Journal title
International Journal of Fertility and Sterility
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت
- issn :2008-076X
- Publisher :پژوهشگاه رویان جهاد دانشگاهی
issue 2.5 publication date 2014-07-01
- Volume 8, Supplement 1, Summer 2014 (Presented at 15th Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine and 9th Royan Nursing and Midwifery Seminar)Seminar)
- I-1: The Andrological Counselling of the Infertile Men
- I-2: Varicocele and Male Infertility: A Clinical Dilemma
- I-3: New Advances in Surgical Sperm Retrievals for ICSI in NOA Patients
- I-4: A Simple and Safe Technique for Varicocele Surgery
- I-5: Alteration in ?-Defensin 126 Genes Associated with Unexplained Male Infertility and ART Outcomes
- I-6: Fertility Preservation in Male Patient with Cancer
- I-8: A Preliminary Report on Production of Organ Deficient Goats at Royan Institute of Biotechnology
- I-9: Sperm Trans Fatty Acids: An Undertreated Issue in Men Infertility
- I-10: Vitrification of Baboon Ovarian Tissue:Will Vitrification Replace Conventional Freezing for Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation?
- I-11: Cryopreservation and Utilization of Ovarian Tissue: When, Where and How?
- I-12: Optimal Strategy toward Fertility Preservation: In Vivo and In Vitro Post-Thaw Options in Gamete, Embryo and Ovarian Tissue Cryostorage
- I-13: Transcriptome Dynamics of Human and Mouse Preimplantation Embryos Revealed by Single Cell RNA-Sequencing
- I-14: Vitrification of Human Immature Oocytes in IVM Program
- I-15: Effects of Oxidative Stress on Sperm Function
- I-16: Assessment of The Vitrified Ovarian Tissue in Long Term Culture
- I-17: Failed Fertilization: from Molecular,Diagnostic and Clinical Perspectives
- I-18: Avian Chimeras and Germ Cell Migration
- I-19: Surrogate Egg Shell Culture for The Analysis of Avian Stem Cell Fate
- I-20: Towards The Transparent Embryo: Dynamics and Ethics of Comprehensive Preimplantation Genetic Screening
- I-21: Medical Ethics Education: Advancements in Iran
- I-22: A Critique on "Consent to Medical Interventions"In Penal Code of Iran
- I-23: The Role of Hysteroscopy in Sub Mucosal Myoma
- I-24: The Role of Interleukins, Integrins and Other Proteins in Recurrent Implantation Failure
- I-25: New Steps towards The Artificial Ovary
- I-26: The Role of Endometrial Injury in Improvement of The Pregnancy Rate in Patients Undergoing ART
- I-27: Management of Poor Responders:Current and Past Recommended Strategy
- I-28: Anti M
- I-29: Menstrual Cycle Dependent Variation in Serum Levels of Anti-M
- I-30: Human Endometrial Receptivity:from The Basic Research to Clinical Translation
- I-31: Reconstruction of Human Endometrium from Somatic Stem Cells
- I-32: Prevention Protocols in Order to Prevent OHSS in COS of PCO and Non PCO Patients in ART Cycle
- I-33: Role of Hysteroscopy in the Diagnosis and Infertility Treatment
- I-34: Comparison between Hysteroscopy and Sonohysterography in Uterine Cavity Assessment
- I-36: The Role of LH in Controlled Ovarian Stimulation
- I-37: Controlled Ovarian Stimulation in Cancer Patients
- I-38: Individualized Controlled Ovarian Stimulation: Matching Protocols with Patient Profile
- I-39: Facts and Myths in IVF Treatment
- I-40: Male Genome Programming, Infertility and Cancer
- I-41: Pelvic MRI at Infertility
- I-42: Cardinal Manifestations of Endometriosis Transvaginal Ultrasound
- I-43: Uterine Artery Embolization(UAE),An Alternative Treatment for Fibroids
- I-44: 3D Ultrasonography of Ovarian Tumors
- I-45: Important Points in Interpretation of Sonographic Images of Female Pelvis (Imaging Case Review)
- I-46: Ultrasound Guided Aspiration of Ovarian Cyst
- O-1: Evaluation of Ethnic Patterns of Y Chromosome Microdeletions in Iranian Infertile Men with Azoospermia/Severe Oligospermia Referred to Royan Institute
- O-2: A Novel Antioxidant Formulation to Treat Male Infertility Emanating from Sperm Oxidative DNA Damage: Promising Preclinical Evidence from Mouse Models
- O-3: Drug Repositioning by Merging Gene Expression Data Analysis and Cheminformatics Target Prediction Approaches
- O-4: The Interaction of Bioactive Glass Nanoparticles with Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Vitro
- O-5: Preparation of Multi-Component Drug Delivery Systems
- O-6: Cryopreservation and Long-Term Maintenance of Bovine Embryo-Derived Cell Lines
- O-7: Improved In Vitro Development of Cloned Bovine Embryos Using S-Adenosylhomocysteine,A Non-Toxic Epigenetic
- O-8: Molecular Mechanisms of Membrane Fusion Involved in Fertilization
- O-9: The Peroxidation Indices during Vitrification of Bovine Ovary
- O-11: Immunoneutralization of Inhibin Alpha Subunit as A Tool for Improving Farm Animal Fertility
