نتایج جستجو برای: mesner matrix

تعداد نتایج: 364763  

Journal: :transactions on combinatorics 2014
mojgan emami ozra naserian

we denote by $ls[n](t,k,v)$ a large set of $t$-$(v,k,lambda)$ designs of size $n$, which is a partition of all  $k$-subsets ofa $v$-set into $n$ disjoint  $t$-$(v,k,lambda)$ designs and$n={v-t choose k-t}/lambda$.   we use the notation$n(t,v,k,lambda)$ as the maximum possible number of mutuallydisjoint cyclic $t$-$(v,k,lambda)$designs. in this paper we givesome new bounds for $n(2,29,4,3)$ and ...

Journal: :Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 2005

Ada Chan Akihiro Munemasa

Let A be an association scheme on q ≥ 3 vertices. We show that the Bose-Mesner algebra of the generalized Hamming scheme H(n,A), for n ≥ 2, is not the Nomura algebra of a type II matrix. This result gives examples of formally self-dual Bose-Mesner algebras that are not the Nomura algebras of type II matrices.

Ada Chan Rie Hosoya

We determine the Nomura algebras of the type-II matrices belonging to the Bose-Mesner algebra of a conference graph. 1 Type-II Matrices and Nomura Algebras We say that an n × n matrix W with complex entries is type II if W (j, i)(W)(i, j) = 1 n for i, j = 1, . . . , n. So a type-II matrix is invertible and has no zero entry. We use I and J to denote the identity matrix and the matrix of all one...

Journal: :J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 1999
Brian Curtin Kazumasa Nomura

A spin model is a square matrix W satisfying certain conditions which ensure that it yields an invariant of knots and links via a statistical mechanical construction of V. F. R. Jones. Recently F. Jaeger gave a topological construction for each spin model W of an association scheme which contains W in its Bose Mesner algebra. Shortly thereafter, K. Nomura gave a simple algebraic construction of...


Type II matrices were introduced in connection with spin models for link invariants. It is known that a pair of Bose-Mesner algebras (called a dual pair) of commutative association schemes are naturally associated with each type II matrix. In this paper, we show that type II matrices whose Bose-Mesner algebras are imprimitive are expressed as so-called generalized tensor products of some type I...


A spin model is a square matrix that encodes the basic data for a statistical mechanical construction of link invariants due to V.F.R. Jones. Every spin model W is contained in a canonical Bose-Mesner algebra N (W ). In this paper we study the distance-regular graphs whose Bose-Mesner algebra M satisfies W ∈ M ⊆ N (W ). Suppose W has at least three distinct entries. We show that is 1-homogeneou...


A type II matrix is a square matrix W with non-zero complex entries such that the entrywise quotient of any two distinct rows of W sums to zero. Hadamard matrices and character tables of abelian groups are easy examples, and other examples called spin models and satisfying an additional condition can be used as basic data to construct invariants of links in 3-space. Our main result is the const...

Journal: :Discrete Mathematics 2010
Yoomi Rho

In 1977, Ganter and Teirlinck proved that any 2t× 2t matrix with 2t nonzero elements can be partitioned into four submatrices of order t of which at most two contain nonzero elements. In 1978, Kramer and Mesner conjectured that any mt× nt matrix with kt nonzero elements can be partitioned into mn submatrices of order t of which at most k contain nonzero elements. In 1995, Brualdi et al. showed ...

Journal: :Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 2021

We consider bordered complex Hadamard matrices whose core is contained in the Bose-Mesner algebra of a strongly regular graph. Examples include matrix conference graph due to J. Wallis, F. Szollősi, and family given by Singh Dubey. In this paper, we prove that there are no other

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