Journal title
International Journal of Fertility and Sterility
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت
- issn :2008-076X
- Publisher :پژوهشگاه رویان جهاد دانشگاهی
issue 2 publication date 2015-09-01
- Volume 9, Supplement 1, Summer 2015 (Presented at 16th Congress on Reproductive Biomedicine and 10th Royan Nursing and Midwifery Seminar)
- I-1: Male Infertility; Past, Present and Future
- I-2: Current Evaluation and Treatment of The Infertile Men
- I-3: Tale of The Tail: Candidate Genes Involved in Sperm Flagella Formation
- I-4: Male Fertility Preservation Options, Current State-of-The ART and Future Implications
- I-5: Multicellular Human Testicular Organoid: A Novel 3D In Vitro Germ Cell and Testicular Toxicity Model
- I-6: Azoospermia Factor in Male Infertility
- I-7: Fatty Acids and Male Reproductive Function
- I-8: Folic Acid and Female Fertility in Natural and Assisted Reproduction
- I-9: Artificial Ovary and Infertility: Application of Natural Extra Cellular Matrix in Ovarian Follicular Growth In Vitro
- I-10: Transcriptomics in Oocyte Mediated Cellular Reprogramming
- I-11: Optimal Strategy Toward Fertility Preservation
- I-12: Objective Embryo Assessment Utility of Time-Lapse
- I-13: The Domestic Hen as Model to Studies Ovarian Cancer
- I-14: Novel Concepts in Molecular Pathology May Open A New Era in Treatment of Clinical Varicocele
- I-15: Assessment of Transcript and Protein Profiles of Infertile Individual May Help to Select Individuals with Low Fertilization Potential Candidate of Artificial Oocyte Activation
- I-16: Tubulin Reversible Acetylation – Driving The Moves and The Moves Behind The Drive
- I-17: The Mechanism of Gonadal Sex Determination
- I-18: The Role of Sex Chromosomes in Female Germ Cell Differentiation
- I-19: Identifying and Overcoming an Epigenetic Barrier for SCNT Reprogramming
- I-20: Quality of Life Measures in Reproductive Health
- I-21: Development and Validation of A Questionnaire Measuring Attitude toward Oocyte Donation
- I-22: The Process for Justification of ARTs in Iran Health System: Ethical and Legal Trends
- I-23: Mild Stimulation in ART
- I-24: New Molecular Aspects in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- I-25: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss; Updates in Etiologies, Diagnosis and Management
- I-26: Surgical Techniques in Tissue Transplantation for Fertility Preservation
- I-27: GnRH Agonist Triggering and Luteal Phase Support
- I-28: Recent Strategies in COS in Endometriosis
- I-29: Fertility Preservation in Early, Low Grade Endometrial Cancer
- I-30: Late Onset Severe Hemoperitoneum after Transvaginal Oocyte Retrieval: Incidence, Course, and Management
- I-31: New Approaches for Luteal Phase Support in ART Cycles
- I-32: Predictive Factors of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- I-33: Current Methods for Fertility Preservation
- I-34: Endometrial Secretome and Its Role in Uterine Functions
- I-35: Emergency Stimulation for Onco -Fertility Patients
- I-36: Updates on Matching IVF Protocols with Patient Segments
- I-37: Triggering Final Oocyte Maturation and Luteal Phase Support-Innovative Approaches
- I-38: New and Old Technologies in the Modern IVF Clinic
- I-39: Exome Sequencing Reveals New Genes Involved in Human Infertility
- I-40: The Genetic Complexities of Human Sex-Determination
- I-41: Lipid Modification of Hedgehog Protein in Testicular Organogenesis
- I-42: Origins and Differentiation of Somatic Progenitors of The Mammalian Gonad Revealed by Single Cell RNA-Seq
- I-43: Expression Profile of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) Signaling Pathway as A Potentional Biomarker in Pathophysiology of Endometriosis
