Journal title
International Journal of Engineering
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1025-2495
- Publisher :پژوهشگاه مواد و انرژی
latest issue> 9 publication date 2019-09-01
- Hemp Fibres as Novel Green Support Material for Immobilization of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
- Investigating the Effect of Underlying Fabric on the Bagging Behaviour of Denim Fabrics (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Flexural Performance of High-strength Prestressed Concrete-encased Concrete-filled Steel Tube Sections
- Seismic Yield Displacement Profile in Steel Eccentrically Braced Frames
- Empirical Seismic Vulnerability and Damage of Bottom Frame Seismic Wall Masonry Structure: A Case Study in Dujiangyan (China) Region
- Electrical Energy Management in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Performance of Porous Pavement Containing Different Types of Pozzolans
- Common Spatial Patterns Feature Extraction and Support Vector Machine Classification for Motor Imagery with the SecondBrain
- DoS-Resistant Attribute-Based Encryption in Mobile Cloud Computing with Revocation
- Comprehensive Design Procedure and Manufacturing of Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor
- Multi-period and Multi-objective Stock Selection Optimization Model Based on Fuzzy Interval Approach
- Multi-objective Solution Approaches for Employee Shift Scheduling Problems in Service Sectors (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Exergy Analysis of a Novel Combined System Consisting of a Gas Turbine, an Organic Rankine Cycle and an Absorption Chiller to Produce Power, Heat and Cold
- Simulation of Dual Fuel Combustion of Direct Injection Engine with Variable Natural Gas Premixed Ratio
- Effect of nGO on Morphology, Mechanical Properties and Thermal Behavior of PLA/nGO Sheets Before and After Thermoforming: An Experimental Study
- Axial Behavior of Concrete Filled-steel Tube Columns Reinforced with Steel Fibers
- Mode Shape Change Based System Identification: An Improvement using Distribute Computing and Roving Technique
- Empirical Seismic Vulnerability and Damage of Bottom Frame Seismic Wall Masonry Structure: A Case Study in Dujiangyan (China) Region
- Land Covers Classification from LiDAR-DSM Data Based on Local Kernel Matrix Features of Morphological Profiles
- Experiments on Coupled Technique for Adjacent Similar Buildings
- Investigation on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Cu-Ti Nanocomposite Produced by Mechanical Alloying
- Experimental Investigation of Porosity, Installation Angle, Thickness and Second Layer of Permeable Obstacles on Density Current
- Particle Swarm Optimization Based Parameter Identification Applied to a Target Tracker Robot with Flexible Joint
- An Investigation of the Seismic Interaction of Surface Foundations and Underground Cavities Using Finite Element Method
- Ballistic Testing and Simulation of Co-continuous Ceramic Composite for Body Armour
- Intrusion of Geomesh in Gypseous Soil Under Single Footing
- Experimental Study on Warm Incremental Tube Forming of AA6063 Aluminum Tubes
- Effect of Mechanical Alloying and Sintering on Phase Transformation, Microstructural Evolution, Mechanical Properties and Density of Zr-Cr Alloy
- Effect of Heat Input on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of AISI 304 Welded Joint Via MIG Welding
- Plant Classification in Images of Natural Scenes Using Segmentations Fusion
- Quay Cranes and Yard Trucks Scheduling Problem at Container Terminals
- Effects of Drying Temperature and Aggregate Shape on the Concrete Compressive Strength: Experiments and Data Mining Techniques
- Modeling and Optimization of Mechanical Properties of PA6/NBR/Graphene Nanocomposite Using Central Composite Design
- Determination of Riboflavin by Nanocomposite Modified Carbon Paste Electrode in Biological Fluids Using Fast Fourier Transform Square Wave Voltammetry
- Collapse Problem Treatment of Gypseous Soil by Nanomaterials
- Catalytic Upgrading of Bio-oil from Ulva lactuca using Amberlyst-15 Catalyst: Experimental and Kinetic Model
- Diagnostics Devices for Improving the World: μPADs Integrated with Smartphone for Colorimetric Detection of Dopamine