- O-12: Studies on Sequestration of PDC-109 Protein on Cryodamage and In Vitro Fertility of Crossbred Bull Spermatozoa
- O-10: Sperm Mediated Gene Transfer Using Adjuvant Preserving Fertility for Production of Transgenic Chicken Expressing
- O-13: Phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 Promotes Translation at The Oocyte Spindle
- O-14: General Governing Rules of ART Contracts Involving Third Parties
- O-16: Genetic Counseling and Necessity of Psychological Counseling Skills
- O-17: A Comprehensive Analysis of Maternal Mortality and Relevant Common Medical Errors: A Serious Challenge for Iranian Healthcare System
- O-15: Advanced Age Women and Miscarriage Rate
- O-18: Effect of Treatment Failure on Infertile Women
- O-19: Challenges of Donor Selection: The Experiences of Iranian Infertile Couples Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Donation Procedures
- O-20: Commencing in Darkness: Narratives of Iranian Unconsummated Couples about Their Unmet Sexual Educations Needs
- O-21: Challenges of Elective Abortion in Iranian Society
- O-22: The Relationship between Sexual Satisfaction and Body Image in Women
- O-23: Comparison of Female Infertility Etiology in Traditional Iranian and Conventional Medicine
- O-24: Healthy Menopausal Women
- O-25: The Risk of Major Birth Defects in-ICSI and Normal Infants
- O-26: Importance of IL-18 in Serum and Follicle Fluid in The Context of Fertility Treatment
- O-27: Genome Instabilities in Preimplantation Development Leading to Genetic Variation between Tissues of Normal Human Fetuses
- O-28: Endometriosis Is Influenced by The Promoter Haplotype-Based Expression of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF)
- O-29: Differences in The Transcriptional Profiles of Human Cumulus Cells Isolated From MI and MII Oocytes of Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- O-30: Comparing Expression Patterns of Endometrial Genes in Implantation Failures and Recurrent Miscarriages with Fertile Couples Following ICSI/IVF Using in Silico Analysis
- O-31: Epigenetic Aberration of HOXA10 Gene in Human Endometrium throughout The Menstrual Cycle in Endometriosis
- O-32: Pain Experienced during Sonohysterography :Cervical to Uterine Catheter Placement
- P-1: Study The Anti-inflammatory Effect of 1- (1- (4-Chlorobenzoyl) -6 -methoxy-l-1H-indol -3-yl) butan -2 -one on
- P-2: Zaralenone-Induced Damages in Testicular
- P-3: Complete Reproductive Hormonal Study in Nonobstructive Azoospermic (NOA) Patients for Determining Reliable Markers of The Presence of Spermatozoa in Their Biopsies
- P-4: Grape Seed Extract Alleviate Male Reproductive Toxicity Caused by Busulfan in Rat Model
- P-5: Effect of Total and Severe Teratozoospermia on The Outcome of ICSI
- P-6: The Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Semen Quality in Infertile Couples
- P-7: Sperm DNA Assessment as A Tool for Partial Resolver of The Unexplained Infertility Problem
- P-8: Protective Effect of Royal Jelly versus Vitamin C against Anemia-Induced Damages in Testicular Tissue
- P-9: Investigate The Effects of Polyphenol Gossypol as A Male Antifertility Agents,How to Make Male Contraceptive?
- P-11: Evaluation of Heat Shock Protein A2 in Male Rats before and after Varicocele Induction
- P-10: Aqueous Extract of Rosa Damascena Protects Mice against Formaldehyde-Testicular Damages
- P-12: Effect of Centrifugation on Levels of Stress Oxidative of Human Spermatozoa
- P-13: Comparison of Sperm Quality, Oxidative Stress, DNA Fragmentation, Protamine Deficiency, and DNA Methylation in Varicocele and Fertile Individuals
- P-14: The Effects of Depression on Reduced Sperm Motility in Male Rats
- P-15: Effect of Testosterone on Antioxidant Biomarkers in Mice with Spinal Cord Injury
- P-16: Effects of Urtica Dioica Extract on Histomorphometric Structure of Rat Testis Induced by High Dose Testosterone
- P-17: Body Mass Index and Sperm Counts Associated with Varicocele in Infertile Men
- P-18: The Effect of Cell Phone Waves and Severity Noise on Sperm Motility and Sexual Hormones in Male Rats
- P-19: The Protective Effect of Vitamin E against Damage Caused by Formaldehyde on The Sex Hormones Level and Sperm Parameters of Adult Male Rats
- P-20: Long-Term Effects of Dexamethasone on Rate of Epididymal Sperm and Fertility in Male Mice
- P-21: Study of The Effect of Oral Zinc Supplementation on Superoxide Radical Scavengers in Spermatozoa of Patients with Asthenospermia
- P-22: Protective Effect of Grapes SeedHydroalcholic Extract against Fluoxetine-Induced Fertility Toxicity in Male Mice
- P-23: The Protective Effect of ZiziphoraTenuior Hydro Alcoholic Extract on Spermatogenesis in Mice
