Journal title
پژوهش در نظام های آموزشی
- rank :علمی پژوهشی وزارت علوم
- issn :2383-1324
- Publisher :انجمن پژوهش های آموزشی ایران
issue 14 publication date 2011-11-22
- Electronic Non Formal Education: A Case Study of Tehran Municipality
- The Effect of Raising Morphological Decomposition Awareness on Lexical Knowledge of Complex English Words
- Partial Knowledge in Multiple-Choice Testing
- Educational Styles as Perceived by Tehran Pre-University Students
- Matching Teaching/Learning Styles and Students’ Satisfaction
- Improving Students Learning and Achievement in Mathematics by Using Smart board
- How to Gain Respect as an Educator
- Translation Evaluation in Educational Settings for Training Purposes
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Higher Education in Islamic Republic of Iran
- Internal Evaluation in the Higher Education System: A Case Study in Iran
- From Internal Evaluation toward Quality Assurance in Distance Higher Education of Iran
volume 14
- issue 502020-09-22
- issue 492020-06-21
- issue ویژه نامه2020-06-21
- issue 482020-03-20
volume 12
- issue 432018-12-22
- issue 422018-10-23
- issue 412018-06-22
- issue 402018-04-21
- issue ویژهنامه2018-03-21