نتایج جستجو برای: muslim thinkers

تعداد نتایج: 13389  

ژورنال: اندیشه نوین دینی 2005
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  There are three views among Muslim thinkers concerning the nature of knowledge. Fakhr al-Din Razi holds that knowledge is self- evident and notdefinable, while Juwaini and his pupil Ghazzali hold that the concept of knowledge is theoretical and its definition is also too hard. There is another approach by the majority of Muslim theologians and philosophers who maintain that the concept of kn...

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The revolution is the broadest and fastest change in a society, which is both the result of change and a factor for subsequent changes; The present article with a comparative method and library tools; Aiming to make a comparative study of the approach of Shiite and Sunni Muslim thinkers towards the Islamic Revolution. Research findings show that in the minds of Sunni thinkers, the priority is t...

Journal: :سیاست 0
سیدرحیم ابوالحسنی

this paper is to examine the hypothsis that in view of some muslim's thinkers, every political system has been formed in the last period of prev ious political system by some of the usefulness competents simple – minded, truthfulness, bravery men. but ofter victory, these competents are contaminated to power corruption by themselves. they are also inclined to sociological and psychological...

Journal: :International Journal of Engineering & Technology 2018

Journal: :international journal of political science 0

the counseling system is the one of the basis on which all social and political affairs are presented and investigated through public and political consultation in the form of discussions and free conversations. in the counseling system, it is the public wisdom and agreement that leads to the selection and determination of rulers, social and political constructs and institutions, codifying and ...

Journal: : 2021

Islam has presented a unique and different theory about the sources essence of knowledge. This is linked with idea oneness god (Tawheed) by Islam. The omnipotent Allah source prophet (PBUH) laid great stress on importance His approach was finest all. He even declares sort emergency for acquisition views sayings learned as reflect his educational thought. step taken khulfa Rashidecn disseminatio...

Swanee Hunt

Exotic tales and dramatic details about Muslim women’s views of Bosnian society are uncommon. In fact, few Muslim women in Bosnia are overtly Islamic in appearance or action. Rather, they blend into a secularized society in which Islamic heritage provides traditions and values, not dogma. Despite this assimilation, 12 Bosnian women relate 3 different but connected features of their lives: the e...

Tobias Müller Pervaiz Nazir

The public and academic debate on the relation between Islam and secularism has been forcefully revived since 9/11 and the “Arab Spring”. Especially essentialist and monolithic depictions by Western scholars have claimed the incompatibility of Islam with secularism as a prerequisite for democracy. Another strand of literature claims that evidence of Islam’s democratic essence (Esposito and Voll...

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