- P-24: Beta Defensin 126 and Its Role in Intra-Uterine Insemination Outcome
- P-25: Effect of Water with Different Temperature with or without Forced Swimming on Sperm Parameters in Adult Mouse
- P-26: Effect of Genistein on Morphine-Induced Injury on Sperm Parameters
- P-27: The Effect of Varicocelectomy onThe Serum Testosterone Level in Infertile Men with Grade (II - III) Varicocele
- P-28: Effects of Resveratrol on Nicotine Toxicity of The Spermatogenesis of Rats
- P-29: Study of The Environmental Effectsof EDCs, Perfluorooctanoic Acid and Diethylstilbestrol on Human ReproductiveParameters and Fertility Outcomes
- P-30: The Effect of The T26248G Polymorphism on Putative MethyltransferaseNsun7 Protein Function and Its Role in Male Infertility
- P-31: The Alteration of SpermatogenesisHas A Correlation with Sertoli Cell Mitochondrial Abnormal Morphology in Cytotoxicity of Testicular Tissue Mediatedwith Monosodium
- P-32: Histological Study of Cauda Epididymis in Adult Rats Treated with Methylphenidate
- P-33: Epididymal Sperm Analysis afterTime Dependant Administration of Methylphenidate in Adult Male Rats
- P-34: Expression of Toll-like Receptor2-3 Genes in Sertoli Cells of Patients with Azoospermia
- P-35: Celecoxiband Silymarin Ameliorated The Varicocele-Induced Inflammation and Oxidative Stress; Evidence for CoxII,iNOS and Enzymatic Antioxidant Status
- P-36: Evaluating The Effect of Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidobacterium on Spermatogenesis Index of Testicular Tissue in Isoniazid-Induced Rats
- P-37: (+)-Pulegone Reduced Cyp19 GeneExpression and Reduced Leydig CellsSteroidogenic Activity
- P-38: Effect of Systolic and DiastolicBlood Pressure on Sperm Parameters inMen Attending to Infertility Clinic
- P-39: Toxic Effect of Acyclovir on Repro
- P-40: Characteristics of Gonadotrophins in Azoospermic Patients in Plateau State, Nigeria
- P-41: Effect of GnRH on Vincristine-Induced Spermatogenic Defects in Basal Layer
- P-42: Declining Trends in Sperm Qualityof Infertile Tunisian Men: A Possible Role of Genital Tract Infections
- P-43: Stereological Evaluation of Induction of Azoospermia after The Using Busulfan in Albino Hamster Testes
- P-44: Investigation The Role of MicroR-NAs in Spermatogenesis and Male Infertility
- P-45: Does Anti-Oxidant Therapy Add AnyExtra Benefit to Standard Inguinal Varicocelectomy in Terms of DNA Damageor Sperm Quality Factor Indices: A Randomized Study
- P-46: Effects of Different Doses of Ethanol on Sperm Parameters, ChromatinStructure and Apoptosis in Adult Mice
- P-47: The Protective Effects of Green Tea Extract on Lead-Induced Testicular Toxicity
- P-48: Evaluation of Sperm ChromatinStructure in Patients with Partial Globozoospermia
- P-49: Effect of Crab Shell HydroalcoholicExtract Induced Apoptosis in ProstateCancer Cell Line
- P-50: Elongating and Elongated Spermatids Manufactured In Vitro from Non-Human Primate Pluripotent Stem Cells
- P-51: Potential Benefits of The Treatment of Leucocytospermia on The Improvement of Semen Quality and Fertility in Male Partners if Infertile Couples
- P-52: Interest of Measuring MitochondrialMembrane Potential of Sperm by Flow Cytometry Technique in The Exploration ofSperm Quality of Infertile Men
- P-53: Chronic Viral Infections and Infertility in Male
- P-54: A Study on The Presence of CD52and CD9 on Sperm in Infertile Couples Who Are Candidate for Intra Utreine Insemination
- P-55: Trolox (Vitamin E) Improves SpermQuality in Oligospermia during Cryopreservation
- P-56: Effect of Cissampelos Capensis Rhizome Extract on Human Sperm Capacitation and Acrosome Reaction
- P-57: Simvastatin Abates Doxorubicin-Induced Teratozoospermia
- P-58: BSO-Induced Oxidative Stress Affects Testicular Ultrastructure, Levels of Oxidative Markers, Testosterone and Sperm Fertility
- P-59: Effect of Microsurgical Varicocelectomy on Sperm Chromatin Packaging,Miscarriage and Pregnancy Rate in Infertile Men with Varicocele
- P-60: Nano-Particle TiO2 Enhances Apoptosis in Testicular Tissue; Evidence for p53, bcl2, cyp19 Genes Expression
- P-61: Inhibitory Effect of Simultaneous Exposure to Formaldehyde Vapour and Noise on Mouse Sperm Kinematic Parameters and Sexual Hormones
- P-62: Evaluation of Genetic Alterations in Exons 3 and 28 of SPEF2 Gene in Infertile Men with Short Tail Sperm Compared toControl Subjects
- P-63: The Effect of Temperatures on Goat Epididymal Sperm Motility in Tissue Culture Media 199
- P-64: The Relationship between Polymorphism in Gene of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I and The Serum Periparturient Concentration in Holstein Dairy Cows
- P-65: Effective Parameters on the Bovine Follicle Stimulating Hormone Expression in The Pichia Pastoris System
