issue 4 publication date 2022-03
- Ergonomic Assessment of Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Administrative Staff in Military Center Using ROSA
- Evaluation of Correlation between D-dimer Levels with Disease Severity in Patients with Covid-19 Referred to Hamedan Besat Hospital in 2021-2022
- Studying of Covid-19 Anxiety Based on Coping Strategies and Emotion Regulation in Sailors
- Relationship between Demographic Characteristics and the Level of Professional Ethics in Operating Room Students of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences
- Prevalence of Workplace Violence of Emergency Medical Staff and Relevant Factors in Chaharmahal-Bakhtyari Province in 2020
- Evaluation of Anxiety Caused by Corona Virus Pandemic and its Relationship with Psychological Well-Being of Medical Staff in Birjand Hospital
volume 18
- issue 12023-10