Journal title
اندیشه آماری
- rank :علمی-ترویجی وزارت علوم-وزارت علوم
- issn :1026-8944
- Publisher :انجمن آمار ایران
issue 2 publication date 2018-03
- Familiarity with one of the celebrities of statistics
- Determination of the number of components in finite mixture distribution with Skew-t-Normal components
- Bayesian approaches for optimizing warranty length of products
- Comparsion Between Several Distributions of Exponential Family and Offering Their Features and Applications
- Heuristic Approches to Fuzzy Regression
- Fuzzy Robust Regression Analysis with Fuzzy Response Variable and Fuzzy Parameters Based on the Ranking of Fuzzy Sets
- Two-stage estimation using copula function
- The Beta Gompertz Geometric distribution: Mathematical Properties and Applications
- Robust Estimation in Linear Regression with Molticollinearity and Sparse Models
- Hyperbolic Cosine Log-Logistic Distribution and Estimation of Its Parameters by Using Maximum Likelihood Bayesian and Bootstrap Methods