- P-66: Optimization of Human Luteinizing Hormone Expression in CHO Cells Culture by Stepwise Reduction in Serum Concentration
- P-67: Quantitative Expression of Pluripotency Specific-Genes in Mouse Blastocysts Produced by In Vitro Fertilization
- P-68: Adipkines Play Major Roles in Sperm Motility and Function in Ram
- P-69: Expression of Leptin Receptor mRNA in Ovine Corpus Luteum
- P-70: Evidence for Differential Gene Expression of A Major EpigeneticModifier Enzyme, de novo DNA Methyltransferase 3b, through Vitrification of Mouse Ovary Tissue
- P-71: Construction of Required DNA Plasmids for Validation of Predicted MicroR-NA Targets
- P-72: Ovine Oocytes Vitrified at Germinal Vesicle Stage as Cytoplast Recipients forSomatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT)
- P-73: Effect of Donor Age on The Expression Stability of GAPDH as A ReferenceGene for Gene Expression Analysis ofEquine Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
- P-74: Effect of Fndc5 Overexpression onCardiac Differentiation Rate of mESCs
- P-75: Effects of Cholesterol Loaded Cyclodextrin on Cat Sperm Vitrification
- P-76: Stepwise Reduction of Fetal Bovine Serum Levels in Chinese Hamster OvaryCells -Expressing Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin- Culture
- P-77: Optimization of Ovine FSH Gene Expression in The Pichiapastoris System byRegulating The Culture Conditions
- P-78: Role of Allopurinol, as An Antioxidant Factor, in Increasing The Number of Received Oocytes and Embryos, and Reduce Apoptosis after Heterotopic Transplantation Mouse Ovarian Tissue
- P-79: The Study of Levofloxacin Antibiotic Effects on Male Sexual Hormone in Wistar Rat
- P-80: Histological Assessment and Oestrous Cycle Restoration after Vit-rified-Warmed Rat Ovarian Tissue Autotransplantation, Using Hyaluronic AcidHydrogel Scaffold
- P-81: Effect of Ascorbic Acid and Albumin in The Sperm Selection Medium
- P-82: Study The Anti-Inflammatory Effect of 1-(1-(4-Chlorobenzoyl)-6-Methoxy-2-Methyl-Acetohydrazide on In Vitro Sperm Activation of Astheno-leukozoospermic Infertile Men
- P-83: Study The Effect of Oral Zinc Supplementation on The Stability of Sperm Membrane of Patients with Asthenospermia
- P-84: Blastocysts Production and Collection in Albino Hamster Using Superovulation and Intrauterine Artificial Insemination in Non-Breeding Season
- P-85: Evaluation of Sperm Fertility Quality in Phenyl Hydrazine-Induced Hemolytic Anemia Impacts on Mice
- P-86: Protective Effect of Vitamin C and Royal Jelly on Sex Hormones on Phenylhydrazine Treated Adult Male Mice
- P-87: Nicotine and Caffeine Intake in Relation to Purported Decline of SemenQuality and Ovulatory Disorder Infertility
- P-88: Expression Pattern of Maturation Genes During In Vitro Culture of Alginate Encapsulated Preantral Follicles Derived From Frozen-Thawed Mouse Ovaries
- P-89: Role of Nutrition Diet with and without Mineral-Vitamin Elements on Superovulation of Mice
- P-90: Effect of Phosphodiesterase Type3 Inhibitor, Cilostamide, on The Developmental Competence of Ovine OocytesIsolated by Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activity
- P-91: The Effects of Mesenchymal StemCell- Conditioned Medium on The Fertilization Rate and Embryo Development inNMRI Mice
- P-92: Assessment of Stem Cells in Adult Mouse Ovaries during Estrous Cycle
- P-93: Understanding The Different KindsFactors of Infertility in Men and Womenin order to Improve The Treatment of Infertility
- P-94: The Effect of Calcium Ionophore A23187 and Ethanol on Parthenogenetic Activation of Mouse Oocytes in Presence of Hydrostatic Pressure and Cy-tochalasin B
- P-95: Influences of Metabolic and Nutritional Status on IVF Outcomes
- P-96: Appositional Expressions of Cyclin D1 and E2F1 Gene Machineries in Mycooestrogen Zeralenone-Induced Apoptosis in Testicular Tissue of Rats
- P-97: A Novel Staining Method of MouseOvarian Tissue for Comparison of Two Different Methods of Vitrification
- P-98: Study of The Protection Effect ofAscorbic Acid on Human Sperm
- P-99: The Effects of Zinc in Vitrification Medium on In Vitro Growth of Follicles Derived from Vitrified-Warmed Mouse Ovary
- P-100: Improved Efficiency of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Sheep by Persecution of Recipient Oocytes with Brilliant Cresyl Blue Staining
- P-101: Developmental Competence of Bovine Vitrified GV Oocyte Selected by BCB
- P-102: Evaluation of G6PDH Enzyme Activity in GV Oocytes Cytoplasm to Recompense The Effects of Vitrification Process
- P-103: Connection of The G6PDH Activity on Fertilization and Developmental Competency in The Bovine
