نتایج جستجو برای: s atifaction w ith s tudy f ield

تعداد نتایج: 1091246  

Journal: :Environmental Health Perspectives 2002
Charles W Schmidt

Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] THE aim of th is s tudy was to dete rm ine phenotypic dif ferences w hen BCG in vades m acrophage s . Bacilli prepared from the sam e BCG prim ary seed, but produced in dif ferent culture m edia , w ere analysed w ith respect to th e ability to s tim ulate m acrophages and the susceptibility to tr eatm ent w ith cytokine s and n itr ic ox ide (N...


W ith a re fe ren du m ap ­ proaching that could rede­ fine the position of blacks in South Africa, Notre Dame’s Associate Provost F a the r O live r W illia m s hopes to find out how the U.S. can assist in this change when he v is its the R epub lic o f South A frica over the next three weeks. As a representative of the N ational Advisory Council to U.S. f irm s w ith operations in South Afric...

In-Uk Song Joong-Seok Kim Kwang-Soo Lee

Abnorm al m usc le tone, such as spasm s, rig id ity, and stiffness, fo llow ing acute transverse m ye litis (ATM ) was such a rare m an ifestation that hard ly reported until now . W e experienced a 50 -year-o ld patient w ith ATM assoc ia ted w ith S jögren ’s syndrom e. Furtherm ore, the patients com pla ined pa in fu l spasm s and rig id ity o f le ft lower lim b wh ich begun a fter ep isod...

Jon Louis. Bentley Jon Louis Bentley

The f ie ld of algori thm design is concerned wi th the development of e f f ic ient methods f o r so l v i ng computat ional problems. Although the f ield traces its roo ts to theore t i ca l c o m p u t e r science, recent algorithmic advances have drastical ly reduced the costs of rea l c o m p u t a t i o n s . For this reason it is important that anyone involved w i th comput ing have at l...

Journal: :IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech & Language Processing 2012
Mari Ostendorf

Bioimaging h as c ontinued t o e volve across a wide spectrum of applications from d iagnostics t o pe rsonalized therapy t o m echanistic understanding of bio logical pr ocesses. T he f ield continues t o be c hallenged w ith e ver increasing de mand o n mo re r obust methods and integration with clinical and molecular data. The 2 013 I EEE International S ymposium on B iomedical I maging w il...

Journal: :Environmental Health Perspectives 2002
M Costa

Corresponding Author Fax : 806–742–2712 Email: x le fk@ttac s.ttu.edu RHEUMATOID arthritis (RA) is character ized by an abnorm al cellular and cytokine in filtration of in flam ed join ts . Th is s tudy addre sses a previously unrecogn ized in te raction be tw een neutrophilic-m yeloperox idase (MPO) and m acrophages (Mø) w h ich could ex plain th e perpe tuation of in flam m ation associated w...

Kaiyu Guan Eric F. Wood David Medvigy John S. Kimball Ming Pan Kelly K. Caylor Justin Sheffield Xiangtao Xu Matthew O. Jones

This paper presents a continental-scale phenologica l analysis o f African savannas and woodlands. We app ly an array o f synerg is tic ve g e ta tio n and hyd ro log ica l data records from sate llite rem ote sensing and m ode l s im u la tions to exp lo re the in fluence o f ra iny season t im in g and d u ra tio n on reg iona l land surface ph e no lo g y and ecosystem structu re . We fin d ...

Journal: :NASA contractor report. NASA CR. United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 1968
J S Lukas K D Kryter

T h i s r e p o r t p r e s e n t s the r e s u l t s o f e x p e r i m e n t s o n t h e s t a r t l i n g a n d a w a k e n i n g e f f e c t s o f s o n i c booms. The o b j e c t i v e s o f the s tudy were (1) t o bu i ld and test a dev ice and a s soc ia t ed room where one could simul a t e the e f f e c t s o f s o n i c booms on a room i n a house, and (2) t o conduct s t u d i e s of ...

Max Herberhold Silke Gerstmann Wolfgang Milius Bernd Wrackmeyer

Sulfur d iim ides R '(N S N )R 2 (1) w ith d ifferen t su b s titu en ts R 1 a n d /o r R 2 o r w ith fu n c tio n al g ro u p s reac t w ith h ex ach lo ro d is ilan e (2) o r o c ta ch lo ro tr is ila n e (3) to give the co rre sp o n d in g d iam in o su lfan es (4, 5) in q u a n tita tiv e yield. T he fo rm a tio n o f cyclic in te rm ed iates p rio r to the redox p rocess is d iscussed . T...

honoring King

W A SH IN G TO N — The Senate, in a b it te r rev iva l o f the c iv il r igh ts debates o f the 1960s, crushed 76 to 12 on Tuesday e ffo rts by Republican Jesse Helm s to b lo ck establishm ent o f a federa l h o lid a y h o n o rin g the late Dr. M artin Lu the r K in g Jr. Leading a sm all g roup o f co n ­ servatives, the N o rth C arolina Senator said K in g ’s a ffilia tions w ith “ far l...

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