نتایج جستجو برای: kripke
تعداد نتایج: 2429 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
Artikulu honetan, lehen pertsonako “ni” izenordainari buruz Kripkek dituenikuskerez ari naiz. Nire asmoa da erakustea Saul Kripkeren geroagoko ikuskera nola urruntzenden Naming and Necessityn esplikatu zituenetatik, eta John Perryren azalpenarekinalderatzea; gertuago dago Perryrena hasierako baieztapenetatik. biartikulu eztabaidatzen ditut, “Frege’s Theory of Sense Reference” “The First Person”...
Quantum Kripke frames and other related kinds of Kripke frames are introduced. The inner structures of these Kripke frames are studied in detail, and many of them turn out to form nice geometries. To be precise, geometric frames, which are more general than quantum Kripke frames, correspond to projective geometries with a pure polarity; and quantum Kripke frames correspond to irreducible Hilber...
This is a sequel to two previous papers, where it was shown that, for the Heyting propositional calculus H, we can give Kripke-style models whose accessibility relation R need not be a quasi-ordering relation, provided we have: x\=A &Vy(xRy=* y VA). From left to right, this is the heredity condition of standard Kripke models for H, but, since R need not be reflexive, the converse is not automat...
Kripke frames (and models) provide a suitable semantics for sub-classical logics; for example Intuitionistic Logic (of Brouwer and Heyting) axiomatizes the reflexive and transitive Kripke frames (with persistent satisfaction relations), and the Basic Logic (of Visser) axiomatizes transitive Kripke frames (with persistent satisfaction relations). Here, we investigate whether Kripke frames/models...
We investigate the relation between intermediate predicate logics based on countable linear Kripke frames with constant domains and Gödel logics. We show that for any such Kripke frame there is a Gödel logic which coincides with the logic defined by this Kripke frame on constant domains and vice versa. This allows us to transfer several recent results on Gödel logics to logics based on countabl...
We propose a notion of the Kripke-style model for intersection logic. Using game interpretation, we prove soundness and completeness proposed semantics. In other words, formula is provable (a type inhabited) if only it forced in every model. As by-product, obtain another proof normalization Barendregt–Coppo–Dezani assignment system.
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