:bulletin of the iranian mathematical society2013
z. ghorbani m. lashkarizadeh bami
in this paper we study the concept of ph-biatness ofa banach algebra a, where ph is a continuous homomorphism on a.we prove that if ph is a continuous epimorphism on a and a hasa bounded approximate identity and a is ph- biat, then a is ph-amenable. in the case where ph is an isomorphism on a we showthat the ph- amenability of a implies its ph-biatness.
In this paper we study the concept of ph-biatness ofa Banach algebra A, where ph is a continuous homomorphism on A.We prove that if ph is a continuous epimorphism on A and A hasa bounded approximate identity and A is ph- biat, then A is ph-amenable. In the case where ph is an isomorphism on A we showthat the ph- amenability of A implies its ph-biatness.
:iranian journal of science and technology (sciences)2010
a. pourabbas
–a notion of amenability for topological semigroups is introduced. a topological semigroup s iscalled johnson amenable if for every banach s -bimodule e , every bounded crossed homomorphism froms to e* is principal. in this paper it is shown that a discrete semigroup s is johnson amenable if and only if1(s) is an amenable banach algebra. also, we show that if a topological semigroup s is johns...
:journal of sciences, islamic republic of iran2010
m. eshaghi gordji
let a be a banach algebra. a is called ideally amenable if for every closed ideal i of a, the first cohomology group of a with coefficients in i* is trivial. we investigate the closed ideals i for which h1 (a,i* )={0}, whenever a is weakly amenable or a biflat banach algebra. also we give some hereditary properties of ideal amenability.
In this paper we introduce two symmetric variants of amenability, symmetric module amenability and symmetric Connes amenability. We determine symmetric module amenability and symmetric Connes amenability of some concrete Banach algebras. Indeed, it is shown that $ell^1(S)$ is a symmetric $ell^1(E)$-module amenable if and only if $S$ is amenable, where $S$ is an inverse semigroup with subsemigr...
In this paper we introduce the notion of $varphi$-commutativity for a Banach algebra $A$, where $varphi$ is a continuous homomorphism on $A$ and study the concept of $varphi$-weak amenability for $varphi$-commutative Banach algebras. We give an example to show that the class of $varphi$-weakly amenable Banach algebras is larger than that of weakly amenable commutative Banach algebras. We charac...