Journal title
Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :1017-060X
issue Issue 4 (Special Issue) publication date 2017-08-30
- Filtrations of smooth principal series and Iwasawa modules
- Symmetric powers and the Satake transform
- Globally analytic $p$-adic representations of the pro--$p$--Iwahori subgroup of $GL(2)$ and base change, I : Iwasawa algebras and a base change map
- Diffie-Hellman type key exchange protocols based on isogenies
- Theta functions on covers of symplectic groups
- Behavior of $R$-groups for $p$-adic inner forms of quasi-split special unitary groups
- Strong exponent bounds for the local Rankin-Selberg convolution
- On tensor product $L$-functions and Langlands functoriality
- The residual spectrum of $U(n,n)$; contribution from Borel subgroups
- Computing local coefficients via types and covers: the example of $SL(2)$
- On the analytic properties of intertwining operators I: global normalizing factors
- Caractérisation des paramètres d'Arthur, une remarque
- Distinguished positive regular representations
- On the transcendence of certain Petersson inner products
- Endoscopy and the cohomology of $GL(n)$
- On Atkin-Lehner correspondences on Siegel spaces
- Spatial statistics for lattice points on the sphere I: Individual results
- On local gamma factors for orthogonal groups and unitary groups
- Some bounds on unitary duals of classical groups - non-archimeden case
volume 43
volume 42
volume 41
volume 40
volume 39
volume 37
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- issue No. 32011-03-15
volume 36
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- issue No. 22011-01-03
volume 35
- issue No. 22011-01-20
- issue No. 12011-01-20
volume 34
- issue No. 22011-01-31
- issue No. 12011-01-20
volume 33
- issue No. 22011-01-20
- issue No. 12011-01-20
volume 32
- issue No. 22011-01-23
- issue No. 12011-01-22
volume 31
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- issue No. 22011-01-22
volume 30
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volume 29
- issue No. 22011-01-23
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volume 28
- issue No. 22011-01-24
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volume 27
- issue No. 22011-01-24
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