Journal title
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1017-060X
issue No. 2 publication date 2011-01-02
- Reiter’s Properties for the Actions of Locally Compact Quantum Goups on von Neumann Algebras
- Separative Ideals of Exchange Rings
- Iterative Method for Mirror-Symmetric Solution of Matrix Equation AXB + CY D = E
- Shen's Processes on Finslerian Connections
- The Structure and Amenability of L^p-Munn Algebras
- Rigid Resolution of a Finitely Generated Module Over a Regular Local Ring
- New Barrier Parameter Updating Technique in Mehrotra-Type Algorithm
- Sequentially Cohen-Macaulay Graphs of Form θ_{n1, ...nk}
- An Opertional Method for The Numerical Solution of Two Dimensional Linear Fredholm Integral Equations With an Error Estimation
- On the Restriction of Characters of Special Linear Groups of Dimension Three
- Cofiniteness of Local Cohomlogy Based on a Non–Closed Support Defined by a Pair of Ideals
- The Brunn-Minkowski-Type Inequality
- Extensions of Nilpotent P.P. Rings
- Stable Exponentially Harmonic Maps Between Finsler Manifolds
- Chebyshev Centers and Approximation in Pre-Hilbert C*-Modules
- Some Properties of Certain Subclasses of Close-to-Convex and Quasi-convex Functions with Respect to 2k-Symmetric Conjugate Points
- A Quasilinear Parabolic Equation With Inhomogeneous Density and Absorption
- An Elementary Method for Computing the Kostka Coefficients
- Bounds for the Regularity of Edge Ideal of Vertex Decomposable and Shellable Graphs
- Two Results about Fixed Point of Multifunctions
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