- P-104: Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields on Fertility of F1 Generation in In Vitro
- P-105: Prenatal Effects Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency- Electromagnetic Field (ELF-EMF) on Pathology of Testis in Newborn Rats
- P-106: The Computer-Assisted Vacuolated Sperm Analysis and Zygote Quality
- P-107: Intrinsic Apoptosis Pathway Involvement in Mouse Testicular Tissue Degeneration after Vitrification and Short-Term Culture
- P-108: Stepwise Pattern of Reactive Oxygen Species during In Vitro Development of Cloned Goat Embryos
- P-109: A Histomorphometrical Study ofthe Protective Effect of Grape Seed Hydroalcholic Extract against Fluxetine Toxicosis in Testis Tissue of Male Mice
- P-110: Effect of Oral Zinc Supplementation on Total Antioxidants Status and An-tiperoxidant Activity in Spermatozoa of Patients with Oligoasthenospermia
- P-111: L-Carnitine
- P-112: Vitamin D and Fertility
- P-113: Survey of In Vitro Effect of Resveratrol on Nitric Oxide Secretion of Human Endometrial Epithelial Cells
- P-114: The Study of 9-10 Days Mouse Embryo Forelimb Bud and Immature Oocyte Coculture on In Vitro Maturation
- P-115: Excitatory and Inhibitory Effectsof Nitric Oxide on Development The Cardiomyocyte of Rat Embryos
- P-116: The Catalase Effect on LDH Enzyme Leakage of Buffalo Epididymal Sperm During Culture in Human Tubal Fluid Mediaa
- P-117: Methamphetamine Can Induce Sperm Chromatin Abnormality and Apoptosis in Mice
- P-118: Stepwise Morphometric Changesduring In Vitro Maturation of Goat Oocytein Relation with Nuclear Remodeling and Developmental Competencee
- P-119: In Vitro Assessment of Sucrose for Preservation of Buffalo Epididymal Spermatozoa
- P-120: Evaluation of the Antioxidant Effects of N-Acetylcysteine on Ischemia Damage, Apoptosis Incidence and Restoration of Ovarian Activity Following MiceOvary Heterotropic Autotransplantation
- P-121: Which Developmental Stage is Suitable for Re-vitrification? Compact Stage Re-vitrification or Early Blastocyst Stage Re-vitrification
- P-122: Effects of Cobalt Chloride and Chromium Chloride on Development of Mouse Testes
- P-123: The protective Effects of The Vitamin E on Sperm DNA Damage Induced by Mobile Phone Radiation
- P-124: Protective Effect of Capper Hydroalcoholic Extract on Monusodium Glutamate-Induced damages on The Ovary of Rats; Evidence for Hsp70-2, p53 Genes Expressionn
- P-125: The Pregnancy Success Rate of IVF/ICSI with and without The Use of PGSin Female Partner over 35 Years Old Referred to Tehran Infertility Centers
- P-126: Assessment of Some Trace Elements and Other Criteria of Infertile Patients
- P-127: The Effect of Supplementation of In Vitro Culture Medium with FGF2 on Ovine Embryo Development
- P-129: Prunus Cerasus Effects on Progesterone Receptor Expression in Cumulus Cells
- P-130: Efficacy of Commercial In Vitro Maturation Medium Is Similar to Home-made Medium for In Vitro Maturation of Human Oocytes
- P-131: Effects of Heat Shock during Early Stage of Oocyte Maturation on Meiotic Progression and Subsequent Embryonic Development and Gene Expressionin Ovine
- P-132: The Effect of Different Fetal Bovine Serum Levels on Recombinant Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells, Expressing HumanFollicle Stimulating Hormone
- P-133: Effects of Dietary Earthworm (Eisenia Fetida) Meal and Ethanolic Extract
- P-134: Anti Fertility Effects of Amaranthus Caudatus Extract in Female Rats
- P-135: The Protective Effect of Green Tea Extract on Lead-Induced Oxidative Stress, Apoptosis and Morphometric Changes in Male Mouse Epididymis
- P-136: High Concentrations of Noscapine Induces Apoptosis in Stromal Cells of Endometriosis In Vitro
- P-137: Effect of Different Equilibration, Freezing and Thawing Rate on Cryopreserved Buffalo Spermatozoa Diluted inTris- Egg Yolk Extender
- P-138: Effect of Short Term Storage on Functional Parameters of Post-Thawed Buffalo Spermatozoa
- P-139: Ram Sperm Motility Following 48 Hours of Refrigeration: Evaluation of Different Extenders for The Preservation of Ram Semen in Liquid State
- P-140: Protective Effects of Imedeen on Oxidative Stress Induction Spermatogenic Disorders and Fertility Potential of Cyclophosphamide-Treated Male NMRI Mice
- P-141: Impact of Oxidative Stress Induced with BSO on Development and Dif-ferentiation of Ovarian Follicles in Mice
- P-142: Effects of Main Substrate of Nitric Oxide in The First Half of Pregnancy onTestis in Mice Embryos and Off spring
- P-143: Histomorphometric Evaluation ofSmall Intestine during Pregnancy in Rat
- P-144: Evaluating The Role of Long-Term Administration of Methamphetamine on Sperm Motility, Acrosome Reaction and Chromatin Packaging