- I-44: Concurrent Whole-Genome Haplotyping and Copy-Number Profiling of Single Cells
- I-45: Color Doppler Sonography of Endometrium in Infertility Patients
- I-46: Color Doppler Assessment in IUGR
- I-47: Doppler Ultrasound Diagnosis of Intrauterine Lesions
- I-48: Ultrasound Deformable Model for Virtual Surgery Simulation of Oocyte Retrieval in Infertility Programs
- I-49: Doppler Study in Female Pelvic Tumoral Mass
- I-50: Gray Scale and Doppler Features of Retained Products of Conception and Placenta Accrete
- O-1: Thraputic Effect of Silymarin, Celecoxib and Exogenous Testosterone on Varicocele-Induced Disorders; Possible Mechanisms
- O-2: Co-Administration of Korean Red Ginseng and Ciprofloxacin May Improve The Sperm Quality and Apoptosis of Testes in Epididymo-Orchitis Rat Model Induced by Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli
- O-3: Effect of Melatonin Treatment on Developmental Potential of Somatic Cell Nuclear- Transferred Mouse Oocytes In Vitro
- O-4: Morphological Analyses and Apoptosis Genes Expression Evaluation in Vitrified Human Ovarian Tissue after Warming, Long Term Culturing and Xenotransplantation
- O-5: Reprogramming of Paternal DNA Methylome during Spermiogenesis
- O-6: Maturation of Spermatogenic Cells in Artificial Seminiferous Tubules
- O-7: Detrimental Effects of Dietary Fish Oil without Vitamin E Supplementation on Cryopreserved Sperm of Iranian Mehraban Rams
- O-8: Study of Peroxynitrite Levels, Arginase Activity and NO Synthase Activity in Seminal Plasma of Iraqi Leukocytospermic Patients
- O-9: Generation of Haploid Spermatids with Fertilization and Development Capacity from Human Spermatogonial Stem Cells of Cryptorchid Patients
- O-10: Formation and Molecular Composition of The Sperm Head to Tail Coupling Apparatus
- O-11: N-a-acetyltransferase 10 Protein Regulates DNA Methylation and Embryonic Development
- O-12: Tubulin Reversible Acetylation – Driving The Moves and The Moves Behind The Drive
- O-13: Evaluation of Leptin Concentration in Seminal Plasma and Its Correlation with Reactive Oxygen Species, Lipid Peroxidation and Pronuclear Formation in Candidates for ICSI Treatment
- O-14: Assisted Reproductive Technique History in Iran
- O-15: Factors Associated with Poor Quality of Life among Infertile Women Undergoing IVF
- O-16: Psychometric Properties of The Persian Version of Prenatal Attachment Inventory (PAI) in Iranian Pregnant Women
- O-17: Development A Questionnaire Measuring Attitude toward Oocyte Donation
- O-18: Framework of Informed Consent and Ethical Codes for Clinical Trials Especially Designed for Assisted Reproduction
- O-19: A Comparison of Pelvic Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Trans-Vaginal and Trans-Rectal Sonography with Laparoscopic Findings in The Diagnosis of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis
- O-20: The Combination of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor and Follicular Stimulating Hormone Promotes Human Follicle Development In Vitro Culture
- O-21: Differential Expression and Epigenetic Pattern of HOX Family Genes in Cumulus Cells of Mature MII Oocytes from Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- O-22: Bioenergy/Oxidative Status of Human Ovarian Tissue Cryopreserved by Slow Freezin or Vitrification
- O-23: Hysteroscopic Polypectomy without Cycle Cancellation in IVF/ICSI Cycles: A Matched Case-Control Study
- O-24: Single Oocyte Secretoma Mapping by NMR-Metabolomics Technology: A Non-Invasive Strategy to Select The Best Oocytes to Fertilize Avoiding Supernumerary Embryos and Increasing Take- Home-Baby-Rate after IVF
- O-25: Serum Stem-Cell-Factor Assay in Elderly Poor Responder Patients Undergoing IVF: A New Biomarker to Customize Follicle Aspiration Cycle by Cycle.