- Decimal to Excess-3 and Excess-3 to Decimal Code Converters in QCA Nanotechnology
- Performance Analysis of High-K Dielectric Heterojunction High Electron Mobility Transistor for RF Applications
- Common Spatial Patterns Feature Extraction and Support Vector Machine Classification for Motor Imagery with the SecondBrain
- Hemp Fibres as Novel Green Support Material for Immobilization of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
- Exergy Analysis of a Novel Combined System Consisting of a Gas Turbine, an Organic Rankine Cycle and an Absorption Chiller to Produce Power, Heat and Cold
- Comprehensive Design Procedure and Manufacturing of Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor
- Flexural Performance of High-strength Prestressed Concrete-encased Concrete-filled Steel Tube Sections
- Investigating the Effect of Underlying Fabric on the Bagging Behaviour of Denim Fabrics (RESEARCH NOTE)
- DoS-Resistant Attribute-Based Encryption in Mobile Cloud Computing with Revocation
- Simulation of Dual Fuel Combustion of Direct Injection Engine with Variable Natural Gas Premixed Ratio
- Multi-objective Solution Approaches for Employee Shift Scheduling Problems in Service Sectors (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Cluster Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals for Carbon/Epoxy Composite in Four-point Bending Test (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Two Important Issues Relevant to Torsional Response of Asymmetric 8-Story RC BuildingDesigned with Direct Displacement based Design Approach
- Stress Variations Effect on the Accuracy of Slitting Method for Measuring Residual Stresses
- Dynamic Analysis of a Rotor Supported on Ball Bearings with Waviness and Centralizing Springs and Squeeze Film Dampers
- Improving Performance of Mining Equipment Through Enhancement of Speed Factor: A Case Study (Research Note)
- A Comparative Study of VHDL Implementation of FT-2D-cGA and FT-3D-cGA on Different Benchmarks (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Group Decision Making based on a New Evaluation Method and Hesitant Fuzzy Setting with an Application to an Energy Planning Problem
- Effect of Mo Addition on Nanostructured Ni50Al50 Intermetallic Compound Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying
- Economic Order Quantity for Deteriorating Items with Non Decreasing Demand and Shortages Under Inflation and Time Discounting
- Optimal Design of Magnetorheological Fluid Damper Based on Response Surface Method
- Investigation on Tensile Strength of Friction Stir Welded Joints in PP/EPDM/Clay Nanocomposites
- Elite Opposition-based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Global Optimization
- Catalytic Effect of Metal Species on Enhancement of CO2 Gasification Reactivity of Biomass Char
- A Novel, Simple and Cost Effective Al A356/Al2O3 Nano-composite Manufacturing Route with Uniform Distribution of Nanoparticles
- Implementation of Floating Output Interleaved Input DC-DC Boost Converter
- Evaluating Construction Projects by a New Group Decision-Making Model Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic Concepts
- Reverse Engineering for Designing the Coupling of a 32 MW Rotor-generator by Shrink Fitting Method (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Numerical Study of Electro-thermo-convection in a Differentially Heated Cavity Filled with a Dielectric Liquid Subjected to Partial Unipolar Injection
- Seismic Yield Displacement Profile in Steel Eccentrically Braced Frames
- Electrical Energy Management in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Multi-period and Multi-objective Stock Selection Optimization Model Based on Fuzzy Interval Approach
- Performance of Porous Pavement Containing Different Types of Pozzolans
- Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Fusion Welded Joint of Al-5083
- Standards for Selection of Surfactant Compositions used in Completion and Stimulation Fluids
- Prediction of Gas Hydrate Formation using HYSYS Software (TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Optimization of Double Pipe Fin-pin Heat Exchanger Using Entropy Generation Minimization
- An Approach to Locate an in Pit Crusher in Open Pit Mines
- Image Denoising Using Anisotropic Diffusion Equations on Reflection and illumination Components of Image
