عنوان ژورنال
Journal of Teaching English Lnaguage Studies- (متوقف)![](/static/v6/images/journaldetails/jour.png)
- درجه :غیر مصوب
شماره 4 تاریخ انتشار 2018-06-01
- The impacts of Direct and Indirect Observation on EFL Iranian Teachers' Teaching Quality Improvement
- The Effects of Concept Mapping and Critical Thinking Test Strategies on EFL Iranian Learners' Reading Comprehension
- The Effect of Working Memory Training on Vocabulary Recall and Retention of Iranian EFL Learners: The Case of Dual N-Back Task
- Experienced and Novice Language Teachers’ Beliefs about Corrective Feedback
- Study of Vinay and Darbelnet’s Seven Translation Strategies in Four Translations of Divorce Surah of Quran
- Groping Feedback Types on Interactional Patterns via Storytelling among EFL Iranian Young learners
- Enhancing EFL Learners’ Self Efficacy Beliefs through Raising Metacognitive Awareness
- The effect of teaching the etymology of words to learn and reinforce vocabulary by Iranian children