- O-26: Effects of Recombinant-LH Supplementation on The Proteomic Profile of Follicular Fluid from Poor Responder Patients: Focus on Follicular Growth Factors and Oocyte Maturity Markers
- O-27: Low Dose Aspirin Administration During IVF: Molecular Changes Potentially Involved in Detrimental Effects on Oocytes Maturation and Fertilization Rate
- O-28: Role of HOX Family Related Genes in Pain Generation of Endometriosis Patients
- O-29: Aberrant Methylation of Lysine 9 on Histone 3 in PII Promoter of CYP19A1 Gene in Women with Endometriosis
- O-30: The Correlation between Myometrial Thickness and In Vitro Fertilization/ Intracyto- Plasmic Sperm Injection (IVF/ ICSI) Outcomes
- O-31: AMH and AMHR2 Genetic Variants in Chinese Women with Primary Ovarian Insufficiency and Normal Age at Natural Menopause
- O-32: Endometrial Secretome and Its Role in Uterine Functions
- O-33: Usage, Development and Effectiveness of A New Surgical Technique for The Treatment of Severe Adenomyosis
- O-34: Cytoplasmic Transplantation in Oocytes Obtained from Ovarian Tissue Xenotransplantation Lead to Reduced Apoptosis and Higher Fertilization Rate
- O-35: Assessment of Genetic Variations of DPY19L2 in Total Globozoospermic Patients Referring to Royan Institute
- O-36: Evaluation of Genetic Variations in Intron 4 and Exon 5 of RABL2B Gene in Infertile Men with Oligoasthenoteratospermia and Immotile Short Tail Sperm Defects
- O-37: Pseudomalignant Nature of Placenta during Normal and Pathological Gestation Is Regulated by Epigenetic Mechanisms which Can be Exploited To Design Non-Invasive Fetal Dna Markers
- O-38: Concurrent Whole-Genome Haplotyping and Copy-Number Profiling of Single Cells
- O-39: Ultrasound Deformable Model for Virtual Surgery Simulation of Oocyte Retrieval in Infertility Programs
- P-1: Morphine Has Detrimental Effects on Sperm Parameters, Chromatin Quality and DNA Integrity in Mice
- P-2: Protective Effects of Ethyl Pyruvate on Serum Antioxidant Capacity and Testis Germinalepithelium Morphometryin Cyclophosphamide Treated Mice
- P-4: Effect of Chronic Stress on Stereological Properties of Seminiferous Tubules in Adult Male Rats
- P-5: Effect of Chronic Stress on Kiss-1 mRNA Expression in Male Rat Arcuate Hypothalamic Nucleus
- P-6: Effects of Green Biologic Rodenticide, Biorotox®, on Fertility of Male Rats
- P-7: Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiations Emitted by Common Mobile Jammers on Sperm Quality Parameters in Rat
- P-9: Antioxidant Effects of Vitamin E on Sperm Parameters in Adult Male Mice Treated with Nonyl Phenol
- P-10: Protective Effects of Satureja Khuzestanica Extract on Nonyl Phenol Induced Cytotoxicity in Sperm of Adult Mice
- P-11: Differential Expression of mRNA Aromatase in Ejaculated Spermatozoa from Infertile Men in Relation to either Asthenozoospermia or Teratozoospermia
- P-12: Long-Term Follow-Up (18–35 Years) of Male Patients with History of Bladder Exstrophy (BE) Repair in Childhood: Erectile Function and Fertility Potential Outcome
- P-13: The Expression of SOX3 Gene in Human Sertoli Cells of Azoospermic Patient
- P-14: Effects of Gamma–Ray and Silver Nano Particles on Treatment of Human Prostate Cancer Cell line DU145
- P-15: Effect of Consumption of Korean Red Ginseng and Sodium Valproate on Apoptosis of Spermatogenic Cells and Sperm Quality in Pilockarpin-Induced Epilepsy Rat Model
- P-16: Antiapoptotic and Antioxidant Effect of Insulin Like Factor-3 on Sperm of Fertile Men After Cryopreservation
- P-17: Effect of Calcium Ionophore A23187 on Sperm Hyper-Active Motility Patterns
- P-18: Protective Effect of Selenium- Enriched Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Cytoplasm and Cell Wall on Chronic Immobilization Stress-Induced Damages in Testis; Evidence for Apoptosis
- P-19: The Effect of Mice Maternal Diet Supplemented with Omega-3 Fatty Acids on The Testicular Structure of Offspring: Stereological Study
- P-20: Efficiency of Magnetic-Activated Cell Sorting System in Separation of Normal Sperm
- P-21: RF-Amide Related Peptide mRNA Expression in Male Rat Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus during Chronic Stress