- Synthesis of Ethylenediamine-modified Ordered Mesoporous Carbon as a New Nanoporous Adsorbent for Removal of Cu(II) and Pb(II) Ions from Aqueous Media
- Tracking and Shape Control of a Micro-cantilever using Electrostatic Actuation
- Speech Enhancement using Laplacian Mixture Model under Signal Presence Uncertainty
- Multi-objective Differential Evolution for the Flow shop Scheduling Problem with a Modified Learning Effect
- Joint Pricing and Inventory Control for Seasonal and Substitutable Goods Mentioning the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Substitution
- Young s Modulus of Single and Double Walled Carbon Nanocones Using Finite Element Method(TECHNICAL NOTE)
- Studying of Heat Treatment Influence on Corrosion Behavior of AA6061-T6 by Taguchi Method
- Hierarchical Alpha-cut Fuzzy C-means, Fuzzy ARTMAP and Cox Regression Model for Customer Churn Prediction
- Improving Bandwidth-power Efficiency of Homogeneous Wireless Networks Using On-meet Threshold Strategy (RESEARCH NOTE)
- A Fast Immersed Boundary Fourier Pseudo-spectral Method for Simulation of the Incompressible Flows
- Application of Multi-objective Optimization for Optimization of Half-toroidal Continuously Variable Transmission
- An Optimized PID for Capsubots using Modified Chaotic Genetic Algorithm (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Hydraulic Analysis of Water Supply Networks using a Modified Hardy Cross Method
- Magnetic Saturation Impacts on Fault Analysis of Squirrel-cage Six Phases Induction Motors using Winding Function Approach
- Joint Sensing Times Detection Thresholds and Users Association Optimization in Multi-Channel Multi-Antenna Cognitive Radio Networks
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Formability of Cross and Accumulative Roll Bonded 1050 Aluminum Alloy Sheets in Single Point Incremental Forming Process
- Oil Reservoirs Classification Using Fuzzy Clustering (RESEARCH NOTE)
- Fuzzy-rough Information Gain Ratio Approach to Filter-wrapper Feature Selection
- Base Level Evaluation in Buildings with Different Foundation Levels by Soil-foundation-structure Interaction
- An Investigation on the Parameters Influencing the Pounding in Highway Bridges
- Solving Critical Path Problem in Project Network by a New Enhanced Multi-objective Optimization of Simple Ratio Analysis Approach with Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
- Selecting Efficient Service-providers in Electric Power Distribution Industry Using Combinatorial Reverse Auction
- Implementation of D3Q19 Lattice Boltzmann Method with a Curved Wall Boundary Condition for Simulation of Practical Flow Problems
- Parametric Study of Movement Path in Two-dimensional Wing Flow Separation: Experimental Investigation
- Case Mix Planning using The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution and Robust Estimation: a Case Study
- Kinematic Synthesis of Parallel Manipulator via Neural Network Approach
- Buying Group Design Considering the Member’s Interest
- Field Study and Evaluation of Buckling Behavior of Cylindrical Steel Tanks with Geometric Imperfections under Uniform External Pressure
- Buoyancy Term Evolution in the Multi Relaxation Time Model of Lattice Boltzmann Method with Variable Thermal Conductivity Using a Modified Set of Boundary Conditions
- Pattern Recognition in Control Chart Using Neural Network based on a New Statistical Feature
- Considering Production Planning in the Multi-period Inventory Routing Problem with Transshipment between Retailers
- Optimal Control of the Vehicle Path Following by Using Image Processing Approach
- Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Hull Geometry Optimization Using a Multi-objective Algorithm Approach
- Sensorless Model Predictive Force Control with a Novel Weight Coefficients for 3-Phase 4-Switch Inverter Fed Linear Induction Motor Drives
- Effects of Far- and Near-Field Multiple Earthquakes on the RC SDOF Fragility Curves Using Different First Shock Scaling Methods
- Investigating the Effects of Cold Bulge Forming Speed on Thickness Variation and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloys: Experimental and Numerical
- Interpreting the CO2 adsorption on functionalized organic group of IRMOF-1: A B3LYP DFT based study