- P-145: Efficacy of Simvasiatin in The Prevention of Doxorubicin-Induced Testicular Morphometric-Stereological Alterations in Mice
- P-146: Fertility and Flow Cytometric Evaluations of Frozen-Thawed Rooster Semen in Cryopreservation Medium Containing Low Density Lipoprotein
- P-147: Effect of Phoenix Dactylifera Pit Powder on Reproductive Physiology in Female Rat
- P-148: Effect of A Low Glycemic Index Diet on Insulin Resistance and Reproductive Hormones
- P-149: Antioxidant Effects of Dietary Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) Extract on The Rooster Semen Performance and Sperm Quality
- P-150: Effect of Vitrification on High Magnification Morphology and Fertility Potential of Human Spermatozoa Cell
- P-151: Optimal Condition of IntroducingGreen Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Geneinto The Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchusmykiss) Sperm by Electroporation Method
- P-152: The Effect of Hops (Humulus lupulus L) Extracts on Hormone Levels and Sexual Cells in Adult Male Mice
- P-153: Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Scaffold Containing VEGF and bFGF Affect Oestrous Cycle Restoration after Rat OvarianTissue Autotransplantation
- P-154: Comparison of Ovine Matured Oocytes Quality in SPOM Medium Supplemented with Different Doses of Oocyte-Secreted Factors
- P-158: Effect of Occupational Exposures on Male Fertility
- P-155: Studies of Cytotoxic Effects ofCdSe Quantum Dots on Fetal Development Testis and Epididymis in Albino Mice
- P-156: A Study about Toxicity of CdSe Quantum Dots on Male Sexual System of Mice and Controlling This Toxicity by ZnS Coverage in Immature Mice
- P-157: Polymorphic Core Promoter GA-repeats Alter Gene Expression of The Early Embryonic Developmental Genes
- P-158: Effect of Occupational Exposureson Male Fertility
- P-159: Effect of Silymarin on Viability, Motility and Mitochondrial Memberane Potential of Ram Spermatozoa Treated with Aluminum Chloride
- P-160: The Effects of Vanadium in Vitrification Medium on In Vitro Growth of Follicles Derived from Vitrified-Warmed Mouse Ovary
- P-161: Deleterious Side Effects of Methotrexate on In Vitro Fertilization and Protective Role of Cornus Mas Extract in Adult Mice
- P-162: Comparing The Prevalence of Sexual Dysfunction in The Fertile and Infertile Women Referring to Alzahra Hospitalin 1391-1392
- P-163: Study of Awareness among Pregnant Women Referred to Imam Ali Hospital AZNA City about The Benefits of Cord Blood Stored in 1392
- P-164: Comparing the Socio-Cultural Beliefs of Recipients and Non-Recipients of Assisted Reproductive Donation Procedures
- P-165: The Relationship of Sexual Function and Marital Adjustment with Menstrual Pattern and Factors Affecting on Infertile Women
- P-166: Knowledge and Attitudes towards Long Term Usefulness of Reversible Contraceptives among Females in Reproductive Age in Yazd, Iran
- P-167: Overview on Sexual Health in Male Patients Undergoing Major Cardiac Surgery
- P-168: Attitude toward Governmental In
- P-169: Relationship on Fertility Motiva
- P-170: The Influence of Education on Health Beliefs and Practice of Women Eligible for Breast Cancer Screening byHealth Belief Model in Shahid Behtash Lavizan
- P-171: A Review of The Patient Consent Satisfaction) in Medical Procedures and The Legal Responsibility of Physicians Toward Patients
- P-172: Viewpoint of Infertile Women about Embryo or Egg Donation
- P-173: Viewpoints of Women about Spiritual Resistance of Men against Performing Semen Analysis Test
- P-174: Right to Treatment with Assisted Reproductive Technology
- P-175: Examine The Role of Social-Legal Trainings To Improve Reproductive Health of Women in Traditional Societies
- P-176: Characteristics of Premenstrual Symptoms in Medical Science Students in Tehran
- P-177: The Meaning of
- P-178: Female Genital Mutilation: The Jewish, Christian and Islamic Views
- P-179: Predisposing Factors of Postpartum Depression
- P-180: Prevalence of Premenstrual Syndrome in Female Medical and Dental Students of Guilan University of Medical Sciences
- P-181: Correlation between Maternal Complications with Age
- P-183: Evaluation of Endometrial Thickness on The Day of HCG Administration on IVF Outcome
- P-184: Effects of Licorice Hydroalcoholic Root Extract on Letrozole-Induced Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Mouse
- P-185: Hawthorn Berries Ethanolic Extract Lowered Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome- Elevated RNA Damage in Follicular Cells
- P-186: The Relationship between Spiritual Health and Quality of Life in Infertile Women
- P-187: Poor Endometrium and Repeated IVF Failure: Is That Any Place for Modified Natural Cycle Frozen-Thawed Embryo Transfer?