- P-22: Codon Optimization of Coagulation Factor IX and Cloning in to The Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
- P-23: The Effect of LIF on In Vitro Growth and Apoptosis Incidence in Vitrified Human Ovarian Tissue after 14 days culture
- P-24: In Vitro Growth and Apoptosis Incidence, valuation of in Vitrified Human Ovarian Tissue Following Treatment with Growth Differentiating Factor 9B (GDF- 9B) and Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF)
- P-25: Characterization of Sheep Ovarian Multipotent Theca Stem Cells
- P-26: Impact of The Preconception Diet and Life Style on Fertility Success in Women Undergoing IVF/ICSI Treatment
- P-27: Study The Effect of Venlafaxine on Oogenesis in Adult Female Rats
- P-28: The Examination of Cranberry Extract on Liver Tissue of Mouse Embryos
- P-29: Antioxidants Improve The Quality of Cryopreserved SSCs
- P-30: The Investigation of Transcript Expression Level of Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A (TFAM) during In Vitro Maturation (IVM) in Single Human Oocytes
- P-31: Effect of Body Mass Index (BMI ) and The Level of Plasma Concentrations of Biomarkers in Semen and Blood Serum in Infertile Men
- P-32: The Study of Morphological Abnormalities in The Sperm of Men Referred to The Center of Infertility ACECR-Arak in The First 6 Months of 1393
- P-33: Ameliorative Effects of Ethyl Pyruvate on Testis Histochemistry, Serum Superoxide Dismutase and Testosterone in Chemotherapeutic Mice
- P-34: Crocin Ameliorate The In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in Mice Treated with Cyclophosphamide
- P-35: Andrological Anomalies of Chromium and Ameliorations by Morus Nigra and Syzygium Cumini in Mice
- P-36: Addition of Zinc in The Vitrification Medium Improves In Vitro Maturation of Oocytes Derived from Vitrified-Warmed Follicles
- P-37: Vitrification of Mouse Ovary in Presence of Zinc in Vitrification Medium: Histological Evaluation
- P-38: Evaluation of Sperm Characteristics in Men Referred to The Center of Infertility ACECR-Arak during The First 6 Months of 1393
- P-39: Protective Effect of Silymarin, Celecoxib and Testosterone on Varicocele- Induced Damages in Testis of Rats
- P-40: The Effect of Methanolic Extract of Avocado (Persea Americana) Seed on Quality and Quantity Index of Sperm in Mice with Diabetes Type II
- P-41: Investigation of Correlation be tween Zinc, Copper and Iron Concentrations in Blood Serum, Testicular Tissue and Epididymal Tissue of Rams and their Associations with Serum Luteinizing Hormone Concentration
- P-42: Concentrations of Zinc, Copper, Iron, lead, and Cadmium in Ram Epididymal Tissue and Their Correlations to Serum Testosterone
- P-43: Micronutrients and Sperm DNA Quality in Older Men
- P-44: Infertility and Non-Steroidal Anti- Inflammatory Drug Usage (An Experimental Design)
- P-45: Xenotransplantation of Mouse Ovaries into Pseudopregnant Rat Uteri
- P-46: Vitrification of Mouse Ovaries Under Magnefic Field
- P-47: Effect of Blastocoelic Fluid Reduction on Quality and Expression of Developmentally Important Genes in Mouse Blastocysts
- P-48: Evaluation of The Effectiveness of Zinc and Alpha-Tocopherol on Total Sperm Count, Apoptosis, DNA Damage, DNA Breakage and Viability of Sperms Under Cell Phone Radiation and Comparison Between These Protocols
- P-49: Protective Effect of Grape Seed Extraction on Dexamethason Induced Spermatogenesis Defect in Mice
- P-50: Evolution of Bovine Embryos Cleavage in Co-Cultuer Mesenchyme Stem Cells (MSCs) Deried from Adipose Tissues
- P-51: Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury
- P-52: Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Promotes The Development of Human Ovarian Early Follicles during Growth In Vitro
- P-53: Maternal Diet, Vaginal pH and Time of Ovulation Effects on Offspring`s Sex Ratio
- P-54: Evaluation of The Acute and Chronic Effects of Different Gold Nanoparticle Doses on Sperm Parameters and Chromatin Structure in Mice
- P-55: Cryopreservation of Rooster Semen Using Hand-Made Cryopreservation Media Supplemented with Different Cryoprotectants
