Journal title
اندیشه آماری
- rank :علمی-ترویجی وزارت علوم-وزارت علوم
- issn :1026-8944
- Publisher :انجمن آمار ایران
issue 1 publication date 2014-06
- application of crovelli's bivariate gamma distribution in hydrological processes
- The Family of Scale-Mixture of Skew-Normal Distributions and Its Application in Bayesian Nonlinear Regression Models
- An Introduction to Inference and Learning in Bayesian Networks
- Degrees in $k$-minimal label random recursive trees
- Some Results on Equilibrium Distributions
- Bayesin estimation and prediction whit multiply type-II censored sample of sequential order statistics from one-and-two-parameter exponential distribution
- belief function and the transferable belief model
- Meta-Analysis in R Using Package rmeta