- P-188: Vaginal Progesterone Effects for The Prevention of Preterm Birth and Neonatal Complications in Women at Increased Risk: A Randomized Placebo- Controlled Double-Blind Study
- P-190: Expression Changes of GDF- 9 and BMP-15 in The Oocytes of PCOS Patients Undergoing Treatment with N-acetylcysteine
- P-191: A Comparison of The Effects of Transdermal Estradiol and Estradiol Valerate on Endometrial Receptivity in Frozen-Thawed Embryo Transfer Cycles: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- P-193: Effect of Calcium Ionophore on Fertilization and Pregnancy Rate in Infertile Patients with Teratospermia Candidate for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
- P-194: Follicular Fluid Adiponectin Concentrations in Follicles in The Luteal Phase of The Estrous Cycle in Dairy Cows
- P-195: Thymoquinone Increases Efficacy of Tamoxifen Induced Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cells: In Vitro
- P-196: Atypical Presentations of Primary Amenorrhea with Multifactorial Etiologies, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea with Transverse Vaginal Septum No Hematocolpos: A Case Report
- P-197: Study about Relation between Cancer, Chemotherapy and Chemical Drugs in Woman Infertility
- P-198: Study Effects of EMF on Pathology of Ovary in Newborn Rats during Developmental Period
- P-199: Comparison of Clomiphene Citrate and Letrozole Effect on Folliculogenesis in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patients
- P-200: Relation between BMI and Age on Laboratory Parameters in Infertile Women
- P-201: Relation between AMH Levels and Ovarian Response in ART Cycles
- P-202: An Overview of The Influence of Trans Fats Compounds on Female Infertility, Pregnancy and Abortion
- P-203: The Impact of Low-Dose Aspirin on Clinical Reproductive Outcomes in Frozen- Thawed Embryo Transfer Cycles; A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Double- Blind Study
- P-204: Relative Frequency of Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection in Infertile Women
- P-205: Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Plasma Lipoproteins in Overweight and Obese Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- P-206: Gestational Diabetes Increased the Astrocytes Density in Cerebellar Cortex of Rat Offspring
- P-207: Deltamethrin-Induced Derangements Correlates with Estrogen Synthesis, Angiogenesis and Oxidative Stress
- P-208: Report of A Rare Case of Endometrial Stroma Sarcoma with Sex Cord Element
- P-209: Evaluation of Common Risk Factors in Patients with Endometrial Hyperplasia
- P-210: Evaluation of Anti-FSH Antibodies Levels as A Prognostic Marker in IVF Outcome
- P-211: Recurrence Rate of Ovarian Endometriomas after A Laparoscopic Excision
- P-213: Report of Clinical Results from 189 Patients Undergoing Microinjection with Long Protocol Addition Prednisolone
- P-214: Testosterone to Induce Mice Models for The Study of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- P-215: Combination of Antioxidant and Ovulation Induction Drugs and Evaluation of Pregnancy Rate in Infertile Women
- P-216: Dual Targeting of TNF-? and Free Radicals Toxic Stress as A Promising Strategy to Manage Experimental Polycystic Ovary
- P-217: The vascular Endothelial Growth factor VEGF+405 G/G Genotype May Influence Embryo Implantation in Assisted Reproductive Techniques
- P-218: The Prevalence of Infertility Reasons among Referred Infertile Couples to IVF Ward of Ahvaz Imam Khomeini Hospital
- P-219: Premature Progesterone Rise (PPR) At HCG Triggering Day Has No Correlation with ICSI Outcome: A Prospective Cohort Study
- P-220: A Two Purpose Use of Orlistat in Obese Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Weight Loss and Androgen Reduction
- P-221: Toxoplasmosis and Female Infertility
- P-222: Ovarian Stimulation for Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients: A Prospective Study
- P-223: Comparing Dietary Intake in Women with and without Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- P-224: Chlropromazine-Induced Hyperprolactinemia on Rat
- P-225: Gene Variations of Toll-Like Receptor 3 in Endometriosis
- P-226: Association of ?-Defensin 126 Gene Alteration with Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection and In Vitro Fertilization Outcome in Unexplained Infertile Men
- P-227: Functional Analysis of The I.a,I.b, I.c and I.d (PII) Promoters of CYP19 (aromatase) Gene in Granulosa Cells of Polycystic Ovaries Patients and The Role of Letrozole and Antisensearom on CYP19 Gene Expression Inhibition
- P-228: Altered Expression of Folliclestimulating Hormone Receptor and Luteinizing Hormone Receptor in Granulosa Cells from Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- P-229: Chromosomal Analysis of Parthenogenetic Mouse Embryos Generated from In Vitro Activated Oocytes by Hydrostatic Pressure and Ethanol and Cytochalasin B
- P-230: Analysis of TEX15 Expression in Testis Tissues of Severe Oligozoospermic and Non-Obstructive Azoospermic Men Referred to Royan Institute
- P-231: Androgen Receptor Gene Expression in Azoospermia Men
- P-232: Gene Expression Analysis of the Histon Variant H2BFWT in Testis Tissues of Non-Obstructive Azoospermic Patients Referred to Royan Institute
- P-233: Study of Chromosomal Alterations and Polymorphisms of MTHFR, Factor V and Prothrombin Genes in Patients with Recurrent Miscarriage Referred to Royan Institute
- P-234: Altered Epigenetic Marks on Chromatin Condensing Genes of Sperm in TESE Negative Men Referred to Royan Institute
- P-235: No Association of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS) -786T/C Polymorphism with Unexplained Recurrent Abortion in Iranian Women
- P-236: Haplotype Analysis of The H2B.W Gene in Severe Oligospermic and Azoospermic Infertile Men Referred to Royan Institute
- P-237: Elucidation The Role of Chromosomal Aberrations in Ovarian Reserve: A Retrospective Clinical Report
- P-238: Lack of Association of Estrogen Receptor Polymorphisms with Male Infertility
- P-239: NGS Mapping Breakpoints of a Familial Chromosome Insertion (18:7) (q22.1; q36.2 q21.11) to DPP6 and CACNA2D1 Genes in An Azoospermic Man
- P-240: Effect of Oxidative Stress on DNA Fragmentation Index in Sperm of Mature Mice
- P-241: Association of ITPA Polymorphisms rs1127354 with Infertility
- P-242: Sex Determination in ICSI Oocytes with Two Polar Bodies Using PGD and FISH, A Case Report
- P-243: Prenatal Diagnosis Using Array CGH: Case Presentation
- P-244: Analysis of Genomic and Cell Free DNA of A let-7 microRNA Binding Site of KRAS Gene Polymorphisms in Endometriosis
- P-245: Vitamin D Receptor FOKI and BSMI Polymorphisms in Women with Recurrent Abortions in Iranian Population
- P-246: Gene Variation of TLR4 in Patients with Endometriosis
- P-247: To Evaluate The Oxytocin Effect on Maternal-Fetal Circulation during Termination of Pregnancy
- P-248: Uterine Synechiae on Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
- P-249: Concordance Rate of Hystrosalpingography and Laparoscopy in Diagnosis of Tubo-Pritoneal Pathology in Infertile Women
- P-250: A Case Report of Postabortal Hematometra
- P-251: Effects of Indomethacin on Postnatal Development of Mouse Testes
- P-252: Protective Effects of Imedeen on Oxidative Stress Induction Spermatogenic Disorders and Fertility Potential of Cyclophosphamide-Treated Male NMRI Mice.