- P-56: Artificial Oocyte Activation Alone Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection in Men with Severe Semen Parameters
- P-57: Evaluation of Nonyl Phenol Toxic Effect on Sperm Quality of The Reproductive System in Adult Male Mice
- P-58: Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Cultures from Human Testis Tissue Cryopreservation and Their Potential for The Future Cell Therapy Applications
- P-59: The Association between Levels of Vitamin E in Follicular Fluid with The Morphology of Oocytes and The Quality of Embryos in Patients with IVF
- P-60: Survival Assessment of Mouse In Vitro Embryos after Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation
- P-61: Effect of 830 nm Diode LASER Irradiation on Human Sperm Motility
- P-63: Protective Activity of Tacrolimus Contralateral Epididymal Sperm Fertilizing Capacity following Unilateral Vas Deferens Obstruction: A Murine Model
- P-64: Anthocyanin Effects on Sheep Oocytes In Vitro Maturation in The Presence of cAMP Modulators.
- P-65: Low-Density Lipoproteins Extractions on Boar Spermatozoa Quality Following Freezing–Thawing
- P-66: There Is No Difference between IVF/ICSI Cycle Outcome in Patients With and without PCOS; A Modified Poisson Regression Model
- P-67: Exploring The Decisions of Iranian Infertile Couples Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Donation Procedures in Relation to Disclosure to Donor Offspring
- P-68: Women Attitudes toward The One- Child and Multiple Children Referring to Obstetric Clinics in Jahrom, Shiraz, Isfahan
- P-69: Perinatal Loss Is Very Tragic Event for The Parents and Staff who Are Contact with The Bereaved Parents. This Qualitative Study Aimed to Explore Experiences of Women Losing Pregnancy or Baby after Infertility Treatment is Done
- P-70: The Use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Reduce Social Stress in Infertile Women
- P-71: The Relevance of Echo Patterns for The Success of In Vitro Fertilization Evaluated in 280 Patients.
- P-72: Health-Related Quality of Life and Primi-Gravid: A Comparative Study of Natural Conception and Conception by Assisted Reproduction Technologies
- P-73: Infertility Is More Prevalent among Cases with Peritoneal Involvement Endometriosis in Comparison to Those with Ovarian Involvement
- P-74: Effect of Suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on Sexual Life for Iraqis Terrorist Attacks Survivors
- P-75: The Association of Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Recurrent Miscarriages
- P-76: The Effect of Maternal and Paternal Body Mass Index on Live Births after Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Cycles
- P-77: Follicular Fluid Concentrations of Interleukin-6, Interleukin-8, TNF-α and Interleukin 10 in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Women
- P-78: Endometriosis and Physical Exercises among Infertile Iranian Women
- P-79: Diet and Risk of Endometriosis among Infertile Iranian Women
- P-80: The Effects of Rosa Damascene Aqueous Extract on Reproductive System of Female Mice Following Formaldehyde Treatment
- P-81: G-CSF Intrauterine and Thin Endometrium, and Pregnancy Outcome, Non Randomized Clinical Trial
- P-82: Antagonist/Letrozole Protocol in Poor Ovarian Responder Patients Undergoing Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection- Embryo transfer Cycles
- P-83: Development of Mouse Preantral Follicles in Fibrin-Alginate Matrix during In Vitro Culture
- P-84: Evidence for Differential Expression of The Pluripotency Factors c-MYC, KLF4 and LIN28 in Normal Endometrium and in Endometriosis
- P-85: Effect of Metformin on Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Level in Women with Infertility and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- P-86: Evaluation of Telomere Length, Telomerase and Telomeric Repeat Containing RNA (TERRA) Expression Levels in Cumulus Cells of PCOS Patients
- P-87: Dietary Patterns in Relation to Ovulatory Infertility: A Case-Control Study
- P-88: The Effect of Micronutrient Supplements on Female Fertility