- Low Dropout Based Noise Minimization of Active Mode Power Gated Circuit
- Voice-based Age and Gender Recognition using Training Generative Sparse Model
- A High Gain and Forward Body Biastwo-stage Ultra-wideband Low Noise Amplifier with Inductive Feedback in 180 nm CMOS Process
- Comparison of Two Computational Microstructure Models for Predicting Effective Transverse Elastic Properties of Unidirectional Fiber Reinforced Composites
- Analysis and Development of Technology Acceptance Model in Mobile Bank Field
- A Prioritization Model for HSE Risk Assessment Using Combined Failure Mode, Effect Analysis, and Fuzzy Inference System: A Case Study in Iranian Construction Industry
- The Effect of Air Fuel Ratio and Temperature on Syngas Composition and Calorific Value Produced from Downdraft Gasifier of Rubber Wood-Coal Mixture
- A possibilistic bi-objective model for a competitive supply chain network design under variable coverage
- Investigation of the Size Effect on the Nano-beam Type Piezoelectric Low Power Energy Harvesting
- Modification of the Properties of Warm Mix Asphalt Using Recycled Plastic Bottles
- Soft System Methodology: Project vs Local Community Interests in Project Social Conflict
- A New Simple Method to Avoid Maloperation of Transformer Restricted Earth Fault Relay during External Fault Events
- Determining the Optimal Maintenance Strategy for Ammonium Hydroxide Production Unit Using Risk-Based Inspection and Analytic Hierarchy Process
- An Improved Hierarchical Control Structure for Robust Microgrid Operation and Seamless Mode Transfer under Linear and Nonlinear Loads conditions
- Adpative Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Estimation Propofol dose in the induction phase during anesthesia; case study
- Energy-aware task scheduling in cloud compting based on discrete pathfinder algorithm
- Memristor Crossbar-Based Hardware Implementation of Type-2 Fuzzy Membership Function and On-Chip Learning
- Modeling the traffic signal control system at an isolated intersection using queuing systems
- An Improvement on Slot Configuration Structure of a Low-Speed Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator with a Wound Cable Winding
- Effects of cold rolling and annealing time on fatigue resistance of AA5052 aluminum alloy
- Multi-objective optimization design and Verification of Interior PMSG Based on Finite Element Analysis and Taguchi method
- Effect of Additional Zirconia on Fracture Mechanics of Bioactive Glass-ceramics Using Digital Image Correlation
- A Study of Blast–Induced Vibration on Oil Pipelines based on Numerical and Field Analysis
- Graph Theoretic Loss Allocation Method for Microgrids having Variable Generation
- Mathematical Modeling & Multi Response Optimization for Improving Machinability of Alloy Steel Using RSM, GRA and Jaya Algorithm
- Numerical/Experimental Study on Downsized Iranian National Engine (EF7) Performance at Low Engine Speeds
- A Latency Reduction Method for Cloud-fog Gaming based on Reinforcement Learning
- New Approach of Deployment of the Multi-static Radars Based on an Aperture Angle and the Probability of False Alarm
- Non-destructive Corrosion Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Steel Rebars in Chloride Media by Smartphone Magnetic and Analog Hall-Effect Sensors
- Experimental Investigation of Brick-Slabs: Evaluation of the Performance and Ductility of Various Brick Materials
- Design of a Printed Circuit Board for Real-time Monitoring and Control of Pipeline’s Cathodic Protection System via IoT and a Cloud Platform
- Design of a Circular Patch Antenna with Parasitic Elements for 5G Applications
- Experimental Work on the Effect of Under-reamed Pile Geometry on the Pullout Capacity of Sand
- Application of Class C Fly Ash and Quarry Dust Mix for Utilization as Subbase Material in Flexible Pavement
- Effect of Particle Size, Moisture Content and Density on the Hyperbolic Model Parameters for Non-cohesive Soil
- The Reliability Assessment of a Ship Structure under Corrosion and Fatigue, using Structural Health Monitoring
- Influence of Tensile Load on Bonding Strength of Asphalt Concrete Containing Modified Buton Asphalt and Polyethylene Terephthalate Waste: A Case Study of Indonesian Roads