نتایج جستجو برای: kalam on wickedness hussein emadzadeh1

تعداد نتایج: 8409596  

Journal: :پژوهشنامه ثقلین 0
حسین عمادزاده دانشجوی دکتری کلام امامیه دانشگاه تهران و مدرس دانشگاه آزاد واحد گچساران مهدی فرمانیان استادیار دانشگاه ادیان و مذاهب قم

viewpoint ofimamiehilm al-kalam on wickedness hussein emadzadeh1,dr. mahdi farmanian21- ph.d. student ofimamiehilm al-kalam, tehran university (farabi campus), instructor at islamic azad university of gachsaran, corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] assistant professor, university of religions and denominationsabstractscholars before khawja that were living at a time when ilm a...

Juliette Blevins Andrew Pawley

Kalam is a Trans New Guinea language of Papua New Guinea. Kalam has two distinct vowel types: full vowels /a e o/, which are of relatively long duration and stressed, and reduced central vowels, which are shorter and often unstressed, and occur predictably within word-internal consonant clusters and in monoconsonantal utterances. The predictable nature of the reduced vowels has led earlier rese...

Journal: :فلسفه دین 0
مسلم محمدی استادیار دانشکده فقه و فلسفه پردیس قم، دانشگاه تهران

the philosophy of kalam science is an external view about kalam that focuses on conceptual and confirmative principles like: definition, subject, the origins of emanation, approaches, historical stages, and other general criteria. from martyr motahharii’s point of view the function of kalam, as a completely islamic knowledge is the clarification of islamic proofs and defense of religious misgiv...

Journal: :American journal of physical anthropology 1986
J C Long J M Naidu H W Mohrenweiser H Gershowitz P L Johnson J W Wood P E Smouse

The research presented focuses on genetic variation in the Gainj- and Kalam-speaking peoples of highland Papua New Guinea. The primary data are typings at 51 genetic loci observed on 600 individuals who reside in 21 census units, called parishes. These data are augmented by cultural and demographic information that has also been collected. Parish sizes are small, ranging from 20 to about 200 in...


Yishai Cohen raises three related objections to the kalam cosmological argument . Firstly, Cohen argues that, if the argument against the possibility of an actual infinite, which is used to support the kalam cosmological argument, is sound, then a predetermined endless future must also be impossible . Secondly, Cohen argues that the possibility of a predetermined endless future entails the poss...

Gillipsie Minhas

The strength of this book by Dr. Kalam is that it has been written in an easy to understand language, where he presents some of the most difficult issues our country is facing today in a very simple way. The book has been divided into nine short chapters, each one of them dealing with various themes. Each chapter begins with a quote and ends with a summary giving the reader something to think a...

ژورنال: پژوهش های فلسفی 2017

One important question that the emergence of philosophical or rational Kalam has raised is what rationalism in the so-called Kalami (theological) schools actually means. This paper investigates the answers to the aforementioned question in Shi’a Kalam. Also, we have a comparative look at the philosophical Kalam and the rational one, concluding the identity of Shi’a Kalam with Shi’a philosophy. ...

Janet E. Burge Raymond McCall

Horst Rittel defined his wicked problems theory to differentiate wicked problems, which are open-ended and controversial, from tame problems, which have a single correct solution. Rittel identified ten properties of wicked problems but did not indicate if all of these properties needed to hold before something could be deemed wicked. Failure to correctly classify a problem as wicked is likely t...

John Byl

This paper examines the Kalam cosmological argument, as put forward by William Craig. Craig infers the existence of a personal God from the supposedly finite past of the universe. The temporal finiteness of the universe is based upon philosophical arguments for the presumed impossibility of an actual infinity of past events and is confirmed by two lines of scientific evidence. The arguments aga...

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