- P-89: Evaluation of Anxiety and Depression in Women with Infertility
- P-90: Comparison of The Effects of Two Types Fixative in Preparation of Mouse Ovarian Tissue
- P-91: Vitamin E and Selenium Supplementation Affects Aldehyde Oxidase, Xanthine Dehydrogenase/Oxidase Activities In Diabetic Rat Ovaries
- P-93: The Accuracy of Hysteroscopy in Diagnosis of Polyps and Myomas in Patients with Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding
- P-94: Acupuncture as A New Infertility Treatment
- P-95: Seasonal Changes in Hypothalamic Gonadotropin-Inhibitory Hormone Expression in Alectoris Chukar
- P-96: Extensive Fundal Uterine Rupture in Post-resection Bicornuate Uterus in a Term Pregnancy: A Case Report
- P-97: The Effects of Catalase Addition to The Cryopreservation Medium on Follicles Apoptosis and Oxidative Stress in Human
- P-98: The Effect of Primary pH Values of Medium Culture on Expression of Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone in Recombinant Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells.
- P-99: Relationships between Serum Luteinizing Hormone Level, Endometrial Thickness and Body Mass Index in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients with and without Endometrial Hyperplasia.
- P-100: Family Intervention Effect in The Private Lives of Infertile Couples
- P-101: Advantages of Recombinant Follicle- Stimulating Hormone over Human Menopausal Gonadotropin for Ovarian Stimulation in Intrauterine Insemination: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Unexplained Infertility
- P-102: Recurrent In Vitro Fertilization Failure and Hereditary Thrombophilia
- P-103: Polscope Analysis of Meiotic Spindle and Zona Pellucida Birefringence of Metaphase II Oocytes in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patients
- P-104: The Effect of L-Carnitine on Mouse Transplanted Ovarian Tissue
- P-105: Genetic Variation of Kinase Insert Domain-Containing Receptor Gene and Its Association with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
- P-106: Comparative Expression of The Stemness Gene Oct-4, Nanog, Sox-2 and Rex-1 in Normal Endometrium and in Endometriosis
- P-107: Can Combination of Hysterosalpingography and Ultrasound Replace Hysteroscopy in Diagnosis of Uterine Malformations in Infertile Women?
- P-108: Efficacy of Intrauterine Injection of Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor on Treatment of Unexplained Recurrent Miscarriage
- P-109: Cultural Beliefs and Values in Relation to Women’s Preferred Mode of Birth in The North of Iran
- P-110: Evaluations of WBC Crossmatch Results After Lymphocyte Immunization in Women with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion in Sarem Women’s Hospital
- P-111: EGFR, ERK, MEK Genes Expression Level in Cumulus Cells of PCOS Women Compared with Healthy Women
- P-112: PGS-Array-CGH Technique: New Technical Approach to Promotion ART Outcome
- P-113: The Effect of HSP70 Polymorphism in Infertile Male with Varicocele
- P-114: Evaluation of GSTM1 Null Allele in Infertile Men with Varicocele
- P-115: The Role of G22A Adenosine Deaminase 1 Gene Polymorphism and The Activities of ADA Isoenzymes in Fertile and Infertile Men
- P-116: Absence of JMJD1A, A Testis- Specific Histone Demethylase, in Tissue Samples of TESE Negative Men
- P-117: Association of G16129A and T16172C in Mitochondrial D-Loop with Azoospermia
- P-118: Triplet Nucleotide Repeats Expansion (CAG and GGN) of Androgen Receptor Gene in Infertile Patients with Abnormal Spermogram
- P-119: Survey of Genetic Alterations in Exon1 of Androgen Receptor Gene in Azoospermic Patients
- P-120: Evaluation of OGG1 Ser326Cys Polymorphism in Idiopathic Male Infertility
- P-121: Cloning and Expression of The Inosine Triphosphate Pyrophosphatase Gene Variant II in E.coli
- P-122: The Effect of Beta Globin Intron on Human LH Hormone Expression in CHO Cells
- P-123: Genetic Variation of AKAP3 Gene in Infertile Men with Abnormal Spermogram Referred to Royan Institute
- P-124: Comparative Study of The Effect of Fetal Bovine Serum Concentrations on Expressing of Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone.
