Journal title
مدیریت برآموزش سازمان ها
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :2322-1429
- Publisher :انجمن مدیریت آموزشی ایران
issue 1 publication date 2019-09
- The grounded theory qualitative of the managerial behavior components for formulate of model for Iran's higher education system
- The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice on Relationship between Perception of Organizational Politics with Turnover Intentions and Job Performance among Workers of Educational
- The Role of Strategic Planning Dimensions on Organizational Productivity
- Investigating the Relationship between Student Values and Professional Commitment: Intermediation of Academic Competence of Students Shiraz University
- Interaction of reasoning ability and training intervention in reaction to training evaluation and post training effectiveness.
- Investigating Repleshing the Attributes of the Managerial Wisdom and Entrepreneurship into Different Stages of the Managing Enterprenureship Education Model to Enhance the Entrepreneurial Motivation of Students and Their Management Wisdom
- Examining Educational Leaders Experience of Implementing Teacher-Oriented Educational Monitoring Patterns in Elementary Schools
- The Effect of the Use of Educational Media on the Academic Achievement and Creativity of the High school Students
- Investigating the Possibility of Homeschooling with New Educational Technologies to Deal with Emergency Vacations in Khuzestan Province Schools from the Experts' Point of View (Using the Q Method)
- Phenomenology of Organizational Diagnosis of Schools (An analysis of the Lived experiences of Principals)
- Investigating the relationship between purposeful organizational forgetting and organizational agility with respect to the moderating role of competitive intelligence
- Assessing and Evaluating the Quality assurance of New Teachers Training and Development Programs Using the Importance-Performance Analysis Model