Journal title
مدیریت برآموزش سازمان ها
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :2322-1429
- Publisher :انجمن مدیریت آموزشی ایران
issue 2 publication date 2021-01
- Investigating the role of research teachers in strengthening and developing the research thinking of elementary students
- Designing a Talent Management Model for School Principals: A Mixed Approach
- A qualitative Meta-Synthesis Study on Challenges of Applying Gamified Organizational Training and Development (GOTD)
- Providing a Model of the Antecedents and Consequences of Systems Thinking of Primary School Principals
- Internal Monitoring of the Strategic Problems and Properties of the Educational Management of the Agricultural Bank of Iran
- Investigating the Effect of Group Ethical Conduct on Group Learning Behavior Considering the Mediating Role of peer Justice
- Presenting a Causal Model of Factors Affecting University Brand loyalty among Postgraduate Students of Shiraz University
- Designing and evaluating a model of difficult experiences of primary school principals in Urmia
- Analyzing the structural relations specialist training commitment of teachers to the role of mediator adequacy and self-actualization
- Pathology of the staff training system in Iranian government organizations
- Investigating the Role of Leadership Perceptions, Participatory Decisions and Organizational Trust the Mediator role of Motivational Teachers on Teaching Activities of Elementary Teachers
- Providing a conceptual model for entrepreneurial teacher-student training at Farhangian University