- P-125: Identification of Novel Missense Mutations of The TGFBR3 Gene in Chinese Women with Premature Ovarian Failure
- P-126: VEGFA Gene Polymorphisms and Its Association with Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
- P-127: The Effect of Beta Globin Intron on Human FSH Hormone Expression in CHO Cells
- P-128: Optimization of Human LH Gene Expression by Codon Usage Adaptation in CHO Cell Line
- P-129: Significant Association of TNF-α and IL-6 Gene with Male Infertility: An Explorative Study in Indian Populations of Uttar Pradesh
- P-130: Piwil2 Reprograms Human Fibroblasts to Germ Cell Lineage
- P-131: The Study of Nitric Oxide Synthase 3 (NOS3) 4a4b Gene Polymorphism in Iranian Infertile Men with Varicocele
- P-132: Analysis of Genetic Variation of Interleukin 1-α in Idiopathic Male Infertility
- P-133: Investigation of Genetic Variations in Exon 6 of AKAP4 Gene in Infertile Men with Immotile Short Tail Sperm
- P-134: Effect of Tribulus Terrestris Extract on Sperm Parameters in Male Mouse
- P-135: Protective Activity of Tacrolimus Contralateral Epididymal Sperm Fertilizing Capacity Following Unilateral Vas Deferens Obstruction: A Murine Model
- P-136: Association of Matrix MetalloProteinase- 2,-9 Overexpression and Imbalance PR-A/PR-B Ratio in Endometriosis
- Inm-1: Development of Quality Indicators for Infertility Care
- Inm-2: Assessment of Relaxation Effect on Anxiety in Infertile Women Undergoing Assisted Reproduction Techniques during Ovulation Induction
- Inm-3: Patient Management in Ultrasonography Department
- Inm-4: A Decade of Cord Blood Banking in Iran
- Onm-1: Maternal Outcomes after In Vitro Fertilization
- Onm-2: Evaluation of The Quality of Life in Iranian Women with Infertility: A Case-Control Study
- Onm-3: Ginseng and Male Reproductive Function
- Onm-4: Body Mass Index and Sexual Function and Infertility in Women: A Cross- Sectional Survey
- Onm-5: Domestic Violence in Iranian Infertile Women
- Onm-6: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Hypnotic Effect in Positive Adaptation And Reduce Anxiety in Infertile Women
- Pnm-1: Infertility in Obese Men
- Pnm-2: Sexual Function in Women from Infertile Couples and Women with Tubal Ligation
- Pnm-3: The Impact of Life Quality in The Incidence of Endometriosis
- Pnm-4: Risk Factors Associated with Infertility
- Pnm-5: Anti-Mullerian Hormone in The Assessment and follow up of Cancer in Young Females
- Pnm-6: The Primary Dysmenorrhea and Complementary Medicine in Iran: A Systematic Review
- Pnm-7: Sexual Function in Women with Cervical Cancer and A History of Pelvic Radiation Therapy
- Pnm-8: Effect of Nutrition in Women Fertility in Iranian Traditional Medicine
- Pnm-9: Association between Air Pollution and Reproductive System Functions
- Pnm-10: Towards Integrating The Traditional Medicine with Modern Medical Approaches in Infertility
- Pnm-11: Male Infertility and Its Effect on Male Sexuality
- Pnm-12: A Survey on The Relation between Patient's Age, Baseline of FSH Serum, Ovarian Volume and Number of Antral Follicles in Anticipating The Response of Ovary to Ovulation Stimulation
- Pnm-13: The Effect of Relaxation on The Compatibility of Infertile Women
- Pnm-14: The Role of Education and Counseling in Infertility
- Pnm-15: Men Role in Reproductive Health
- Pnm-16: The Effect of Pregnancy above 40 Years on The Fetal Health
- Pnm-17: The Effectiveness of Training on Anxiety in Infertile Women
- Pnm-18: Complementary and Integrative Medicine And Pregnancy
- Pnm-19: How Are Prenatal Screening Results after ART Success?