- P-253: Assessment of Some Minerals In Seminal Fluid of Asthenospermic Patients
- P-254: The Effects of Zinc in Vitrification Medium on In vitro Maturation of Oocytes Derived from Vitrified-Warmed Mouse Ovary
- P-255: The Effects of Vanadium in Vitrification Medium on in vitro Maturation of Oocytes Derived from Vitrified-Warmed Mouse Ovary
- Inm-1: Blastocyst Culture: Advantages and Disadvantages
- Inm-2: Evaluation of Informing Patients of The Royan Institute
- Inm-3: Infertile Couples Attitude
- Inm-4: The Effect of Midwives Training in Stress Reduction of Infertile Couples
- Inm-5: Comparison in Prenatal Care for Infertile Patients and Normal Pregnancy
- Inm-6: Molecular Genetic Basis of Infertility
- Inm-7: Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy
- Inm-8: The Effectiveness of OHSS Patient
- Inm-9: Global Approach toward Banking Cord Blood Stem Cells
- Onm-1: Self-Confidence in Women with and without Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Onm-2: Effect of Antioxidant Supplementation Like Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin E and ?-Carotene Supplementation on Semen Quality and Biochemical Parameters
- Onm-3: The Impact of Sex Educational Program on Marital Satisfaction in Women with Sexual Dysfunction
- Onm-4: A Simple Screening Approach for Assessing Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome among Students of Babol Universities in Iran
- P-182: Evaluation Type of Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Its Impact in The Treatment of Infertile Couples
- Onm-5: Sonographic Assessment of Female Infertility: Instruction for Midwives and Nurses
- Onm-6: Evaluate The Effectiveness of Training on Anxiety in Infertile Women
- Onm-7: Association between Infertile Women
- P-189: Gene Variations of Toll-Like Receptor 2 in Endometriosis
- Onm-8: Association between Reproductive and Medical and Human Papilloma Virus Infection in Iranian Women
- Onm-9: Sexual Experiences of Infertile Women: Qualitative Study
- Pnm-1: The Relationship between Spiritual Health and Life Satisfaction in Infertile Women
- P-212: Association between Polymorphisms of CTLA-4 Gene and Unexplained Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion in An Iranian Population
- Pnm-2: Unprotected Sexual Relationship and Socially Damaged Women
- Pnm-3: A Cross Sectional Study to Determine Effective Factors on Prevalence of Anemia in The First and Second Trimester of Pregnancy
- Pnm-4: The Association of Depression and Fetal Sex in Pregnant Women with Sleep Disorder
- Pnm-5: The Comparative Study of Yaz and Ovocept-ld on Patients with Simple Ovarian Cysts Referring to Shariati Hospital of Isfahan
- Pnm-6: Sexual Dysfunction in Women Seeking Fertility Treatment Jahanian Sadatmahalleh
- Pnm-7: Intimate Partner Violence and Antenatal Depression among Pregnant Women in Iran
- Pnm-8: Is Parental - Fetal Attachment Behaviors Different in Pregnant Women and their Husbands who Had Infertility?
- Pnm-9: The Effect of Maternal Age (40 and Over 40 Years) on The Birth Weight, Mode of Delivery and Newborn
- Pnm-10: The Relationship of Sexual Function and Marital Adjustment with Menstrual Pattern and Factors Affecting in Infertile Women
- Pnm-11: Lifestyle Modification; Impact on Infertility Treatment of PCOS Women
- Pnm-12: Can Stress Lead to Infertility?
- Pnm-13: Survey to The Impact of Relaxation on Anxiety and The Result of IVF in Patients with Infertility that Have Been Referred to The Rnfertility Center of Tehran Medical Sciences during 2012-2013
- Pnm-14: Investigation and Comparison of Pop-Smears Due to Pregnancy Inhibiting Methods, in Urban and Rural Women Who Have Visited in Hygiene Centers of Yazd State
- Pnm-15: Studying about The legal nature of Embryo donation
- Pnm-16: Endometriosis: Diagnosis and Intervention (All Things that A Midwife Should Know)
- Pnm-17: Impact of Aerobic Training on Work Ability of Midwives Working in Health Care Centers in The City of Mashhad in 2013
- Pnm-18: Personality Characteristics and Psychological Well-Being in Infertile Women
volume 8
volume 5
- issue 42012-03-01
- issue 32011-12-01
- issue Supplement Issue2011-09-01
- issue 22011-09-01
- issue 12011-03-01