefs and spiritual intelligence in predicting academic success of students in secondary education
- Building a Model of effect of radio & television on the learning of science and technology based on radio & television managers and communication experts perspectives)
- compare the metacognitive approaches and motivational beliefs of masters` degree student of state and Payame Noor universities in Hamedan In the school year 95-96
- Comparing school bonding in different motivational profile in students: a person-centered analysis
- Factors affecting effective teaching teachers (The case of the fifth grade of primary school teachers in Tehran)
- Comparing Effects of Dyad and Individual Training on Learning in Second and Forth grades Girl Students
- Damaging Factors of Counseling Role of School principals and Strategies for Expanding their Counseling Role in the Process of Education and Learning: Qualitative Research