- Pnm-20: Applications of Hysterosalpingography in The Investigation of Female Infertility (Instruction for Midwives)
- Pnm-21: Human Parasitic Protozoans-Infection to Infertility
- Pnm-22: Obesity and Male Infertility: A Systematic Review
- Pnm-23: A Comparative Study of Infertile Couples' Knowledge and Attitudes toward Surrogacy
- Pnm-24: Neonatal Outcomes in Assisted Reproductive Technology Pregnancies
- Pnm-25: The Importance of Reproductive Health
- Pnm-26: Assessment Mother`s Expectations and Satisfaction of Prenatal Training
- Pnm-27: The Effect of Wi-Fi Waves on Adolescent Fertility
- Pnm-28: Dietary Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and The Risk of Endometrial Cancer
- Pnm-29: Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation in Reproductive Function of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Pnm-30: Assessment of The Relationship between Embryo Quality after ICSI and IVF at The Second and Third Days after Fertilization with Mothers’ BMI
- Pnm-31: The Role of Drinking Customs in Increasing The Success of In Vitro Fertilization
- Pnm-32: The Importance of Consultation in Embryo Donation
- Pnm-33: Role of Maternal Age in Outcomes of Pregnancy
- Pnm-34: Effects of Supplementing Mouse Maternal Diet by Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Male Offspring Reproductive Organs after Weaning
- Varicocele-Induced Infertility in Animal Models
- A Comparative Study of Serum and Follicular Fluid Leptin Concentrations among Explained Infertile, Unexplained Infertile and Fertile Women
- Cut-Off Levels of Anti-Mullerian Hormone for The Prediction of Ovarian Response, In Vitro Fertilization Outcome and Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
- Pregnancy Outcome after Office Microhysteroscopy in Women with Unexplained Infertility
- Association of Glomerular Filtration Rate with Inflammation in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Effect of Surgical Removal of Endometriomas on Cyclic and Non-cyclic Pelvic Pain
- Assessment of Correlation between Androgen Receptor CAG Repeat Length and Infertility in Infertile Men Living in Khuzestan, Iran
- Expression Levels of PPARγ and CYP-19 in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Primary Granulosa Cells: Influence of ω-3 Fatty Acid
- Association of Two Polymorphisms in H2B.W Gene with Azoospermia and Severe Oligozoospermia in An Iranian Population
- Blastocyst Morphology Holds Clues Concerning The Chromosomal Status of The Embryo
- Timing of The First Zygotic Cleavage Affects Post-Vitrification Viability of Murine Embryos Produced In Vivo
- Beneficial Effects of Nitric Oxide Induced Mild Oxidative Stress on Post-Thawed Bull Semen Quality
- The Effectiveness of Emotionally Focused Therapy on Enhancing Marital Adjustment and Quality of Life among Infertile Couples with Marital Conflicts
- Effect of Telephone-Based Support on Postpartum Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- An Evaluation of Iranian Judges’ Decisions about The Act of Embryo Donation
- Endometrial Adenocarcinoma in A 31-Year Old Woman: A Case Report
- Laparoscopic Management of Heterotopic Interstitial Pregnancy with Subsequent Term Delivery
volume 8
volume 5
- issue 42012-03-01
- issue 32011-12-01
- issue Supplement Issue2011-09-01
- issue 22011-09-01
- issue 12011-03-01