issue 1 publication date 2022-10
- Chitin Extraction from Cuttlebone and its Formulation into Topical Burn Gel
- Predicting Corona Anxiety Based on Coping Strategies and Problem Solving Styles in Nurses
- Assessment and Characterization of Physical Hazards in Workplace: A Case Study in a Military Dental Hospital
- Surgical Technologists’ Knowledge Regarding the Principles of Surgical Site Infection Prevention in AL-Zahra Hospital of Isfahan City: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Investigation of operating room personnel's attitude regarding teamwork skill in educational hospitals of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences: A cross- sectional descriptive study
- The Virtual Education of Health Care Providers in the Corona Epidemic Period, Point of View, Challenges and Approaches
- Bladder Shift Due to Constipation: Case Report Zohre Rezaie
volume 18
- issue 12023-10