نتایج جستجو برای: sultan abu saeed

تعداد نتایج: 6628  

ژورنال: حدیث پژوهی 2016

The narrational exegeses are a set of sources which Sheikh al-Kuleini has used in the composition of his …. . Some of these works are those of Hisham Ibn Salim, Yunis Ibn Abdol Rahman, Hussein Ibn Saeed, Abu Hamzeh al-Thomali, Mo’lla Ibn Muhammad, Muhammad Ibn Khalid al-Barqi, Wahib Ibn Hafs al-Jariri …. Muhammad Ibn Hassan…., Abdol Rahman Ibn Kathir, and some of the ...

Journal: :پژوهش های علوم تاریخی 0
محسن جعفری مذهب عضو هیئت علمی سازمان اسناد و کتابخانه ملّی ایران

the year 736 ah (1335 ce), death of the mongol ruler, sultan abu saeed, is known as the year in which the ilkhanid government collapsed in iran. in pursuit of legitimacy, however, the ilkhanid chiefs and viziers would give the crown to any claimant of genghis’ parentage and would govern the country under their name. as a result, they would give the rulership to some puppet ilkhans, mint coins i...

Faisal SHAHZAD Muhammad ABDULLAH Abdul Shakoor CHAUDHRY Abu Saeed HASHMI Jalees Ahmed BHATTI Makhdum Abdul JABBAR Hafiz Muhammad ALI Tauseef Ur REHMAN Farah ALI Mian Muhammad Khubaib SATTAR Fayyaz AHMED Irfan IRSHAD

Faisal SHAHZAD*, Muhammad ABDULLAH, Abdul Shakoor CHAUDHRY, Abu Saeed HASHMI, Jalees Ahmed BHATTI, Makhdum Abdul JABBAR, Hafiz Muhammad ALI, Tauseef Ur REHMAN, Farah ALI, Mian Muhammad Khubaib SATTAR, Fayyaz AHMED, Irfan IRSHAD University College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan Department of Livestock Production, University of Veteri...

Journal: :پژوهشنامه نقد ادبی و بلاغت 0
فاطمه مدرسی استاد زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه ارومیه اسماعیل شفق دانشیار زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه بوعلی سینای همدان امید یاسینی دانشجوی دکتری زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه بوعلی سینای همدان

focus of narration is the perspective on which the author or narrator looks at his story. analysis of “focus of narration” and narrative techniques get an important role to discover consistent and accurate narrative structure in fiction. the gerard genette¢s theory of “narrative focus” is one of the techniques through which one can understand the ability of an author to form and shape his work’...

Journal: :Berkala arkeologi 2021

Kajian ini secara khusus bertujuan mengkaji relasi kuasa Sultan Palembang (Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II) pada abad XIX dan Banten Abu Al-Mahasin) XVII di wilayah Lampung berdasarkan piyagĕm Natayuda dalung Bojong. membahas tentang bentuk pesan-pesan politis II Al-Mahasin dalam kaitannya dengan pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh kedua kesultanan tersebut kepada masyarakat Lampung. Berdasarkan hasil a...

Saeed Salehi Magnus Steinby Zoltán Ésik Wolfgang Thomas Thomas Wilke

Trees are among the most fundamental and ubiquitous structures in mathematics. Tree languages and automata on trees have been studied extensively since the 1960s from both a purely mathematical and application point of view. When trees are defined as terms, universal algebra becomes directly applicable to tree automata and, on the other hand, the theory of tree automata suggests new notions and...

Faisal Saeed

Biographical notes: Faisal Saeed is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia. He received his BSc in Computers (Information Technology) from Cairo University, Egypt, MSc in Information Technology Management and PhD in Computer Science from UTM, Malaysia. His research interests are machine learning, data minin...

Journal: :ادب فارسی 0
منوچهر اکبری دانشکده ادبیات دانشگاه تهران مهدی حیدری دانشجوی دکتری زبان و ادبیّات فارسی دانشگاه تهران

muslim mystics have turned to political issues relying on both unity and plurality criteria.  they have explained the characteristics of a mystic politician emphasizing the necessity of mysticism for politicians and even the necessity of politics for mystics. taking a social viewpoint, the early sufis, paid a particular attention to this important matter in their speech and behavior, and invite...

Journal: :Malay literature 2023

Kerajaan Johor merupakan sebuah kerajaan Melayu yang memiliki sejarah panjang. Sejak ditubuhkan pada tahun 1528, direkodkan telah diperintah oleh tiga wangsa berbeza, iaitu Sultan, Bendahara dan Temenggung menyaksikan setiap peralihan kuasa tersebut dilatari dengan peristiwa sejarahnya kompleks. Meskipun perjalanan berkesinambungan dari Kesultanan Melaka ini tidak sunyi hiruk-pikuk pergeseran p...

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